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Here's a quick way to learn Telekinesis.

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Nice. You brought up a very good point concerning concentration. I find that once I'm 'warmed up' I can easily keep it spinning by looking at something else while I keep my hands around it...

Got any tips for learning how the levitate the piece of paper of the psiwheel (after all it's our birthright to be able to do so right, we only need to learn...)


Originally posted by Babalon

Here's a quick way to learn Telekinesis.
Get a TV antenna or a radio with an antenna.
Lightly rub the back of your fingers up and down on the antenna (very very lightly).
Soon you will begin to feel a vibration.
Keep practicing this until the vibration becomes very strong (actually audible).

Once you recognize the feeling of the vibrations, start trying to feel them in other things.
Example: Electrical cords when they are plugged in, or if you're really good you will be able to feel the vibrations in walls, and desks, pretty much everything.

Next, to get the feel of what you will be expecting when PK actually does happen for you.
Make a PSI wheel.
Place it on top of your TV.
Move your finger around it and the static from the TV should attract the PSI wheel to your finger (quite quickly).
If it doesn't, turn your TV set off rub your hands over the static screen, and then turn it back on.
Once you get the PSI wheel to follow your finger, play with it for a while and get the feel of it.
Notice how you can't see anything, but it still follows your finger and you can somewhat control it.
This should help you get over any excitement you may have when the PSI wheel moves for the first time on its own. And it should also get you used to the fact that things can move without physical contact.

Once all the fun wears off doing this begin to back up and try to make the PSI wheel follow your finger from a distance.
Once you get good at maneuvering the static, take the PSI wheel off the TV and begin practicing with it in a static free environment.
But while practicing, remember the feeling of how the wheel was attracted to your finger when it was on the TV.
It should begin to move.

Note: Be sure after you move the PSI wheel from the TV to a new surface that you rid yourself of any collected static by touching something metal.

Also, don't concentrate!
I know everyone keeps saying to concentrate, but don't.
You don't have to concentrate when you lift your arm or take a step, you just do it.
It's the same with PK.
When you look at the wheel, see it going in the direction you want, expect it to just go.
Pay attention to your body; don't get anxious or tense up.
Stay calm and relaxed; like you do this all the time, you're a pro...
Take a drink of water while practicing and look at the wheel while you do.
Chew gum, sing. This is your ability, you are born with it.
Have you ever had a dream where you are trying to fly?
And did you notice that if you think about it too much, you can't?
Thinking causes you to become logical and logic says you can't fly.
Even becoming lucid while sleeping and knowing full well you are dreaming, it is still hard to overcome what you think to be true.
Physical laws try to retain their hold even in the dream state.
But notice in the dream state, if you just run jump and expect to fly, you can.
PK is the same way.
Imagine that you are dreaming and the PSI wheel is apart of you, just like in a dream, every object is a part of you, from your mind.

If while you where dreaming, you became lucid, you would be able to control your dreams because you would know they stemmed from your subconscious.
Perhaps the reality you think you know is really only another of your subconscious mind tricks. Just as a dream has you believe you are an innocent bystander and not the actual creator, until somehow you become lucid, and discover otherwise.


can you detail the bit of the antenna and the cords i mean do they have to be an specific kind? or some sort? i mean how bout an keyboard wire?


Hey! That sounds fun.  Been trying to do TK.  I'll try that.  
I think that not-concentrating thing is true with a great deal of things, such as, as you pointed out, lucid dreaming.  [;)]


I have been able to do PK, and though the same, TK.  But I have to tell you this is Fricken Genius Training tool minus the all-so common new age philosophical bull crap that noone understands, and I have Always tried to word the perfect article for TK that people will understand and you did it.
lol good work, and i think Robert Bruce and the others should review this to see how many hits and how much review it receives and with a little extra explanation in the article they should place it in the article section on this website hah!

