The Astral Pulse

Astral Chat => Welcome to Members Introductions! => Topic started by: Nomennescio on August 16, 2020, 04:26:35

Title: New to the forum, not the subject
Post by: Nomennescio on August 16, 2020, 04:26:35
Hi Nomennescio here, figured I'd hop on this form to see what all the fuss is about. Before I start I'd just like to state that I'm rather dysiclix dislixic dislexic, ... I think they made that word hard to spell on porpoise. Anyway please forgive bad spelling and horrific grammar.

I've heard all kinds of things about astral projection. I'd like to calm I have a scene of it, even if I don't know all the terminology. I don't really talk to much about my astral experiences with others. Granted I don't often have astral experiences anymore, I've intentionally put a damper on that. However Lucid dreaming seems to be my specialty, despite having tried to damper that as well.

To put it simply I was addicted to astral, out of body, day dreaming, and especially lucid dreaming as a kid, anything that let me escape reality. Took years to kick the habit, but still have trouble not lucid dreaming. I've managed to make due with it, so not really looking for help or anything, just giving background to my experiences. What I'm hoping to get out of this forum is just communication with others on the same subject, I've hit the limits of what I can do without outside interference. Hopefully this forum can stir up some new possibility.
Title: Re: New to the forum, not the subject
Post by: Nameless on August 17, 2020, 03:27:07
Hi Nom, I don't know either but your name is pretty awesome. :-)

Look around and check out the stickies, they can be found in dark blue in each of the main categories.

To our core members, this is my son. He's had some extensive experiences but I'll let him decide what to share and when. And yes, he is dyslexic as you can tell but don't let him fool ya.

Welcome to the forum Son.
Title: Re: New to the forum, not the subject
Post by: LightBeam on August 17, 2020, 04:00:51
Yay, how exciting to have our dear friend Nameless' son with us! Welcome, N.N! These experiences can be very exciting if you put in place good expectations. To me, this is like free vacations anywhere in the multiverse. Who wouldn't want that :)
Title: Re: New to the forum, not the subject
Post by: LightBeam on August 17, 2020, 04:03:26
Quote from: LightBeam on August 17, 2020, 04:00:51
Yay, how exciting to have our dear friend Nameless' son with us! Welcome, N.N! These experiences can be very exciting if precondition your mind with good expectations. To me, this is like free vacations anywhere in the multiverse. Who wouldn't want that :)
Title: Re: New to the forum, not the subject
Post by: EscapeVelocity on August 17, 2020, 04:35:42
Welcome Nom!

Share what you feel comfortable with, but I would love to hear about your earliest remembered experiences.


Title: Re: New to the forum, not the subject
Post by: Nomennescio on August 17, 2020, 23:13:38
Hi LightBeam and EscapeVelocity, nice to meet y'all. Also Hi mom.

LightBeam, Yeah free vacations are great but additive, in my personal experiences it takes to much joy out of realty. Course not saying LDing is bad, just that moderation is key to maintaining a healthy happy life.

EscapeVelocity, as far as my earliest experiences most are long lost in the files. I'd have better luck trying to recall the first time I went to sleep and not hand a experience. With didn't be come notable till around 9. Tho I do plan on sharing some of my more interesting LDs and other experiences so just keep a look out.
Title: Re: New to the forum, not the subject
Post by: Lumaza on September 24, 2020, 05:02:52
 I know I am late to the party here. I wanted to say Welcome Nome as well!  :-)

I wanted to also say that your Mom here has earned our highest respect through the years of her being a Member and then transitioning over to a Moderator. I definitely consider her a like minded, good natured and good hearted "Friend"!  :-)

Enjoy your stay here. There is a plethora of information to be found here. There are also threads that are geared just to help those in need here, like this one here.