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An Essay on Pyschic Vampirism

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All beings whether there are vampire or not are always in state of constant exchange with their
environment. This is mostly done on the unconscious level and is also instinctive in nature.
If a being is cut off entirely from all energies souses they will suffer both physically, emotionally, and even spiritually.
Where ordinary people give as well as take energy there is rarely much difference between the amount given off and taken in.
Psychic vampires require significant amounts of energy, vital human energy which often makes them subject of scorn and misconception.
There appear to be quite a few misconceptions of psi vampires in which they appear to be viewed as some type of evil mutant energy sucking monsters draining all of those around them to satisfy their needs while offering nothing in return.
That is not true at least not of all them for as it is with humans, and vampires, Psi Vamps have many diverse personalities.
There are good psi-vamps and there are evil ones just like with any other society.
When a psi vamp feeds there is an interaction between both energy bodies, that of the vampire and that of the person participating. During the feeding when the vampire feeds their energy body interacts with the energy around it and is capable of detecting and insufficient amount energy in the other body.
Therefore in active feeding the individual who is initiating it has the choice to control what and just home much is being transferred.
Try to picture this process having both parties represented by two glasses of water connected by a straw One glass is full and the other only partly filled, the water representing energy and the straw, a link.
Picture the water flowing through the straw and flowing through it to the other glass until both glasses have exactly the same amount of water and an even balance.
So with responsible psi vamps abiding by a code of ethics and by making a conscious effort an energy exchange can be achieved
which is not damaging in nature to the other party involved.
The Code of Ethics includes never feeding off of the Elderly, the Physically,  or the Mentally Impaired, or the very Young ( Children).
Psi Vampires prefer feed within the Family because non Vampires tend to have less refined, stagnant energy due to poor maintenance.
art of the ethnics include not feeding from the physically or emotionally ill, children, etc.   
Also one should take care and not be reckless while exercising control while keeping safety in mind
with ones actions. Being respectful of the rights of others, not abusing them while not allowing them to abuse you. Feeding should only happen between consenting adults. Donors should be informed before the give of themselves to you. An even exchange should take take place between both parties which should be pleasant and beneficial in nature. Being respectful of the life which you feed upon and have respect for those who provide it.
Psi vampires have a unique ability in manipulating energy and are capable of performing basic healing, energy attunements, removing energy blockages and can even form an energy ball.
Although it is true Psi vamps are mostly intentional for whatever reason they do not seek to harm anyone in their efforts to gain sustaining energy. The majority of psi vamps should be seen in a positive light because most of all they are people just like everyone else.

"Dracula in Bram Stokers "Dracula"


The majority of psi vamps should be seen in a positive light because most
of all they are people just like everyone else.
Like the majority of thieves, eh?  There's absolutely no difference.

Wronski Feint

Ive never really bothered to read any threads on 'Psi Vamps',  unitll now.  I read both the recent ones, and I dont think they exist persay.

Anybody can take someones energy.  Its like taking someones money.  If I steal a dollar out of someones wallet am I a money vamp? No im just a theif.  You can take it out of a field, put it into a can, but a bean is a bean.  Just because you take someones energy dosnt make you this vampire thingy.  Im starting to think that Psi Vamping is just a name, so the people who take others energy can feel special, they can think they are some tragic creature(youre still human, sorry).  And for people who are deprived from energy, you sure can type alot.  I think the idea is like thinking the world is flat(crazy).  Its like youre creating this condition so you have somthing to do, to get some attention, to feel like you have a problem, feel special.  Are you bored with your life?  

And to the victims,  you control your energy, you have a say who does what with it.
"Come and See"
So I looked, and behold a dark angel.  And the name of him was Life, and Hell fell before him.
And power was given to him over the whole of the earth, to clense with mind, with sword, with light and by the love of the earth.


QuoteThere appear to be quite a few misconceptions of psi vampires in which they appear to be viewed as some type of evil mutant energy sucking monsters draining all of those around them to satisfy their needs while offering nothing in return.
yeah that would pretty much sum it up!
QuoteThat is not true at least not of all them for as it is with humans, and vampires, Psi Vamps have many diverse personalities.
There are good psi-vamps and there are evil people just like with any other society.

so who do you consider "evil"? you say that poor victimized vamps don't like being tagged as evil, and yet you turn around in use it reference to others. that's F/U.