Yes thats right, Everyone needs to learn how to perform TK, therefore noone would have to get up to change the channel on the tv, or grab the remote from across the room.just use your handle dandy TK abilities and get it without any effort! hah
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


I've yet to levitate something, but I can see the reaction change when I attempt to lift the PSI wheel from its perch (so to speak).
Instead of jumping from left to right it just shakes equally at all four corners.
I can move the wheel (even under a glass dome) but when I attempt to levitate the wheel, it acts as though I've regressed back to the beginning.
I'm assuming this is because I am just learning to levitate, so I am getting the same reaction as I did when I first attempted to move the wheel from side to side in the beginning. I expect this phase should pass soon and it should levitate eventually.
For all I know it could have lifted up many times, if only slightly.
I wouldn't be able to tell unless it lifted at least a few inches so that I could see underneath the PSI wheel (because of the way it's shaped)...unfortunately.
So I'm sorry I can't help you with levitation just yet...but soon.

Yes! Absolutely! You can feel vibrations in everything, but truthfully the best and strongest vibrations I've ever felt come from antennas of all kinds, next best is extension cords, and then walls.
Just make sure you use the sensitive part of your fingers, when you're first learning, meaning: the meatier part right between your finger nails and your knuckles on the back side of your hands.
I use mainly the pointer finger and the middle finger.
But just relax your hand and use whichever fingers hit the object naturally.
The best type of cord to feel a vibration in is an extension cord, and the best type of antenna is any antenna that connects to any electric radio, or any TV antenna that you can buy from your local Wal-Mart. The kind of TV antenna with the Satellite looking center works great!
I think there called 'Rabbit Ears' or something like that...

Keep us all updated on your progress, and good luck!
I'd be interested in knowing when you feel the vibrations.
I've tried to show one other person how to feel them but he couldn't, he could however hear the sound it makes when I do.
Thank goodness for the vibrations being audible or else I'd have no actual proof.

WOW! Thank you so much for the kind remarks!


Originally posted by Babalon

I've yet to levitate something, but I can see the reaction change when I attempt to lift the PSI wheel from its perch (so to speak).
Instead of jumping from left to right it just shakes equally at all four corners.
I can move the wheel (even under a glass dome) but when I attempt to levitate the wheel, it acts as though I've regressed back to the beginning.
I'm assuming this is because I am just learning to levitate, so I am getting the same reaction as I did when I first attempted to move the wheel from side to side in the beginning. I expect this phase should pass soon and it should levitate eventually.
For all I know it could have lifted up many times, if only slightly.
I wouldn't be able to tell unless it lifted at least a few inches so that I could see underneath the PSI wheel (because of the way it's shaped)...unfortunately.
So I'm sorry I can't help you with levitation just yet...but soon.

Yeah exactly you hit the nail right on the head! I too experienced that ;)


how bout an phone charger or an radio antenna?


Thank-you Babalon, I have been practicing Telekinesis for quite some time now....
And I must say I really like your examples you've given.  My problem is I'm a skeptic and a logical thinker... all the ingredients to failed Telekinesis. However on that note, I'm a very good spiritual healer and I feel energy really well. It's just the thought of moving a physical object without touching it that prevents me from opening my mind and seeing the bigger picture... Physical objects are energy, energy is connected to energy nothing is separate from itself but all interconnects, therefore a PSI wheel is part of me, I just have to move that energy!   Arhhhhh.... Then the dam logic takes over and I have failed again.

I can feel the energy from Power cables and antennas; whether that's energy or just radiation frying my brain I don't really know... but I can feel it.[:D]

Thanks again and keep up the good work.

I'll keep you updated with my progress

I haven't lost my mind, I've backed it up somewhere...


I must be stupid or something but i cant get the "virbrations"
DO i have to have the cable on? i havnt used radio in a while and i dont have a antenna.  What do they feel like? what part o the finger and for how long?

can someone help me?


Originally posted by prowses

I must be stupid or something but i cant get the "virbrations"
DO i have to have the cable on? i havnt used radio in a while and i dont have a antenna.  What do they feel like? what part o the finger and for how long?

can someone help me?

that first happened to me you must be calm and very patient and keep trying and oh yeah a big thing belive tyhat you can feel it try closing your eyes that will help


Yes a radio antenna will work.
A phone charger will probably take allot more practice.
You should start with something really easy first though.
If you don't have an old TV antenna or a radio antenna, then try using the front of your TV screen.
Place the back part of your fingers really close to the screen, (about a hairs space away); your fingers may keep bumping the screen, but that's ok it'll still work.
You'll feel static at first, but right after that you should begin to feel a vibration.
Note: Don't use your computer monitor; I tried mine once and it's been messed up ever since.

