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Healing/Cleansing Energy of Plants/Trees

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In contrast to another recent poster talking about taking energy from plants, I'd like to relate an experience I had once while doing some energy work with someone next to a large tree.

A woman walked up to me while I was working on someone else and saying that she could see some darker energies come off of the other person and go into my hand chakras and then break off and sort of drain down into the tree trunk and down into the Earth, which was right behind me, like the tree was somehow helping the healing/cleansing process.

It seems like plants and trees may be much more beneficial to us than we may normally think.
--Positive Energy--

jub jub

I believe we can take energy from other living things such as people, trees, plants etc. In fact I use to hug this big pine tree in my yard whenever I was feeling down and my spirits would lift right away. Of course I did this at night so no one could see me  :-D.
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin


It seems like what is happening with these trees is more along the lines of the tree taking away the energies that aren't healthy for us, rather than us taking away some of their energy...  they seem to be serving as a sort of boosted grounding cord for us in this situation.
--Positive Energy--


well, personally I wouldnt attempt to take energy from people because most carry emotions that are unwanted by myself
I stand at the threshold of what could be a new world

jub jub

Quote from: Covelo on October 16, 2006, 17:51:21
It seems like what is happening with these trees is more along the lines of the tree taking away the energies that aren't healthy for us, rather than us taking away some of their energy...  they seem to be serving as a sort of boosted grounding cord for us in this situation.

We have two large Philodendrons on the back porch. They are both beautiful plants and I sometimes tell them so. The other night I was sitting on the back porch enjoying the night air. I looked at the plants and talked to them as if they were children and told them how beautiful and wonderful they were and thanks for the O2 they give. The plants started to wave their branches, assisted by the wind of course, and it appeared as if they wanted to reach out and touch me. I stood up and touched the leaves of both plants and I felt such a wonderful sensation that was difficult to describe. After that, the wind ceased and it was over.

People might think I'm a little wacko because of this but I can assure you, plants are living things and have an awareness that is hard to explain.
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin