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Pendulum FAQ and Answers

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Wow. Good job Tippa! Thank you for taking the time to do this! Very helpful!



Greetings Tippa et al,

I wish to thank you Tippa for putting so much effort into creating this FAQ for the pendulum. It has been apparent for some time now that there is a need for a summary of all that has been posted so far. There is quite a lot of information in both of the threads related to the pendulum, 24 pages in total as I write this. I recall reading a post by TravelinBob I think, elsewhere on the forums, saying that the original post by MAYATNIK covers most everything but "don't read the rest or you'll go mad". It is true that there has been much confusion on the threads and so, it was decided that a summary should be created.

MAYATNIK's guide Karek  selected me for the job of maintaining the day to day running of the threads so that MAYATNIK would be free to accomplish other work, not least of which the summary of the pendulum thread. I gladly accepted the challenge. However, it became clear that there was an incredible amount of work to do in this task that on the surface appeared to be quite straightforward. With everything that is involved in the day to day running of the threads, I have often found myself working right through the night with Karek and MAYATNIK to get things done in the best possible way. MAYATNIK has been involved throughout with not only my teaching of the skills needed for the task of admin, but also in my advanced training along with Karek which includes telepathy and what can be likened to 'remote viewing' or 'out-of-body exploration' but is much more than that. The priority has been my training so that the threads could be properly managed and as such, MAYATNIK has not yet had time to work on the summary.

As Tippa has very kindly gone to the effort to create this FAQ I would like that we can use it as a frame of sorts for the summary. If there are questions that anyone would like to see addressed that are not listed above than please let me know and they can be incorporated into the summary. The summary will comprise of several sections with FAQ being a section all of it's own. MAYATNIK intends to further trim the questions and answers to not more than 10 lines per set. In other words less than 200 lines for 20 questions.
There will also be a section for the Q&A sessions that have been posted for members to refer to. This may be placed in the Astral Pulse library where the initial article already is.

The summary will take some time to complete of course, but  will be of great benefit in making the important information readily accessible to everyone. We can continue to use the threads for further discussions and Q&A sessions but no longer will it be necessary to go searching back through the 330+ posts already there to find what you are looking for.

With best regards,



wow it just takes a guide on the other side to become telepathic etc.  Heres an old fashioned warning.. if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.


Greetings Goingslow,

I believe your cynicism is somewhat misplaced. Telepathy between a guide in the Astral and a receptive person in the physical is somewhat different than telepathy between two people in the physical.

The beings of the higher spheres are used to communicating telepathically, or at least with the mind, and so it is not that surprising they can communicate the same way with people in the physical with whom they are "tuned in".

People communicate with beings in the higher spheres all the time, but controlled telepathy between two physical people is regarded is regarded as somewhat of a phenomenon.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


You're right that it was misplaced in that I was talking about the other type of telepathy.  I agree it would be different on the astral.

However,  the warning still stands.. just in a more general sense.  I really dont think things are that easy.. and I dont think the answers are as available as the original topic made it seem.


Dear Goingslow,

Inner-development is not easy. There is a tremendous amount of work involved and let no-one tell you otherwise.

On the other hand, telepathy and the other 'ability' I mentioned above are simple. In fact, they are child's play. Perhaps it is time for me to explain what I have been doing over the last couple of weeks. I'll post it on the <AND THE TRUTH SHALL BE KNOWN-You'll see!> thread.

With best regards,



Tippa - that helped a lot
I once read all the 19 pages thread - but know i could find the answears i was looking for without searching all 19 pages !!

Good job.. thx again,


This is so that some people may find the answers to some of their questions in the post "AND THE TRUTH SHALL BE KNOWN - You'll see!!"
Everything was copied and pasted from the original thread.  I did cut out a few names mentioned in the answers for a bit of clarity on the answers. I'm sure I missed A LOT, but I'm only one person and I can't read 19 pages of posts, heh. I hope no one takes offense to this, I just did this to help others (and myself) out to finding answers to what seemed to be the most FAQ.


Original post by MAYATNIK (black)
Questions asked (red)
Answers to the questions (blue)

ORIGINAL POST:I promised I would start a topic thread on the subject of the Pendulum – and in fact this whole subject gives great insights into how the guides very often work 'behind the scenes' – so writing about it will present many potential 'spinoffs' as well as addressing this 'tool' of the Gods and its correct use, largely misunderstood completely.

Those who have heard of the Pendulum as a Divination 'tool' will most likely know of it through the Science of Dowsing, being one of three tools that have been employed (dowsing rods, L and Y type, being the other two) over the centuries to locate water, oil, buried artifacts at archaeological digs, and even missing people – to name but a few of the many uses that Dowsers have turned into an accurate science. A science is not by definition 'spiritual'; it deals only with that which can be tested and accurately repeated – but in the word 'divination' there is a clue to its origin – as a spiritual tool. Even the word 'dowse' has its roots in an old Scandavian word, meaning 'divine' – and similar derivitives from the original ancient word giving the additional meaning of something that uses 'divine rules' (dowh'xma – the "x" pronounced as in th eScottish word 'loch' – is the origin or the word 'dogma'). Hardly any Dowser thinks of it in that way (if they know what it means, that is!) today – or even in the last five hundred years that its extreme accuracy has been carefully documented by users, and now very well established Dowsing Societies that exist in virtually all countries. Dowsing has been 'officially sanctioned' by the White House and employed by the marines in the Vietnam war to locate mines, caves and other ambush areas – as well as by other governments, notably the Russian and Czechoslovakian, to which it has been standard issue...... so, hardly a 'spiritual' history, it would seem; although, it has to be said, that the Russian government also endorses the teaching of Dowsing in its Universities and even a university degree can be obtained there in its use – because they, at least, look to its origin in Sumerian and Egyptian times when it most definitely was a 'spiritual' and practical 'tool' combined, and was recognised then as having been given and taught by the 'Gods' for the people to use.

I have said, elsewhere on the Astral Pulse, that it was by being introduced to the Pendulum that I gained the gift of Telepathy so very easily, and a guide was assigned to me for me to channel the words of the Pleiadians. My guide later explained to me it was that way in ancient times also, for those who learned the CORRECT use of the Pendulum – and my guide, Karek (who incidentally incarnated on this earth in ancient times as both Inanna of the Sumerians and the Godess Isis of the Egyptians) had taught me that correct use – as opposed to the 'dowsing techniques' that are employed as but a fragment of that lost Art that once was used in the building of the Great Pyramids along with the direct communication that the Stone Masons had with the 'Gods' who supervised the whole operation (the 'plumb line' is a relic, in masonic terms, of what was once known about the powerfulness of the Pendulum gifted by the 'Divine' from on high).

