The Astral Pulse

Metaphysics => Welcome to Metaphysics! => Topic started by: zareste on October 17, 2006, 11:09:00

Title: Dynamics of memory
Post by: zareste on October 17, 2006, 11:09:00
The other night, I had a dream wherein was whisked through the galaxy, seeing the stars fly, all in really nice detail.  I noticed how each star had a distinct magnetic field.  These fields didn't pull me against them, but rather, struck me with different emotions.  Each star had a different set of feelings associated with it. These feelings seemed to indicate the life forms of that system.  Most feelings were alien to me, but as I reached the far edge of the Milky Way, I saw a cluster of red dusty stars with a very distinct feeling. Their fields were chaotic and uncomfortable, and while looking at them, I saw a memory of their past. (I can bore you with the details but they're not that important)

This happens when spirits pass planets in astral projections as well.  They say each planet gives off a field that reflects its condition.  These magnetic fields, apparently, aren't just there to gravitate moons and planets.  They tell a story of each star system's past.
^This page answered many questions I had about magnetic fields.  It mentions several ancient texts which recorded Earth's polarity reversals in the past.  They say every human on Earth suddenly loses their memory when Earth magnetism reverses.  They forget who they are.  Atlantis collapsed during the last polarity reversal because everyone's memory was erased, and they reverted to barbarianism.  The only people who remained normal were the masters, who preserved their magnetic fields using merkaba shifts, thereby keeping their memories.

So it seems your memory is directly linked to your magnetic field.  When you lose your field, you lose your memory.  If I had to guess how this magnetic memory works, I'd say your neurons and movements affect the field and record what you do and think.  This info then cycles around and recurs in your mind.

Honestly, it would explain a lot. It's known that a person can lose half their brain but keep all their memories. People have gone through every form of head trauma, and though they temporarily forget the past, the memories often come back later. Memory 'loss' is regarded more as psychological repression. Because of this, atheists are left scrambling for alternative explanations on how the memory works, since it appears to be nowhere in your brain. You should see their theories on 'memories embedded in DNA'.
If your actions are recorded in your magnetic field, this means your actions are recorded in Earth's magnetic field as well, plus the Sun's magnetic field and the galaxy's overall field.  Planets and stars will, in fact, have memories of any thought or action taking place in their field, whether or not they have any matrix to comprehend these memories (they probably don't think much).  This could explain how collective consciousness works from planet to planet.

The drawback is that a magnetic field affects different levels of reality (spectrums/dimensions) differently. For example, when you go to sleep, you shift down on the spectrum, where you read lower memories and have a hard time remembering when you were awake.  You can remember other dreams just fine when asleep, and you remember waking memories when awake, but you forget dreams when awake and vise-versa.  Your sleeping self becomes a different person, and because you spend less time sleeping than awake, your sleeping self is younger and less aware.  If you're 21, for example, your sleeping self is only 7 years old.  On top of that, your frequency rises as you get older, so it's hard to remember being young.  Frequencies even shift throughout the day.  By the time you're an adult, your memory is all over the spectrum and quite hard to read.

Just thought I'd mention this little theory.
Title: Re: Dynamics of memory
Post by: GANAMOHA on October 19, 2006, 22:31:24
very insightful and if what you say were to be true it would explain a lot. good post
Title: Re: Dynamics of memory
Post by: AndrewTheSinger on October 20, 2006, 11:06:38
Very cool theory!
Title: Re: Dynamics of memory
Post by: Psionic on October 21, 2006, 04:56:54
Hello zareste:

I read something similar but more detailed so to speak, on the magnetic grid of the planet and our DNA and consiousness and more... The info was channelled from an entity named Kryon.

Here is the link: (

Here is another link that explains in detail why in your dream you were able to get the info you got on those planets looking or passing them. This is because of an interdimensional "tool" that Kryon calls the Cosmic Lattice, but it is known by many names though and all of creation is connected to it.

This is the link: (
Title: Re: Dynamics of memory
Post by: zareste on October 23, 2006, 02:56:34
Nifty.  Yeah I was just giving the stupid version of the explanation so I wouldn't end up writing 10 pages.  The possibility of consciousness grids is intriguing but all the pages I found on the subject were pseudo-scientific.  They all pretended to describe the consciousness grid by alluding to frequencies and atomic structures and all sorts of double-talk, without actually explaining a thing.  I must say I smelled a hoax.  I did run across the Kryon pages, but somehow they didn't strike me as reliable.  "Greetings, dear ones, I AM Kryon of magnetic service!" And the six-paragraph prelude of cultish stuff on each page didn't help.

It wouldn't surprise me if memory data were arranged in grids, but despite my Google skills, I haven't found any info on it that wasn't junk.