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Channeling God!!

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jub jub

Hi Mustardseed.

When God communicates with me, he will give me a sign in the way of a click, either in my sinus cavity or in my ear. One click for "yes" and silence for "no".

I have been talking with God for about 10 years now. Pretty much just yes and no questions but it has proved to be very useful and insightful.

I can't wait to talk with him in person!
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin

friendly stranger

hello there, i have a question to ask to god, its simple, straight to the point

"why do all the good men have to suffer and die? and why do the evil ones get away with everything?"


I have an answer to that, I not sure if God would say the same thing, but here's how I see it.

Good men suffer because of the state of this world.

Take a look around, does it seem that negative forces or positive forces are more dominant in the world today? It's hard to be a positive person in a world of negativity. Many times the good you do is taken as an insult. That's because the receiving end is in a state of fear.

But it's better to be the positive person, because then you are in a state of love instead of fear. The one who is positive might seem to suffer from time to time, but the one in a fearful state is in constant suffering.

So be "a good man" even if it seems that it doesn't pay. Because ultimately it does.

Hey mustardseed, if you talk to God, ask him/her what is this thing when religious people "find religion" or whatever is this thing called in english(God will know what I mean). What happenes to them in that instant. That question has puzzled me for a long time.

And thanks for giving instructions on the channeling, I would like to be able to hear him as clear as you do.




My take on that,  is it happens because it was meant to and always for a good reason.   I know it's really hard to understand that while we are in these physical bodies but it makes absolute since over there.  

And my belief is everyone has already decided pretty much the lessons they are going to learn while here.   It just happens that some people agree to be victims of horrible fates, but you can rest assured there is a lesson there, if not for the actual person but the people around that person.

My opinion of course,


And to add to Nay's message:

Many times people are angry to God that why he permits evil to exist and basically why can't everybody be happy and live in a paradise.

From what I have learned that is not the whole idea of this place called physical universe. If God(and we) had wanted us to live in paradise, then we would have never left paradise. But we did.

We came here on this level of reality, because we wanted to. We took on the veil of forgetfulness because we wanted to. It's all part of this "play" and has a purpose.

We are immortal souls which cannot be harmed. Yes, we live temporarily in a psychical body which can feel pain and suffer, but that is transitory and can be a great teacher. Lessons can be learned here much faster than on some "easier" higher level. And because we are here, then it seems it's well worth it. The problem is we don't remember making the decision to come here, and can't see the benefits of this, so it seems wholly unfair and unjustified. We only see the dark side of the coin and make our judgments based on that. Well of course it seems unfair on that perspective.



Suffering is the term of human existence, there must be some in our life or we are not human. I know that what I say sounds very black-and white, but have you ever found a person who knows a life that had no hardship? I can already answer this for you: no. and there never will be. it is conceited to think of our soles as immortal, for an immortal thing does not know change, our souls are always changing, just like the world around us. There is no evil nor good, no love nor hate, these are all just part of the complex ever-changing, biological dance that the human race is puppeteered through. As we live the life we chose we must accept the knowledge that we chose it and it is what we are living through, we must also accept that were in it until the end, I don't believe in destiny, if I had, I would have never written this. My advice is this: Choose your path, and never let anything else choose it for you.
There is no good, no evil, just hate...
Humans are strange like that, they are the one species that loves to hate...
My question without an answer is... Why?


I have two questions for him.
With good and evil, there really is known, it is all a matter of perception. What one thinks is good could be thought of as evil to another. So, how would you make the decision of bringing someone to heaven?

And the question.
Is the bible true?
If God wants, symbols will be tolerated. Then again I'll tolerate anything. I'll probably treat God as any individual.


We all talk to God, mostly we do not realize it and we do not know how to listen much less understand the answers.  LOL and there are no 'trick' questions.  



What did god do on the Monday of the second week and where do dinosaurs come in?


This is who you know. I can't use my other user name now, only this one.

I have questions for God.

1. What with this talk of mine about me being agnostic ? (It's been lasting for months now...) I have the feeling that you are behind this, or that someone is, pulling me in that direction. Emptying my cup so to speak, starting fresh. Faith versus reality. Faith is important, but are You faith-based ? Are you for real ? I still believe that you are, but it's engrained, I am not sure how big it is still a part of me now, is it getting stronger or weaker ? Arggg...

2. What should I do with my life -- in January ? I am really unsure. Work, what kind of work, Master degree, Communication or Creative Writing, or something... else ?

3. Is there something unpleasant I should know about myself concerning what happened with Nicolas this summer. I think it's really over now : he will not contact me again, and I am pretty much "over" him now. I really liked him. Is there something that I don't know about me (my behavior, something) ?

4. Which will be more useful for me and my friends ? Learning through parnic healing or quantum touch ? Or something else ? Do you have a simplified method ? I have the feeling it is very simple. I can almost hear some answer from you here.

I am a little lost, feel lonely and have a cold.

Take your time Mustardseed. Let it flow. Don't worry if it seems off-target or vague or weird.