Karek has asked me to pass on the 'correct' methods of using the Pendulum to readers, so that they will be able to utilize this 'communicator' I shall, for reference only refer occasionally to the 'traditional dowsing' methods purely to illustrate the difference (and also the msconceptions), but essentially this article focusses on how you can use the Pendulum in its 'advanced' mode of operation – and which is very easy to use if you follow the simple but important guidelines properly to ensure its accuracy.

First though, let's dispel one misconception that may exist in the minds of some readers; the Pendulum is NOT in any way whatsoever like the Ouija board, which similarly can give 'yes' / 'no' answers. Some people dabble with the ouija board, and I maske no bones about it – the ouija board is not a good thing to dabble with, and I would strongly urge that nobody ever does so. the reason is fundamentally to do with the fact that more than one person normally uses the ouja board, sitting in a circle with their hands held on a glass or similar as a pointer and by 'group subconscious consent' the pointer held goes to the appropriate place to spell out Y or N (Yes/No) or even a word from the laid out alphabet. It is in this 'group subconscious consent' that the problem lies with the ouja board – because each person is meant to have individual Free Will, and that will is given up to the collective minds of those present. Depending on the strength of will of each individual there is the opportunity for 'mind control' to be exerted, especially 'negatively oriented mind control – and this also leaves an electromagnetic 'imprint' on the board which will affect subsequent users and even the immediate surroundings in the area of that room, and this reinforces negativity. This is only a brief and somewhat simplified explanation of the 'astral-mechanics' of its operation – but the conclusion is clear; never give up your Free Will as an individual, so never use the ouja board !

The Pendulum works on an entirely different principle, so can not ever give rise to the above mentioned 'negativity'. Furthermore – and this is the crucial point about it, in that respect and others – it will not even work at all if the person has wrong intent. So, for example, someone who wanted to use the Pendulum for selfish ends, or to gain any advantage of another's Free Will would find the Pendulum just hanging limp, unmoving – and no answer could be obtained. The person with right intent will, in virtually every case (unless they are holding it in the wrong position, for example) get immediate and accurate results in the form of answers to their questions with no difficulty whatsoever. I would like you to think for a few moments about those two statements, and what they imply, as I explain the method of usage.

A Divination Pendulum is a thread / string / chain that is attached to a weight, and the weight or 'bob' will swing in one of two certain directions depending on whether the question asked of it requires a 'yes' or a 'no' response. The Pendulum should be held for accuracy in use, in front of the body with the 'bob' about 6 inches directly in front of the breastbone for the beginner especially to ensure the strongest 'signal' to activate it and start it moving in the appropriate direction. Which direction this is (left-right, across the body) or in-out (at right angles to the body) actually will depend on the genetic make-up of the person, and where on the globe their 'family' genes originated broadly speaking. For me, left-right means 'yes', and in-out means 'no' in response to any question. But, as I have noticed with a small number of pupils, the opposite applies, with in-out signifying 'yes' and side to side meaning 'no'. Although the Pendulum can actually be 'programmed' by the user to obtain any desired direction of movement for a particular response, the way in which it operates will be determined by its natural inclination when you ask the 'initialisation' questions to find out exactly what movemnts signify 'yes' and 'no'.

When a new Penulum is bought (or made) the user should stand or sit with back straight and legs not crossed and, with the Pendulum held in the right hand (two fingers holding the 'string' to give a length from hand to 'bob' of approximately 9 inches), making sure the Pendulum is about 6 inches directly in front of the breastbone (to allow for adequate in-out swings), and ask the following questions:

--- "Give me a 'yes', please". The Pendulum should swing in whatever direction is appropriate for that 'yes' response. Note it.

--- "Give me a 'no', please". Since the Pendulum will be expected to move at right-angles for this response, it would seem redundant to ask; however, it is always good practice to double-check with the Pendulum, especially when something is important (as this initial set-up certainly is), and moreover serves to 'prove' the 'yes' answer as well as indicating that all is well with the Pendulum in producing the correct 'no' response to this latter question.

If you are buying one, then the term Crystal Pendulum is understood to be a 'divination' tool. There is actually no need for it to have a crystal 'bob', but a divination Pendulum bought will normally have been designed so that at the end of an appropriate length of thread of chain (depending on how much you want to pay) the crystal will be shaped to give the best movement without twisting (since that would interfere with the smooth response, and could confuse the user); also the 'diamond' shape of such a crystal is symbolic, representing bi-directional communication – and this imparts a 'ritual' element that subconsciously tells the mind that this is 'special'. But once you start to use the Pendulum you will realise that it is indeed special, and will need no reminder. So, provided you select a 'bob' of an appropriate weight that is not too heavy or too light for easy movement and whatever it may be attached to – and also ensuring that it is not of a shape that will easily cause twisting – then virtually anything can be used for a Pendulum that you may have in your rummage drawer or around the house. Although, as a teacher, I have a couple of clear quartz crystal Pendulums, an obsidion one and also a beechwood Pendulum (this latter ideal for chakra diagnosis, but too light to be practical for the beginner), I tend to demonstrate using ordinary objects......such as a mortise or yale house-key, a reasably sized machine nut, or a few washers..... attached to a string, or shoelace; and the typical bathplug and chain are ideal (though lacking in 'charisma'!)... and I've even utilized an orange in a polythene supermarket bag, which works just as well (though I wouldn't recommend it for the beginner, since it is a bit on the 'heavy' side). I've been asked whether a pendant, of sentimental value, on a chain can be used. While this may seem to be absolutely ideal, it has to be born in mind that in use there will be over time wear and tear (you'd be surprised how much!), so if you want to use a pendant then I would suggest using it only occasionally, in case of accidental damage – but that defeats the object of the Pendulum, which you will find to be in frequent use as you realise it's enormous potential; an ordinary Pendulum bought or made is what will serve you best.

Reading through these instructions carefully is well worthwhile – because, although the Pendulum will work after a fashion instantly you pick it up in any case, getting it 'right' will ensure that it will always be accurate; it is, after all, an instrument of Truth, extremely valuable therefore.

The Pendulum has suffered supression at times in our history, particularly in the 1500s when the Church of Rome banned its use – as they did with many other things also – claiming it to be 'of the Devil' Nevertheless, it survived (though supressed in England) in Germany and with vitality in France, since the French took no notice whatsoever of Rome's 'ban' – and, in fact, French Police records of that period show that the police force employed Divinators in cases where murder objects and thieves could not be tracked down – reminiscent of how we use drug-tracker dogs today. The accounts are remarkable in themselves to read, in the precision, quickness of detection.....even though in many cases the divinator and his Pendulum travelled many miles on a particular 'scent', from town to town tracking the source from the places a wanted person had been to – the Pendulum was 'instructed' to look for a certain object or whatever, and it was recorded by the police as the divinator silently but surely closed in on the source which could be miles and miles away from the 'crime scene'. And, even today, a Pendulum is used by an experienced Dowser in its 'divination' mode to find missing children, and firemen have used the tool also to locate people buried under rubble where it would otherwise not be possible. So, we do know that the Pendulum responds accurately to questions, statements and instructions.

Since lingering traces of old religious conditioning remain with some people, for those – and I would in fact recommend it in all cases, for a person to be absolutely certain in their minds since it is important to have a good 'rapport' with the Pendulum – there is a Kantra and a little ritual that is very powerful indeed, and which can be used when one first buys or makes a Pendulum (before using it for the first time).

All rituals, of whatever kind are powerful, and even more so if the person understands what the ritual means – so I shall explain it as I go along......

The Pendulum (complete with thread or chain) should be washed in cold running tap water. This obviously connotes the washing away of any impurity that has become attached to it. Some 'New Age' books advocate soaking overnight in certain 'beneficial' salts, and then washing off afterwards. This actually gives a message to the mind – namely to have Fear of impurity clinging to the surface, and even the washing off afterwards does not remove that 'thought form' that has been created by the mind, due to an imbued Fear – and since Fear is negative, then it is in no way helpful. The simple is always the best; so, simply hold the Pendulum and it's chain in one hand and allow running water to pass over it. After which, simply dry with a shaking movement of the hand (rather than drying on a cloth, another Fear inducer); this action, in its simplicity evokes a confident and positive frame of mind – we are happy to simply shake dry in the fresh air.

Next, the Pendulum should be placed in the centre of a white cloth or napkin, etc – white being a symbol for 'purity of intent' in where we leay it carefully, and in how we intend to use the Pendulum.

Now, stood in front of the Pendulum on its white, bring your hands together, palms down towards the Pendulum, and in the shape of a St Adrew's Cross ('X' shape) at a height of about 6 inches from the table, with the left hand under the right, but the right hand not touching the left. The St Andrew's Cross predates Christianity, and in fact is a symbol of Sumerian times when it meant 'Of Divine Interaction' (two lines crossing at right angles means 'interaction', and the shape was a cuneform 'symbol' for the Divinity, the 'Gods'); the hands not touching each other, signify that 'right' shall transcend all other and not be touched by it.

Ready at this stage (it takes much longer to write than to perform, although throughout it should be done with great respect and reverence) we can now say the Kantra (again with great respect):


The word 'God' can be replaced by any suitable word or phrase that corresponds with your 'belief' system – though it is not recommended to do this as it interferes with the 'metre' of the verse which is an important element of reinforcement, so it is better to 'think' the required concept while ascribing the word 'God' to that meaning. What is vital in this ritual, however, is to have in mind the HIGHEST source you can think of, and say it with the greatest reverence.

Finally, you should hold the St Andrew's Cross position for a few reverent moments, and then widthdraw your hands sideways to break the spell, but which at the same time binds it to the Pendulum as an instrument of that Highest Source. I have always found, that my hands somehow 'know' when to part at the end of this ritual – and you may, indeed, feel them pull sideways out from the position, or at least feel a tendency to want to do this. If you can do it like that, then you are certainly 'in tune' with the intent given to the Pendulum.

The ritual is complete and will last for as long as you are the owner of the Pendulum; it knows its own, and will even obey your pure intent if in the hands of another, either performing correctly or absolutely refusing.

It is worthwhile taking a moment or two before you come to the stage of applying the ritual, in reflecting on what the words of the verse really mean. Because, if you say them then that is what you mean.
The first two lines are allowing OF YOUR OWN FREE WILL for God to let the Pendulum be used ONLY for what God wants it to be used – and that is, for 'good' as God sees it in His Higher Wisdom.
The last two lines explicity empower the Pendulum to act only if it will not result in your harm, in the way that God understand these things in His Higher Wisdom, whilst ensuring that His Will is Free at all times in this over any influence placed on the Pendulum. Powerful indeed!

So, now you have a Pendulum that works to give you answers to whatever you ask. Well, most things (as the Kantra makes clear) that is. You certainly will not get any answer to questions about another person's private life - what they're up to is their concern, whether you may be concerned about their welfare in your way of thinking or not. Only in certain exceptional cases of missing persons (usually they have the right to go missing if they want to, to put it simply) will a clear answer be obtained, although you may be able to ascertain the general 'area' of their whereabouts and whether they are 'alright' – all this provided it does not take away their Free Will, which is paramount. If in doubt (and this is a good general rule when embarking on such types of questions) you should ask, "Is it permissable for me to ask about.........." (whatever). If you get a 'NO', then that is difinitive; ask no further for a direct answer, and I would suggest until very experienced you should change the subject.
Respect for the source supplying the answer is not only etiquette, but lack of it is negativity of attitude and any tendency whatsoever towards disrespect should be avoided at all costs in your interaction with the Pendulum.

There is one more Penduum movement that can occur in normal operation when asking questions for a 'yes'/'no' resonse - and that is a CIRCULAR motion. This actually means that the Pendulum is "SEARCHING", since in that instance the answer is not immediately available due to serveral factors needing to be taken into account. An example of this would be if you asked "Is my nearest motorway busy today?" The Pendulum would first need to locate the motorway NEAREST to you (search mode), then it would need to ascertain what busy actually means to your area - since this is a realitive context - but this will involve checking other like days for a comparison to be made (search mode) --- only after all this can it give you the answer, 'yes' or 'no'. So, if it starts to spin, you will need wait until it finishes (it may even pause briefly as it 'ticks off' an intermediate answer)only after evrything is searched and checked will it settle into the usual 'swing' indicating the answer. This motion of circling is one that causes much confusion to 'Dowsers' - many mistakenly over the years have taken it to mean 'yes'....and for them it does indeed convey 'yes'. What has happened with Dowsers, is that they have effectively 'regprogrammed' their Pendulum - and now, as a result the 'default mode' of operation contains the circling to indicate 'yes'. But, in this they have lost a valuable indicator, plus the search option for some. If, for any reason, your Pendulum gives a circular movement to indicate 'yes' or 'no' even, then you should say to it, "Can you please go to 'advanced mode', and continue in that mode until such a time as I instruct you otherwise - thank you" - and it should then go to the 'advanced mode', as explained in this 'correct' usage methodology presented here. If by any chance, it should seem to foul up, you can always say to it, "Please revert to 'default' mode.... and it will either assume you are a Dowser (traditional default), or update preperly to 'advaced mode' and it will in th eprocess correct any faulty programming you may have given it. Then of course, check what movements give 'yes' and 'no', and finally say, "Is circling 'search mode', please?". That covers all the basics regarding movements at this stage in learning.

I am happy to answer any questions from members regarding the proper use of the Pendulum, and some of those questions will only arise with use of it – so are for another time. However, before I end here for now, there is one final and very important point I have to make, which is this: Garbage in, Garbage says the old Computer Adage – and it applies to how you phrase your questions as to how accurate the answers will be. Basically you can obtain an answer to any statement or to any question. You can, with care, put them both together, and say, for example: "I have here a statement: ......" and give the statement. Then say, "I would like to ask – Is this true?". This form of questioning is very good if reading from books, and wanting to ascertain what is accurately written or otherwise. As you get more experienced, you can actually read and – while reading – watch the Pendulum out of the corner of your eye. If it starts to swing 'yes' or 'no' then you have your answer to that short section (and make it short – in nibbles of one sentence at a time normally). Above all, whatever your question... keep it simple. Any question with the word 'and' in it is more than likely to be two questions at least, so the rule is: one at a time gives a clear answer. If you are reading from a book and seeking answers, then bear in mind that even if a person in question is dead, then they may well have surviving relatives – and NO answer will be given if it would cause them harm in any way by anyone knowing, whether you are aware of it or not, the rule applies, that the truth is private to that person and their Free Will will not be violated.

Lastly, sloppy or 'slang' expressions, idiomatic speech and clearly ambiguous phrases that could be taken either way should be avoided; use only 'correct' speech whenever possible, or explain the meaning of the word if there is no alternative. Be clear in how you put the question, and the answer will be similarly clear and precise. And the golden rule to cap them all is --- if you are not certain, or want to double-check on something you've asked, then find a second, lateral or oblique way of putting it, because remember, there are very often shades of meaning in our language. As you progress you will become more and more skillful at putting questions and interpreting the answers that may well – and should, wherever possible – lead you to further questions. Don't just accept ALL answers as definitive; if in doubt always double-check, and if possible explore some 'background'. In actual practice you will find it easier than you think just reading this here and now, because you will very often find that questions just 'pop' into your head seemingly from nowhere; they are in virtually all cases like that coming from a guide who will be watching and monitoring your progress to help you along – and to also teach you higher perspectives and levels of understanding in general, so be aware of this also at all times.

I know at this moment of writing, that there are at least 3 Pendulum users on the Astral Pulse website – and they, I know, are looking forward to this article. To them - and to all who are coming to the Pendulum for the first time also – I say, let us know how you get on, because in sharing our thoughts, knowledge or experiences, we learn so much from each other - and that's what this site is all about.

With Pleiadian Love and Light,

To keep this article as short as is practicable, I have left out methods of 'Tranditional Dowsing' since, although the are accurate in their own way, they are limited in their application and are in virtually all cases radically different in methodology to the 'advanced' methods given to me by my guide to pass on here. The 'Traditional Dowsing' methods would in any event be confusing to all but the purely academic reader at this stage where the correct approach is being stressed. So, although a fascinating area – particularly in the investigation of ley lines, energy vortices plus the detection of underground streams and electromagnetic 'grid' lines – both of which latter have been found by German scientists to affect health, and Dowsing practices have been adopted by the German authorities in many cases prior to Planning Permission being granted, these I have left for another time, because they are essentially a different subject.

1. This pendulum can be made out of anything, you say?
2. Can you only ask no/yes question? You can't make some sort of ouija board set up where it points to certain letters/numbers?
3. You can't make some sort of ouija board set up where it points to certain letters/numbers?
4. I notice you keep saying hold it in your right hand.
Now, is this required, or can I hold it in my left hand, where things are more comfortable?
5. Is it necessary to hold the pendulum?
6. What are the positions I can hold the Pendulum?
7. Would it hinder things if I purposely kept my fingers very tight or does it actually control my fingers in some way, and if they're tight the pendulum wont move
8. I was wondering what if some very subconscious and unaware level I am making it move. Is there any way to show im not swaying my fingers even just a little bit?
9. you said you cant really get answers as to what another person is doing. Would it be possible to do so if the person gave you permission. I was thinking a test on this would be kind of fun.. say we give a choice of 10 objects that are in a drawer and with the yes or no answers it seems we can kind of play around with it. This isn't to disrespect the method or anything, but I think it might be kind of fun to do. Is that possible?
10. It seems we can kind of play around with it. This isn't to disrespect the method or anything, but I think it might be kind of fun to do. Is that possible?
11. I can't get the Pendulum to work.  What could be wrong?
12. Given my definitions, are the answers I was given consistent with what you are describing? Because I would not agree, based on my responses, that guides are moving the pendulum. But rather my Higher Self is providing feedback based on what's best for me at this stage of my life.
13. Do you have full blown telepathy, as in hearing other people and not just the pendulum?
14. And how would the pendulum be effected by a person who is already partially telepathic or empathic?
15. I know 3 languages (English, Hebrew and Russian) and I'd like to know if it'd matter which language do I use, in case I'm proficient the same with all 3?
16.I began using a pendulum last night, but I have encountered a problem. It seems the pendulum answers my questions too quickly, often it will answer me before i've finished asking the question, often it will answer at the exact instant that i've thought of a question to ask without giving me a chance to begin to ask at all. Is this normal?

Can you only ask no/yes question? You can't make some sort of ouija board set up where it points to certain letters/numbers?

You can write out the alphabet on a piece of paper, with a certain number of letters to each line (that makes it easier to use in practice). For example:
U V W X Y Z.

The method is to sit at a table with a pencil, say, as a pointer (and that method also can be used for finding by Map Divination).

