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Aerokinesis, Biokinesis, Electrokinesis

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i can totally shut down my body in meditation so how will htis help the circulation of electrokenises to happen coz i do feel my body being charged


No, I dont "imagine" things I see stuff your natural eyes can't
see unless you open/unlock your "3rd eye".
It's like having a pair of glasses that enables you to see the things which are "spiritaul/Invisable". There are many things are in our
every day lives that we do not see, because your eyes are not opened to see them...but once they are opened no one will be able to tell other wise cause you would've seen it for your self.

Well if your body is shut down or relaxed this enables the chi/ki to
flow better. What are your intentions in this exercise?


ok so I think I'm electrokinetic, but I'm not really 100% sure.  Here's why I think I am:  I often shock people (and myself, on accident [:D]), which isn't saying I am but...a few weeks ago I was at work when the power went out.  At the time I was pretty stressed too.  Coincidence right?  Except the VERY NEXT DAY I was at school, about to donate blood (my rare O positive blood [;)]) and there was ANOTHER POWEROUT.  And that time I was only a little bit nervous.  I think it's more than coincidence.  But now I need to know how to control it!  I've been tryin to find out stuff online about it, but all I got was stuff about psi balls (which I tried, but it didn't work so I gave up after a few tries).  Does anyone know how to control it/activate it?  Please reply.  Thanks.


[?] can anyone please tell me the steps to doing electrokenises and what to do and what not to do please?


so we cant see the sparks so we dnt know if its working and we hav to unlock third eye to see sparks and then shock other objects to see where doing it right?[:P]

kairi i agree with you also!!![?]


not all the time...i've seen sparks, my friends have seen me make sparks too.  One of these days I'll get a pic of it for all you.  But for now take my word for it.  Works best in the dark (duh) but we saw mine in the light so eh, expirement.


I mean no offense by this once so ever so don't take this wrong but, for the people who post a message on this (I think) good thread saying, "How do I do EK, TK, woo woo woo."  You obviously have not even attempted to read this thread, the techniques That are said on this thread and questions That are answered are very useful.  Again I say Read this whole thread before asking and keep this thread as useful as possible instead of throwing senseless messages.  I know this sounds very rude, I have a hang over and know No other way of saying it right now lol.  So for the people who can't take the time to read first, and I again for the 8th time apologize if I'm rude, and Welcome to Astral Pulse for the new members, But you must keep this Tip in mind that if you enter a thread before reading it (not skimming it), and ask a questions that has been answered and discussed, It defeats the purpose of these threads.  The threads (in my opinion) are training tools from other people, but I kind of hate it when a thread is turned into a,
"I went to the mall today and..." Or a,
"How do I do this and that even though it was mentioned on page 2?"
[;)]  Think about this.... If the threads are kept orderly, you can Print it and create your own reference book of techniques and Massive amount of knowledgeable training pieces that you can look back on for years.
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


so no one has succeded in this yet?
if so can someone twell me a really gud tek if there is


i hav it the perfect teknique!!!
ready? okay its!!!

winto green life savers!!!
ha ha

has any one heard of this?


Javascript:yeah();i just started and i was wondering is it required that you lear telekinesis before electro kinesis or can you learn it in any order if you do need to learn tk first could you guys give me some good sites for begining people such as myself
javascript:insertsmilie('[:)]')i know i can do it and i am willing to put in the time


the night before last, I tried a Electrokinesis. And it worked! I did a few relaxation exercises. Then I visualised sparks, and electricity running through my body and veins. My body felt very heavy and charged, like I'd put my hands on a plug with wet hands (but much, much less intense) I opened my eyes and saw faint grey lines coming from the tips of my fingers!


kerrblur and mustard I dont know if this is really something but I can feel, Pull/push of things when I hold my hand close. For example. When I try to touch glass I feel a pull and when i try to touch things like the computer screen and other things that have energy I feel a push... Also when I hold my hands together they push away from each other. Is this anything at all?


Aerokinesis, Biokinesis, Electrokinesis, Hydrokinesis,and Pyrokinesis.

Does anyone practises the terms above?
If you guys do can you explain a few exercises?