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Astral vision while awake/Dream weavers

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For many years now I have been aware of my psychic awareness with things around me that go unnoticed by many other people. In previous posts 4 or 5 years ago I reported in this forum of waking up and seeing what I assume are entities on an astral plane, which are in my room and that I see with my eyes after I wake up and they remain for 10 seconds or more.

My reason for this post is to ask for help, first I have to explain what I'm having a problem with some people might not know what I'm talking about and I'm becoming deeply frustrated by being alone walking down this road.

For the last 8 months I've started to notice this astral being appear in my room at night just before I would go to sleep, sometimes during meditation in the first experiences with it, the being would decend from above like an angel. Its appearance is a pulsating large (2-4 meters) in diamter sphere, it is not a perfect sphere its more a large square with no corners. And around the edges of this square sphere is small 1-2 inch tentacles that seem independently alive. This being once decended and appearing above me, I would commincate with it asking what it wanted why it was here. It would say things like "open yourself, allow me in" it felt like it wanted to empower me in some way, if I allowed it... These are my first encounters with it. I would take the safe approach and put up protection of white light and use some other protection methods. I never allowed it in my space so to speak.

As the encounters went on I started learning that it never had good intentions to begin with, I've learned that its what I reffer to as a dream weaver. They wait until the right moment, and then they begin to work, their tectacles extend over the person flying above the person. Normally the person is deep asleep and dreaming so they never become aware of whats happening. The dream weaver changes the dreams to negative ones, nightmares/bad dreams and I guess it feeds from the energy the dreamer is putting out as a result from the fear the dream they are expericing.

These things shape shift to, I've woken up from a bad dream knowing the dream isn't right and its not mine. And I wake up to get my bearings and I've seen them fully active above my bed, they turn into symbols and one time it was a huge rat/wolf creature on the side of my body, breathing or sucking from my torso and head.

I really need someone who is aware of these things or things like it and how did they pernamently get rid of them from coming into a room.   Note these are not Shadow orbs or Shadow people. Those kinds of astral entities I can ward off useing visual methods. But for these dream weavers the my same efforts do not work the same way.

My post might seem abit desperate, last night was one of the worst i've experienced as the result to these things. Also pay to note that I think everybody has had experiences with these beings, I'm starting to think that astral beings like these cause our nightmares. I've just become aware of whats causing the nightmares.



Seems like you've dealt with it pretty well so far - a lot of people would have let it in.

It might help to just tell it "You do not belong here", and give it thoughts that you're going to call someone if it doesn't leave. (even if this is a bluff)


Hi thanks for the quick reply.  :-D

I've not tryed warning them, I've gone straight to asking my spirit guides and asked them to clear my room and place wards until morning. That has made them vanish after minutes of asking, actually seen the second one has vanished before (seeing..seeing.. bang its gone.. clear room energy totaly appears brighter), awesome to witness this working.
But this way is not pernament, they keep coming back another night. And some nights asking spirit guides to do the same thing, doesnt seem to work. I'm not sure why, maybe i'm ment to suffer like this is a lesson, or maybe when I asked I couldn't get clear intentions to guides across.



Well that's complicated. I wonder what they want that makes them so persistent. It may have something to do with the place you live in.

I'm no expert in astral defense, but I was once bothered by someone who was getting into my dreams. In response, I secretly followed him back to where he was based, and found his leader, who was fairly approachable, and talked about his intentions with this group. We didn't like each other but I learned some interesting stuff, and we stayed out of each other's way.

You might try taking the offensive. Instead of waiting for the creatures to come after you, go after them, find out what others know about them, get into their minds if they come after you, and see what makes them tick. It could be fun, and they might realize you're going to give them trouble.


Might sound obvious, but have you tried asking it (politely) to leave you alone and not bother you any more?



hello.. am new to this forum.. i did a search about the same subject and this topic came out so ...
as i have sometime OBE, sleep paralysy with that "sense" of levitating and buzzing sound (i found it have to do with pineal gland), a marked empathy... ...and other weird things that here (thanks god) wouldt sound that weird eheh.
anyways, i had a couple of this vision exeriences, right after awake.
one was not so nice, i awake form a nightmare, where bees tried to sting my hand, and when i awoke, i saw 3 entities bat-shaped, like 1 meter from my bed flapping their wings very quickly (remined me of colibri) floating in air and then dissolving after like 10 seconds. But didnt scared me at last, as i kept myself very calm.
the second one was much nicer and interesting. there was this huge crystal supended in air. i could see it s many sides.. cant tell it has a regular shape from what i remeber, but i could see the very weak light in my room reflecting on the surface. and it faded after a while.
just wondering what that crystal would mean!!!



Quote from: Noxangelus on May 15, 2009, 18:28:17
I've gone straight to asking my spirit guides and asked them to clear my room and place wards until morning. [...] But this way is not pernament, they keep coming back another night.

Why do you only ask for a ward until the morning? Why not set your intention on having a permanent ward?