You simply hold a pencil in your left hand and the Pendulum in your right hand (which needs to be off-centre to the body, and hence not ideal for the beginner at first,because one needs to have become acclimatized to doing it naturally and knowing whether the Pendulum is too far off-centre to give accurate results for your level of skill in using it).

Next, look at your layout, think your intention (that you'll point to a row to see if the letter is in there, and then along the row to each if it is on that line)

Then all you have to do is point to a row (there are only 2 in my example layout here, and it is more than likely any given letter will be in one of those two rows, rather than the end letters of the alphabet - unless you're Russian, like me). Keep your eye on the Pendulum for a 'yes' as you move the pointer. Simple as that.

You can't make some sort of ouija board set up where it points to certain letters/numbers?

A variation on the above is to ask how many letters in the word to be spelled out to you ("Are there more than 5 letters in the word ?..."Less than 10 ?" - and you soon narrow it down). this ensures you are only expecting so many letters. You can take this method a stage further, by organizing it like a "Hangman" game, with dashes to represent the required number of letters. And of course you can 'guess' the vowels first, one by one.....which may give you a good clue as to the remaining letters ot ask, while pointing, "will this letter be..." (whatever). There are other methods that can be devised - one being the 'binary' method with the letters: "Is it greater than...." (whatever)......"Is it less than....." (whatever), and so on, till you get the letter, which will always be obtained in the least number of 'tries' this way.

Bearing in mind, it does not work like the ouija board, only the first method would seem to be useful anyway, for general purpose.

But, since the use of the Pendulum most often leds on to Telepathy, where you will hear the letter - and in fact the whole word! - in your head the more you become attuned to working with the Pendulum, then such methods become entirely redundant, as your skill improves.

the bottom line is, that the Pendulum is not just a 'Lookup Service', it is an aid to further 'spiritual' development - and the guides will in every way assist towards that end in teaching you.

There are very simple techniques for many other things - such as using the Pendulum as a compass if you are lost, and even to indicate what turning you should take if you are walking along an unfamiliar road lost. It can also bet used as a pipe or wiring detector (I' ve used it for that when an electrician's electronic tester failed to work in a house rewire he was doing for me - and he just traced out where my left finger pointed - but I would suggest some skill be aquired, and the basics learned thoroughly, due to the need for accuracy, before going on to such as those and the many other advanced things that can be done with the Pendulum.

This pendulum can be made out of anything, you say?

And yes, in answer to your other query, the Pendulum can be made out of anything which is suitable for the purpose.

I notice you keep saying hold it in your right hand.
Now, is this required, or can I hold it in my left hand, where things are more comfortable?

The reason I repeatedly mentioned the right hand is because a large number of people subconsciously associate 'right' with 'good', and I'm trying to avoid any possibility of negative conditioning rather than positive reinforcement in thinking, becoming a subconscious turn-off for anyone even before they've tried the Pendulum
In point of fact, it will not affect the Pendulum in the slightest, whichever hand it is held in – although the person may be affected in either from it being uncomfortable in that hand (or maybe they only have one hand), or should they wish to write with their 'normal' writing hand - maybe to make notes of the Q's and Y/N responses at the same time, for convenience. It also raises another point I didn't mention in my introduction to the Pendulum..... that, if you put the Pendulum down (say, to write something) and then pick it up again, it is important to leave a couple of second after picking it up before asking a further question; this is because there has to be a 'settling time' - during which the Pendulum will be observed to make a little 'twirl' – you can regard this as the equivalent of 'logging on' and in that brief but necessary time the Pendulum 'identifies' the user, and in fact by this means knows everything about them. Without leaving this short pause before resuming questions after picking up the Pendulum there is the small possibility that not all of that first question will be fully 'understood', in the same way that a computer may not pick up all that is in the buffer when initializing, to put it over-simply. So, leave 2 seconds after picking up and if you'd put it down in the middle of a session and then resume.

Is it necessary to hold the pendulum?
It is necessary to actually hold the Pendulum, and what was suggested earlier up the thread by Beav will not work. I understand where Beav is coming from with this, because many object can be moved by Telekenisis, and I have seen it done several times with a Pendulum that was not being held but was suspended from a doorframe. The Pendulum, when moved by Telekenisis does not however function as a Pendulum - it simply moves. those who are adept with Telekenesis can make it give a 'yes' movement by will-power, but the movement is always slow and slugghish to get started, and shows no 'character' either in its movement so is entirely impractical, and can not be consistently made to move in the required direction in any case - and what would be the point of projecting your will to an object when tha information isn't being transmitted in that manner.

The Pendulum moves by modulation of the electromagnetic field then interacting with the instrument and the movement is fully and dynamically responsive. As a point of interest, when I am teaching, I have sometime had occasions when I've needed to actually move a person's Pendulum remotely (from where I am sitting usually about 4 feet away) and I simply 'tell' (by just thinking) the Pendulum to respond with a 'yes' or 'no' to show the kind of strong movement it is capable of when the pupil is more 'attuned' to it (if they are only causing a weak swing at first, because one of the inhibors of swing is negativity in the person or lack of confidence in themselves). So I too can make a Pendulum respond without actually holding it, simply by thinking and projecting into their electromagnetic field, thus it modulates and moves the Pendulum. When I do it in that way the response is quick, dynamic and strong (unlike when suspended from such as a doorframe, which doesn't have a dynamic emf - and which, in saying that, proves the point of how a Pendulum really works). But, me controlling another person's Pendulum is not them receiving in the normal way, so outside of the occasional necessity to demonstrate, it would be at best only a cheap party-trick, and a cheat. The Pendulum would certainly not fulfil its purpose as a communicator of Truth or otherwise.

What are the positions I can hold the Pendulum?
To address your main point concerning the position of your arm; this is one of the most frequently asked questions once a person strts to use the Pendulum, if they feel fatigue. I didn't put this in my main post because it very much depends on the person, and some will not feel fatigue; it all depends on variables - and I was conscious of the need to keep my post as short as was practicable, given the amount of information that was necessary to include there. So, I will address it here, now you ask.