Hello. I would like to know if my sister, Sherry H., is being miss lead or if she is on the right path?  Is God having direct conversations with her as she believes?


Channeling God

So whats up


Ha well whatever.....I just watched the Roxbury

Yea crazy stuff great fun, do you know that I had great plans for Will Farrel by the way

Wow really............what plans

Well I had planned on making him ..............sane....just kiddin

Oh stop it no joking OK are God

I know.........heavy huh

Yea pretty heavy so why don't we skip the niceties and go to it, there are a lot of questions and I have a few of my own and plan  to get in your face in a very nice way but are you ready for a bit of channeling again

Hit me

OK well there is Caroline and all the others.

Ahh Caroline...........she is a doll isn't she

No idea but she is always nice to me

She is OK......always asking probing checking going places and you know what in my eyes she is just wonderful kind of Gal'

Well that sounds ......good I guess like you have her situation under control

I do

OK well then I have a few questions about the way things are going in the world


Whats the deal about the big waves and earthquakes and all the hurricanes and stuff

Hey.............something is coming up right now but I want to talk to you about that can you hang on a few days

Sure but is everything OK

ha no worries mate

OK see you later then
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!

Arn de Gothia

It seems that God only can handle one thing at the time


I hate to say this...but I can't stop it...

With Fifteen children, I'm thinking you can only handle one thing at a time!

Holy Frijoles!  :grin:


hello, could you ask God the approximate diameter of the universe up to our light barriers in lightyears?

Thank you


is there a Jesus and Satan? what about life after death, what happens when we die?

also, why does he speak in slang and not english the way it was made?


are these serious questions?


How do you know that you are not being deceived by some entity portraying himself as god?

We humans are very easily deceived by all are senses and intuitions.

Think about that.


Rt has a point. But i still believe its God. When will MS channel God again? Because its been weeks now


Is it truly possible for an entity that is not God to masquerade as God?

If it is possible for anyone else other than God to answer to God's name, whenever the person addressing God has a strong and clear intention of addressing God, then even prayer is suspect.

We are all supposed to have a direct inner connection to wisdom and guidance--if we cannot trust that, then we are truly lost.


Quote from: MarlinyaIs it truly possible for an entity that is not God to masquerade as God?

If it is possible for anyone else other than God to answer to God's name, whenever the person addressing God has a strong and clear intention of addressing God, then even prayer is suspect.

We are all supposed to have a direct inner connection to wisdom and guidance--if we cannot trust that, then we are truly lost.

I'm not sure. I do remember Robert Monroe writing about experiences with a very powerful entity claiming to be God, and when he wouldn't worship it, it tried to harm him (this was in Ultimate Journey when Monroe was searching for his lost source).


Quote from: MarlinyaIs it truly possible for an entity that is not God to masquerade as God?

If it is possible for anyone else other than God to answer to God's name, whenever the person addressing God has a strong and clear intention of addressing God, then even prayer is suspect.

We are all supposed to have a direct inner connection to wisdom and guidance--if we cannot trust that, then we are truly lost.

What about all the people that kill in Gods name?

God told me to do it.

I am looking at this objectively. I do have faith, but I also don't have "Blind Faith".

Some people need to believe so badly they get caught up in dogma's of religion and in control of not so good people, even if they are good people.

If God is all knowing and loving he will not be angry with anything we ask.  

If we seek God should tell all.


What the f*ck is going on?
How much longer must you remain in this dream before you finally figure out if you're insane or a genius?


Channeling God

Wow God that was a big deal

Ha it was fun

Maybe I should tell everyone

You better they are wondering

OK so let me explain. In the last month I have been very busy, I am again in Europe after having spent 6 months in Asia performing and staying very busy. I am also back together with my wife from whom I have been separated for almost a year. It is a bit of a wobbly ride and our work demands a lot of us. We are starting a new routine together, and I am very desperate to learn all my lines etc so I have not had a lot of time to Channel. I do apologize to everyone. The good news is that my wife would like to help me.............she has talked to God for a long time and is a very reliable medium. What do you think she?

Ha you are so funny.......OK then YES she is fine but I must warn you.

About what

Well she asks different questions than you do


yes she is female

Does that matter

Sure it matters, the question asked has a lot to do with the answer

OK scary So then can we somehow summarize what are the most important questions......and if you don't mind please leave out the "prove you are God by giving me the lotto numbers" kind of questions as well as the " I don't believe you are channeling God if you are tell me what I am holding in my right hand"

Those kind of questions are sort of very low on my priority list. Instead open up your heart to receive have a sense of humor and spiritually be ready to receive from a slightly unconventional source

Well said


Does that mean you don't want to know the lottery numbers cause I was just ready with them.....lets see 23...ahh just kiddin'

Had me worried there

Ha knew that have a nice evening

thanks see you later bye
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!

Steel Hawk


Still channeling your "god" ey?  After two years?

Funny thing your "god" posted on pg 3 "you should read about Stephen" (when replying to a post I made) is that my name is Steven.  :razz:

lol have fun..