Being skeptical and logical shouldn't hinder you from achieving PK/TK.
You can be exactly who you are and not have to change a thing to have PK abilities.
Just know you are skeptical, logical, AND telekinetic. ; )
But I know what you mean; being logical, it's hard to convince yourself to believe you can be telekinetic.
It's easier if you can see someone else do it first.

Nope, you're defiantly NOT stupid.
It takes a little while to feel them sometimes...
Honestly if your REALLY what to feel the vibrations you should try to find a radio with an antenna from somewhere, it really works best. If I tell you to try something else it'll probably just end up frustrating you and you'll give up before you're able to feel them.
I want to give you the best chance possible because once you see you can do it, hopefully that will be your incentive to believe you are also able to do PK.
Since it does take a little while, you should sit and watch TV or listen to the radio while you practice lightly rubbing the backside of your fingers up and down the antenna.
Every now and then just let the backside of your fingers sit on the antenna, sometimes that will make the vibrations more obvious. Or try just tapping them lightly over and over quickly and rubbing, that works too.
The vibrations feel just like if you where to stick your finger in a light socket, (don't do it) but much lighter, it's the exact same wave pattern.

For anyone who's interested in reading this...
Quite a few years ago (before computers where in every house) I was a bored kid.
I use to take my radio out to the patio and plug it into one of my dads' extension cords and sit for hours on a bench swing.
Just swinging and listening to the radio. I really didn't have much to do with my hands, so out of habit I use to lightly rub the antenna with the backside of my fingers (as I've explained previously).
One day I noticed that there was a weird vibration coming from the antenna, and the radio as well. I thought it was pretty interesting, but I assumed it was something normal that everyone could feel so I never asked about it or told anyone either.
At night I would also rub the backside of my hand on the wall while I was falling asleep and could feel the same vibration. That's when I began to try my hand (pun intended) at feeling vibrations in other things. And I noticed everything had a vibration, even objects that where not electric. Meaning people, animals, tables, the air...everything.
I also noticed that at the same time I began feeling vibrations in objects, that I also began to learn to move small things with my mind, I though that part of the experience was coincidence because my mom said they where, so I believed her. I was a kid so what did I know, moms are supposed to be right, right?
Anyway along with a few parlor tricks such as being able to jam an antique radio, (there's a useless talent), and being able to see an occasional ball of light fly from my closet and into my face at night, everything seemed normal.
It was right about here that I learned Lucid Dreaming but I'll tell that story later.
Anyway, so here I am every day, sitting on the patio, radio in hand, attempting to spin a wind spinner with my mind, and feeling vibrations all around me. Of course it's been a few months, so I can now hear the vibrations as well as feel them, and when I stop I can still feel my whole body vibrating, as if I stuck my finger in a light socked or drank too much coffee.
So anyway I stand up, put my radio down and begin to walk around the back yard.
This is when I get the strangest feeling, and I look to my left just in time to see a big ball of white light shooting across the yard directly at me, and it hits me on my left side knocking me to the ground with a loud bang!
It felt just like the vibrations, but much much stronger!
My brother, who was only a moment before standing right beside me somehow bolted to the house so quickly that I didn't even see him.
So I too got up and ran inside.
My mom was waiting on the back porch (after following the ball outside) and I yelled, "I've been struck!"
Later, after I had settled down, my mom told me that she was in my room and a ball of light came out of the closet and she followed it as it floated through the house, slowly turning corners, and went out a back screen (without leaving a mark) and into the back yard where it proceeded to gain tremendous speed and hit me.
This was the first time anyone besides me had seen the ball of light from the closet, and it was much more solid than it had ever been before. And I'm certain it would not have happened had I not been practicing with those vibrations. That was the experience that turned me off to practicing anything paranormal related until many years later.
Which brings me to where I am now.
A few years ago I began wondering whether or not I could really feel the vibrations that I thought I could when I was a kid, or was it just my imagination.
So I attempted it again and I could!
Now the ball of light is back again since I've been practicing, but only when I'm falling asleep again. It feels as though it's some sort of discharge as I'm falling asleep at night, but I was wondering, how an electromagnetic discharge from the brain could become solid? This has been nagging at my brain for years.
Anyway the whole point of me typing this is to let anyone know who's practicing feeling electrical vibrations or any vibrations for that matter, to be careful. I'm not sure what exactly causes the ball of light, I'm not even sure if it's harmful or not. But be aware that this is something that may occur after a period of practicing feeling vibrations in objects.
If anyone has an answer to why this may happen I'd be interested in hearing it.