Firstly, as I said in my main post, I wanted the beginner to hold the Pendulum such that it would be in-line with the breastbone and immediately in front. This was to guarantee that a good swing would be possible in every casse, since individuals vary. Once you have got the Pendulum working well, then you can move the position within reason - since you now know what to expect; slightly off centre by up to 20 degrees will still produce reasonable to good results in virtually all cases. The only problem will be that you will notice the swing of the Pendulum in the lateral (side-side) movement will tend to follow the body, keeping parallel with it at that angle, so will no longer be strictly side-side but at some angle. To get used to this, ask the Pendulum to give you the response that produces side-side, and tell it to keep on swinging if necessary. Then, very slowly move your arm so that the swing becomes more off-centre - either to your left or right as you allow it to follow the body round, keeping the same distance from the body to the 'bob'. This slight (or more) non-straightness of movement may appear disconcerting if you take it too far round, or you may adjust quickly to it. It is worth practicing, because holding the Pendulum off-centre of the breastbone is ideal for reading out of books and working with maps etc.

For some uses of the Pendulum you will find it easier sat at a table in any event, in which case you can rest your elbow on the table and this removes any fatigue normally from holding it up, though it depends on the length of your arms. Resting your arm on the raised arm of a sette or easy chair will remove fatigue when having long sessions with the Pendulum, or raising your knee up onto a low stool will enable the knee to be a support for your arm also if necessry. Again, as well as being slightly off-centre of the breast bone, you can work the Pendulum below[/] the breasbone line, but don't go below the belly button line and keep above if possible – as the electromagnetic field of your body drops off sharply if you go too low and the Pendulum will not respond adequately.

You can also vary, often to good effect, the length of the string, and making it shorter will mean the hand can be lower and thus more comfortable if needed. There is another advantage of a shorter string – and that is a faster response time in changing from a 'yes' to a 'no', and this is useful if there is possibility of misreading or if you find you have a long time to wait as the Pendulum adjusts itself from say a 'yes' to a 'no'. (if you look carefully, you will notice that the change is in steps or so many degrees at a time, and may take up to 6 manoeuvres to go through 90 degrees. by making the string shorter (just wrap the excess around your hand, and hold the string between finger and thumb where you want it to dangle) you will get a faster turnaround, and also a much faster swing proportional to the length. There may be a tendency for the 'bob' to jerk about at the ends of each swing movement if the swing is large, so increase the length until this is a reasonable compromise. The only real problem with a short string length is that you will not get as much 'feeling' from the movements, and every movement will tend to be fast, rather than varying between fast and slow – and so the 'emphasis' factor is masked; again, compromise until you feel comfortable.

Try out all the tips that I have suggested to obtain the best compromise, bearing in mind the two crucial factors – you are aiming for accuracy, and also 'feeling' in the responses. And, if you let go of the string to change length between questions while experimenting, do give that 2 second puase once you've grasped the string between finger and thumb again, before giving the next question

Would it hinder things if I purposely kept my fingers very tight or does it actually control my fingers in some way, and if they're tight the pendulum wont move

Just hold the Pendulum as you would carefully hold something valuable by the fingertips (so as to not let it slip and fall). There is no need to hold it ever so tightly, just make firm contact with the string or chain.

I was wondering what if some very subconscious and unaware level I am making it move. Is there any way to show im not swaying my fingers even just a little bit?
Your subconscious IS what controls the Pendulum, and the answers (that move the Pendulum) come THROUGH the subconscious, direct to the fingers without interaction from the intellect and the congnitive - which normally moves your fingers when you react to events in the world around you – such as locating a pen on a line in your writing pad in order to write a letter, and ensuring by co-ordination that your hand enables the flow of writing that you do).

The hand does in fact move very minutely, but this is not the same as when you move your hand deliberately (by cognitive nerve impulse). The Pendulum is the *interface*, like a speaker at the end of the Hi-Fi chain. Messages come into the subconscious and are modulated by the electromagnetic field of the body – which then is amplified and converted into physical 'energy' that activates the movement and produces the *answer* that you see. But, while this is going on, that 'link' between the source and your body sensing and transducing mechanisms (on a subconscious level) is being constantly improved with practice, and that is why the Pendulum is so effective at training a person to be Telepathic seemingly effortlessly (in conjunction with the way the guides work, because the know every minute detail of that intricate machanism that science does not understand relating to the subconscious).

One last question, you said you cant really get answers as to what another person is doing. Would it be possible to do so if the person gave you permission. I was thinking a test on this would be kind of fun.. say we give a choice of 10 objects that are in a drawer and with the yes or no answers it seems we can kind of play around with it. This isn't to disrespect the method or anything, but I think it might be kind of fun to do. Is that possible?

This is an interesting question, which my guide wants me to address here. What is being asked of those participating in this at the moment – as well as anyone who is first starting out with the Pendulum – is, what is the purpose behind this 'gift' (this opening of a channel of communication through the Pendulum)?

We are dealing here with a form of 'communication' that is not normal in our physical world..... people use their voice or gestures to communicate, or write by some means. Although you might not have thought much about the 'normal' human mechanism of communication, it is in fact an incredibly slow one – even at electronic speeds obtained through the internet and television. Our physical world is limited to factors that science can grasp – but if I tell you that the in the 'source' that the Pendulum contacts the 'normal' speed of travel in that Dimension is in fact faster than the speed of light (not thought possible by science – but, check this fact with your Pendulum), and, further to this, Telepathy is also faster than the speed of light when travelling – My guide is talking here in terms of several MICRO-SECONDS for 'thought' to travel from The Pleiades star system to Earth, and the Pleiadians that control the Pendulum you use are not even that distance, and are in fact now within our Solar System at this period in our time (check this fact with the Pendulum). Compare the speed of Telepathy with our normal though processes and our braking-reaction when in a car..... and you'll begin to see how slow we are here on earth: A Pleiadian Being can have done several jobs in their 'day' before we've barely reached out to turn our alarm clock off and staggered down stairs.. Those 'guides' sent here have been working with man for a long long time, gradually introducing new perspectives – the advent of Spiritualism for example where man was gradually 'acclimatised' to his hitherto *Unknown*. And, thoughout all this time, scientists have been trying to puzzle out and quantify with *PSI* experiments what is really happening? Do you honestly think, in the light of what I've said here, that they've got the remotest chance? Furthermore, nothing can be gained by 'scientific' experiments to find proofs..... in fact, when clairvoyants and such are subjected to 'tests' in laboratory conditions or to 'check consistency' etc, then the tests invariably lead nowhere – simply because the guides (who open the channels – just like an internet server does – to other realms) are not here for man to understand and utilize their advanced technology in everyday situations on earth... so, very often, the 'service' is temporarily withheld – because availability for investigative purposes is not the reason why psychics have the 'earthly cloaking' lifted. If the 'source' of what humans call 'psychic ability' has the power to just turn-off (in the case of the Pendulum, de-activate it) then the point should be clear.

