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Divination - a test of communication fluidity

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Thank you for the excellent informative post.  And here I go again not taking its advice and stopping to criticise my words.  Indeed, it is something I have been trying to work on and that many would do well to tune into.  However, here I go again.  It will come and I will have the hang of it and all I got to do is not let my ego tell me no no no ;)

Haha, and at the end I will cover my tracks, so to speak, and say that I have no idea what I'm talking about  [}:)]


Well, you've already gotten further than most in many respects, the fact taht you are WITNESSing yourself doing these things, hints at their impending departure, not so much absense, but integration - unfold the lotus


The bamboo stick returns to the side of my head for the second time this day. [B)]  Just as well, I needed it.  

Yes, I have been thinking more in the terms of absence than integration.  I thought I would be better off without certain things like criticizing myself, but alas...
This train has been sitting at the station for a long time now...  I've been seeing these things, but I have been unable to move on.  Integration you say...  Hrm, no wonder I've been feeling like I have been slamming my head into a wall.


you say that you slam your head into a wall, after integration..

is that to hint at some sort of progress is to be achieved?


Did you notice bill Maher on TV using NLP to organize the masses?

On HBO  - East at 2:35 in colorado.

Did you catch that?

Or how about the news?

Its all so easy to witness when it happens..


[:I] I must gain a better control over my sentence structure and placement.  I am not slamming my head into a wall of integration, instead by thinking that I needed to get rid of these things that I am doing I was slamming into a wall.

Hrm, progress...  That is a concept I have been having difficulties with.

Yes, I do see what the news is doing.  I'm actually at the point where it is difficult for me to watch any television.  I feel like I am being violated.  It is not always that extreme, but after not watching much of any tv for 2 years, I now have a deffinite idea of what it does to you.

I did not see Bill Maher, and I was ignorant as to what NLP is up until 10 minutes ago.


NLP is strangely a very dilluted sence of what the whole story is, I think. Of course you know how it goes with "proof".

But here is the theory:

What they are up to goes far beyond NLP in the sense that it works on tremendous levels. Think gigantic ancient archetypes of symbology, and probobly into levels we have yet to "hack"  (matrix anyone?)

its on such "mass" levels that a lot of it is unconcious, in a sense... do you get what I mean by that? Hehe, awaiting your response.. john.


Oooo, I feel that you have stumped me or that I am misinterpreting [:D][|)] what you have written.

The issue I am having is with your next to last sentence.  Do you mean that they can use NLP to kind of tweak around with our minds, since it is tapping into some pretty heavy stuff?  And when they are doing it on a mass scale it can be very effective, since it is shifting a huge portion of consciousness or unconsciousness in a certain direction?  So, Billy Bob down the street doesn't have to feel any resistance when his mind is pushed in a new direction because the larger thing that his mind is a part of is moving with him.  

I have a feeling that I have missed the point though.  Really, I've only had the 5 minute beginners explaination on NLP so far.  My initial reaction to it was that it was indeed a very powerful tool and like any tool its effects can vary greatly depending on who is using it.




Divination: A Test of Boundaries.

Silent John in alignment with truth, creativity, and experience shares his insights on self imposed boundaries and their obvious purpose, also introduces heavily modified posting for sake of personal expression.

The website defines Divination in 3 ways:

  • The art or act of foretelling future events or revealing occult knowledge by means of augury or an alleged supernatural agency.

  • An inspired guess or presentiment.

  • Something that has been divined.

This same website also defines Intuition as:

  • The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition.

  • Knowledge gained by the use of this faculty; a perceptive insight.

  • A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.

Let's erase any sort of "numerical" (in a metaphorical sense) thought values our subjective experiences (a fancy way to say Ya'lls egos [|)] ) place on those bold terms: inspired guess, immediate cognition, and impression.

Its using this manner, of an intuitive feeling that I make this post - pure feeling and trust in my feelings, allowing them to operate freely through my inherant tools of ego, physical body, etc, to transmit it through this forum and right into your eyes, where you can run it through the same divination process, that process of intuition, to feel it out, and sort it however you see fit.

However you feel fit.

Thats why its important to first, erase your preconceived notion of however I say something is intuited from "the divine" and use your own application from subjective experience. (a fancy way to say, through your own eyes [|)] ).

I feel this applies to ALL posts - and it will make the whole communication process increase in productivity as it were, and so fourth.

I'm gunna end this post now, but I'll continue it at another time.

Stay tuned.