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Big War

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Sounds like an old  PC war game to me. LOL
Are you sure you're not mistaking that 'you can remember it clearly' as being 'lucid', because they're not the same.


I had done 2 things in the dream:
  • Remembereed it all clearly

  • Had a few lucid points(unusual for me)

Yes, I do know the diference between a lucid dream and remembering it all. I had both.


Everyone has limits. Learn to extend them and you will go further.


Last night/this morning, I had a dream that was about a war. I was lucid numerous times in different parts of it and I remembered all of it when I woke up. This is unusual for me to be lucid for more than 2 seconds.

At the start of the dream, I saw the world from a birds eye view. My sight then seemed to zoom in on a country that looked like the U.S.A.
It then zoomed in even further to what looked like the whitehouse.  Inside, it was like a gigantic submarine. Loads of lights, buttons and calls of "Load the bombs!". Then my sight switched to another 'base' which looked totally different. There was a man with a green army suit on, a black mushtache(sp?) and a long, black stick. He said "No weapons! Ill show you no weapons!". He then shouted to load the 'Big one'. A masive bomb with a red top then emerged out of the ground. It was like a shaft with shutters. It sped over to the other base (My sight was now fixed on the bomb). It missed the base and didnt explode for some reason. Then the base which he fired at fired a bomb back at him out of the ground. Also, this one didnt explode. Then my sight switched to birds eye view over the two bases. Then, loads of brownish coloured tanks emerged from one of the bases. The other base also sent some dark green tanks to the others. Some attacked the tanks, others went for the base. There was now rockets firing all over the place.

That is all I remember.

Phew" border=0>! Glad I finished that!

Can anyone tell me what this could mean? Or could it of just been a normal dream with a few extra lucid points?


Everyone has limits. Learn to extend them and you will go further.