Your suggestion is a good one, but would not be permitted – one of the main reasons, in the case of members now exploring the Pendulum here on this site, is that they are already finding adequate proofs that the Pendulum does indeed work consistently.

It seems we can kind of play around with it. This isn't to disrespect the method or anything, but I think it might be kind of fun to do. Is that possible?
I know that you are not being disrespectful in any sense whatsoever – so I certainly do not want you to think I am chiding here; I am simply trying to put it into perspective, as requested by my guide. My guide suggests I add this further perspective.... If you recall, I mentioned in an earlier post about devising a kind of "Hangman" game layout, in order to use it for finding names and words if necessary. Well, that is fine. Similarly – and my guide suggests this explicitly here, for me to pass on to members since it can help in the learning of the Pendulum – you could play a game of "Hangman" with the guide, who would think of a word and you could make guesses. It would give practice with the Pendulum, but they know a lot of words..... so maybe you might ask for 'level 1' at first, and see how you get on from there.

The guides would NOT allow the use of the Pendulum for playing any games for their own sake – the object is learning, and if that is understood then there should be no problem. I know that the Pendulum will play games with children (though not adults purely for 'fun') and anyone who is sick – because the guides are very compassionate, and would look on such game-playing in those cases as being an aid to recovery in the case of a sick person with right intent, or – in the case of members here - to improve their perspective and understanding of the higher realms and what it's really all about.

You are doing fine - so as GANDALF says, don't get worried about whether your fingers or your subconscious is affecting the movements..... everything will work ok - and it will get even better as you go on, if you keep that little *skeptic* niggling part of the brain (which is the conscious brain trying to jump in and interfere) at bay. Just accept that it is happening, and go with the flow. Just enjoy your Q/A sessions – because what you're on the brink of learning will be the greatest fun you've ever had – an experience out of this world, as they say.... and in this case quite literally as you explore brand new frontiers !

I can't get the Pendulum to work.  What could be wrong?
The cause of the problem may be one of two things –

It could be physical – that is:
The materials you're using (the nut too heavy, or in extreme cases too light compared with the weight of the string).

To eliminate this possibility, check by using some cotton thread as a string and attach a small washer to the end... or, use some clean string and add small washers until you can swing it effectively manually and it feels ok)
----- and then test this out as a Divination Pendulum. I would suggest this very simple question in your situation, (rather than the 'yes' / 'no' setup, initially): Say these exact words: "Hello Pendulum. Can you move for me, please".

It is also important - if you are a first time user of the Pendulum especially, but it applies in general to some extent – to not be too close to any electromagnetic emanations... such as speakers, and especially TV, Transmitter Masts and even the 'cage' effect of electrical wiring (particularly if the working environment is a steel building). If you work in, or are exposed to, conditions where high levels of electrostatic energy can be produced (or are produced by your own body – as is the case with some people) this also can affect using the Pendulum. So, have a think about these possibilities..... and try taking the Pendulum outside of your normal environment, say into a field (away from pylons obviously) and see if that enables a movement to be obtained.

If not a 'phsyical' problem, then.......

It could be subconscious –and I don't mean psychological; I mean pure subconscious, which would prevent the transmission from being passed on to your Pendulum.

[a] CHAKRAS: These are very much connected with the subconscious. There could be very low electromagnetic dynamic-energy in your chakra system (or your 'Will' chakras overriding your 'Emotional' chakras, having a strong inhibiting effect on your dynamic em) and preventing modulation)

Your SUBCONSCIOUS itself. If the transmission of communication is switched-off, either internally (within yourself) or externally (by the guides or their 'computer') then there will be no dynamic 'e.m' transmission. Neither situation is parmanent, and will right itself when the time is right – and that will depend on your subconscious accepting something it presently, for whatever reason, rejects. Very often, over-discipline of oneself affects the subconscious adversely in many ways. Rigidity in outlook regarding any particular occupation or 'discipline' has the same effect. This lack of 'reception' could also (either or in addition to those factors affecting the subconscious) can – and is quite often – the result of the guides temporarily disconnecting, or otherwise inhibiting, any such transmission. This is invariably to 'teach' something – and it could be that the guides are asking you to look at some area in your outlook with a view to relaxing certain views, or even changing your perspective. You may be ove tense about something also.

[c] OVER-CONCENTRATION or OVER-TENSION: It could also (separately to the subconscious, or in addition) be the result of too much concentration. Concentration involves the active mind, and this can 'lock-up' dynamic reaction. If overemphasis is placed on the 'physical' or concentrating on physical manifestation, then the intellect prevents the efficient working of the subconscious; also, if the left-brain is habitually more active than the right, the subconscious has to struggle far more to reach the surface (so, relaxation is key to unlocking the subconscious again, as well as becoming involved with activities and thought processes that involve the right-brain).

Given my definitions, are the answers I was given consistent with what you are describing? Because I would not agree, based on my responses, that guides are moving the pendulum. But rather my Higher Self is providing feedback based on what's best for me at this stage of my life.
This is the whole point – particularly what I've highlighted in red from that quote. Until any of us change our viewpoint on anything, whatever it may be, we are what we are at any stage. We are all given 'notions' – emboidied in our conception (from our particular point of view, not necessarily that of others) in words like 'guides', 'angels', 'guardian angels', 'spirit' or 'soul' or 'higher self' and many other interpretations man has put on that latter concept. What they all really are in true reality can be very different from what we perceive at any stage in our development and this is due to our society, family influence, and conditioning generally. We, as a human species live in the 'soup' called conditioning; it is a security, until we learn to see other horizons, and then gradually (or in some cases instantly, depending on the person) our conception changes. But, always we 'perceive' through a filter that only allows through what we are able to accept at any time out of the vastness that is the real True Reality. That 'filter' is your Higher Self (to use your expression), or your soul – which knows what is appropriate for you at any stage to accept and how best to absorb it. So, you are quite right in that.

I didn't actually say that responses come from the guides – I said that the guides 'monitor' in situations such as with members of the Astral Pulse, because they know that I am interacting and assisting members regarding the Pendulum, so it is an ongoing process that they are involved with here at this time. In point of fact, even when a guide wants to 'give' a particular answer to a question it is STILL done through the normal means they have to do it – and that is almost always through their 'computer'. Their 'computer' is not in any way like anything we can imagine, and in fact is a LIVING computer. Moreover, the guides are tied in very closely with that 'computer', in what is called the 'Collective Consciousness', because all (including also our souls down on earth here) are connected to it.