QuoteTherefore in active feeding the individual who is initiating it has the choice to control what and just home much is being transferred.
QuotePsi Vampires prefer feed within the Family because non Vampires tend to have less refined, stagnant energy due to poor maintenance.
to me that's just so pathetic...are vamps victims...or are they higher beings??? people have a natural, intuitive feeling about all this, and don't need to be told what's up. some are willing to feed your/their weakness, and some aren't. most aren't. that's only natural. all this is is propaganda and it's not good propaganda either. it's full of holes.

QuotePsi vampires have a unique ability in manipulating energy and are capable of performing basic healing, energy attunements, removing energy blockages and can even form an energy ball.

unique? everyone is capable of that "work"...stop glorifying.

okay...i'm bashing a little, but i have information that most don't have in regards to vampires...and i can tell you that even blood-lusters consider psi-vamps to be a mutant, pathetic, un-ethical cult of parasites!!! i myself am not that hard on them, because i see most humans in the very same category. psi-vamps are nothing but wannabes. yes they can easily develop basic skills for sucking energy fields, but it usually stops there. there really is no structure or attainment in the whole thing. i ain't get into the information i have, but i will say that it poorly seen all round. no one see any benefits to it except other psi-vamps, and wannabe-wannabes!

'nough said


What is the point of transferring water from one cup to another when both cups are in a sink and the tap water is flowing?


QuoteWhat is the point of transferring water from one cup to another when both cups are in a sink and the tap water is flowing?

Because many people and entities do not know how to access that tap, or simply do not care to learn.


lazy & perverted...something about the water in someone elses glass always tasting better. most people are psi-vamps to an extent, but they use they prefer to call it sex. :wink:



Souljah 333 wrote :
so who do you consider "evil"? you say that poor victimized vamps don't like being tagged as evil, and yet you turn around in use it reference to others. that's F/U.

That was a typo actually I meant to write that there are good psi vamps and then there are evil ones too which are the ones that generally do deserve the negative tags. But not all psi's are unethical or evil in nature.

Anyway I have tried my best to educate people here about Psi Vampires on this site but prejudice is something that can't always change for the better.
So all I can say is now you know more of the truth about us so go ahead and do whatever you want with that knowledge.
You can choose to either ignore it and continue being narrow minded and judge mental or choose  a more open mind to the subject.
Its up to you.

"Dracula in Bram Stokers "Dracula"


I think my question was a fair one and not a case of prejudice: Why is it that the ability to draw energy that a psychic vampire has isn't used to draw from universal sources of energy instead of its more limited forms?


i will stop pushing my perspective. i would also be interested in the reply to toms question. i understand if you don't want to bother replying to the rest of the posts, but tom has a good point about 'the endless/unlimited universal supply'. if one is unable to tap into the source for the energy needed, but is capable of sucking it off others...i don't understand getting caught up in the romance of the "cult"-ure. seems that one would want to put what energy they did have into reconnecting and fixing the blockages or holes. instead of being DEPENDENT on a temporary fix. where's the power in that?

in that sense you have be to able to understand why most will have a tendency to find fault, see the operation in the negative, junkie, parasitic, etc. it's kind of like sneaking into someone else's garden and stealing their goods. and justifying it with "i was hungry".


are you serious? like, really serious?
What in the...?


maybe a psi vamp is someone is is especially good at draining poeple and they get a feeling of power or high off of it and continue to do so and learn and get better at it....becuase their just lazy, lol j/k nvm :P
"How unfortunate for mankind that the Lord is reported by Holy Writ as having said 'Vengeance is mine!' "
Sir Julian Huxley


I'd like to know more about this sort of thing. GOTHIKA you can PM me with information on Psi Vampirism if you wish. Not that I am a psi vampire, I'm not, but since I'm open minded I wouldn't mind finding out about it from the horse's mouth.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

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