Other people may well get differing answer to the particular questions you put. Two people I know, having asked their Pendulum, say they are talking to 'God' via the Pendulum. It is all to do with what people are prepared for at that particular stage in their lives, so the answer is not untrue – and, in fact, since 'God' (a better word for G O D would be Guardian Of Destiny) knows everything and sees everything (something that the guides also have 'access' to) it also fits in with what I've said already, because 'God' would obviously use his 'computer' of vastly unimaginable power to do that.

The notion that Christians have of 'angels', 'guardian angels', 'archangels' all come from long-forgotten fact... so what religion has is a distorted image of the true reality. We know this from a vast amount of Sumerian documents, some of which got condensed and made into what became the Bible, and the 'facts' were further altered and distorted by over zealous Christians to promote a particular 'view' as they wanted it to be seen. But, the truth is that the angels are the guides, the angels are the 'Gods' that came down in ancient times, and there are in fact also arch-angels (Masters on even Higher Dimensional planes – such as the Lord Sananda, who incarnated on earth to be known as 'Jesus' at that time). The point is, all this is realitve... relative to what a person knows and therefore accepts at any particular time. And it also means that there is (despite whatever distortions introduced by man) much connectivity between the various notions; the end result being, that at your particular stage reality is what you see – and therefore, who you are communicating with is what your perception will allow by the definitions you put in place. Each of us differs in our 'perception accordingly. Some are able to make the connection between the distorted views of religion and the presence of Aliens in the overall picture – and, in fact, from the perspective I now have aliens and angels are the same thing, speaking in terms of the 'guides'.

Do you have full blown telepathy, as in hearing other people and not just the pendulum?
My Telepathy is constant communication – just as if I had my guide sitting next to me all the time, going with me everywhere..... 24 hours a day, and chatting away virtually every minute I'm awake, and that's been going on for the last 8 years now. Plus, talking to other guides from time to time as necessary for what I do. And, I was trained by my guide, Karek, to be able to have telepathic conversation whilst at the same time talking to another person face-to-face without that person realising I was actually having two simultaneous conversations, and using the Pendulum occasionally if required. I have to say, that I don't actually use the Pendulum now, except in demonstration for teaching it, and for occasionally accessing the Akashic Records through their 'computer'.

When I said that using the Pendulum can soon lead on to full telepathic ability, that's the way it is. But, I don't want people to assume that if they use the Pendulum that the route will follow a similar path to mine. For each person, it is different, according to what they may be subsequently chosen to do by the guides. I was chosen to be a Channeler for the Pleiadian Beings.

And how would the pendulum be effected by a person who is already partially telepathic or empathic?
I have explained several times in this thread, that when a person gets a 'rapport' with the Pendulum, then they will – if they're receptive, and don't block – start 'hearing'. This is the way it happens, and if it doesn't then either the person isn't ready at that time or they should examine what possible blockages they may have and which should be addressed. In no way is telepathy ever forced on anyone, and a person has to be ready before the guides will permit it.

If a person is "already partially telepathic or empathic" (as you say), then what it does is strengthen any psychic links in the way it would do normally in any case. I'm asked here by my guide, to say as I've said several times in this thread, that the Pendulum and telepathy are both under the control of the guides – and people proceed at a pace that the guides feel is right, so there is never any getting out of control, and the speed of progress is detirmed by the guides who also test at frequent intervals such that you never know when the tests are coming. As you pass each 'test' then you go onto the next stage. A person who applies themselves with enthusiasm, openness to all things being presented and sincerity of good intent will do well and progress quickly.

I was not intending to write much about telepathy in this stage of Pendulum learning, since that will come automatically later – and with feedback from members so that we can discuss it then as certain ones start to experience it (but not all will so easily, because it depends on the individual factors of that person's life rather than the potential itself – the crucial factor is 'letting go', hard for some people). So, what I have written in this post is only general and I shall deal with it in depth as appropriate later, or if any individual members want to email me or contact me on Instant Messenger (several are already in regular contact from Astral Pulse), then I will be happy to discuss factors that relate to that person privately and with full confidentiality.

I know 3 languages (English, Hebrew and Russian) and I'd like to know if it'd matter which language do I use, in case I'm proficient the same with all 3?
The Pendulum can understand fully any language on Earth. The only important thing is to use correct syntax and avoid the use of idiomatic expressions unless needed (for example when reading statements from books and asking questions of them) in which case you should say "[expression] or [correct usage] in other words". I have tried words in Spanish and French and asked, "Does [Frenchword] in French mean [Englishword] in English?" and the Pendulum will correctly answer, YES or NO. And, obviously, I have asked complete questions in Russian. The Pendulum has no difficulty whatsoever.
I began using a pendulum last night, but I have encountered a problem. It seems the pendulum answers my questions too quickly, often it will answer me before i've finished asking the question, often it will answer at the exact instant that i've thought of a question to ask without giving me a chance to begin to ask at all. Is this normal?
It is a sign that the person is extremely receptive, which is an excellent start.
A difficulty, however, can arise that may confuse answers given in the case where a TV or Radio etc is on in the room while the Pendulum is being used. This difficulty is not to do with electromagnetic interference which can occur if the Pendulum is within, say, 10 inches of such or a speaker or other electromagnetic truansducer. That is not of which I speak here. Rather, it is the fact that the person's mind may be distracted by what is being said on the TV or Radio at the time and, while holding the Pendulum, it will – since their attention is attracted to the voice – give an answer according to whether the words said are true or not. So, it is important to keep focussed on what you are thinking about to ask as questions, because the Pendulum not only listens to the question, but responds to your overall 'thinking' at that time. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why the Pendulum may not work at a particular time – because it knows your 'attitude' and what is also at the back of your mind, including all about you in any case..... so, you can't fool the Pendulum. – and it will give you what you need, not necessarily what you think you want. But, if your mind is distracted by the TV etc, then the Pendulum will respond accordingly, since that is a further application of the Pendulum's use.

You can actually use the Pendulum with TV or Radio (or the replay of a cassette recording, which is ideal because you can wind back to hear a part again) to ask specific questions of what is being said, to verify these and explore with further questions (you should always try to ask more than one, wherever possible to get a clearer picture). I would suggest that you try out this technique at first using a cassette recorder. If you should receive a different answer upon l