i made 1 very big mistake that i would lioke to point out if you start developing headaches(or migranes) stop straight away unlike me who continued the following 3 days (today also) youll get strong headaches and trust me its awful, [:(][:(][:(]


Babalon, you mean i don't have to concentrate on the antenna?
I can just watch T.V while i rub the antenna


That's awesome!!!  Thanks, Babalon.  I've been halfheartedly trying TK for a while now, hoping I would come across a good TK article.  You gave me the answer to my prayers.  Anyway, do you think that cell phone antennas would work, so we could practice TK anywhere?  Thanks again.
He who binds himself in a Joy,
Does the winged life destroy;
He who kisses the Joy as it flies,
Lives in Eternity's sunrise.
--William Blake


Hey his technique worked for me, I've been practicing TK for 3 months now and can spin my wheel upside down on top of my mouse and for some reason I got real lucky and only rolled my toothpick only a few mm [:D]but when I first started it only took me 1 day to see results and got my psiwheel spinning my very first day but I got a terrible headache back then but I can make my wheel spin in less then a second and upside down.


This is strange, I am still having trouble when it comes to gettting vibrations.  Is that vital to going on to the next step?  Maybe it is my radio.  I also have a question from a friend named allyson.  she says she has lots of trouble getting vibrations from a antenna but she suceeds when it comes to other things like walls.  Any comment on that?  My final question is that maybe i do get vibrations but my finger ( where it touches) just goes really cold.  could that be it?


Sorry to hear about your headaches, be careful not too try to hard.
It shouldn't take too much effort to see results.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. You shouldn't have to try at all, other than lifting your hand, and that shouldn't be a problem unless you're really out of shape, [wink] just kidding.
Just sit there and lightly rub the back side of your fingers, kind of like your petting the antenna (or what ever you're using) pretty soon it will start to feel like your fingers are sticking to the antenna and causing a vibration, but then you notice it's really vibrating.
You can watch TV or listen to the radio, whatever you want, as long as you can leave one hand free to practice with.
If you don't feel something within a few more days, let me know and I'll try to find another way to explain it.
Don't be afraid to keep asking questions if you can't get it.
I'll help all I can.

You're welcome sweetie.
You threw me a curve ball asking about cell phone antennas, as I've never tried one of those. So I tried one yesterday and yes they do also emit vibrations, but very lightly.
So to answer your question, yes you can use a cell phone antenna, although it may take a little more practice. I'm usually pretty good at feeling vibrations in objects, but the cell phone took me about 10 good minutes.

You rolled a toothpick and can spin your wheel upside down? WOW! That's excellent!
Careful for those headaches though, you always want a positive result, but without negative after effects.

Sometimes it takes awhile.
As long as your radio plugs in and has an antenna, it should work for you.
Although battery operated objects work as well, they tend to be harder to feel at the beginning.
I just recently got over a cold and I couldn't feel the vibrations, even on an antenna (which I can always do).
So it was a good lesson for me as to how someone feels who's having a hard time with it.
I was experiencing the same thing you've explained (about your fingers getting cold) and it took me about an hour to begin feeling even the slightest of vibrations. I couldn't figure out what had happened. So I tried rubbing the antenna with more pressure and then lightened up, after a few more minutes I began to feel a small amount of vibration.
A few minutes longer and it was back to normal, and loudly vibrating.
When you begin to feel vibrations, you will not be able to mistake them for anything, you'll KNOW you did it right because it will make a steady (nunnnnnnn) sound or feel.

To anyone who is having problems, the best thing I can suggest is to practice while watching TV, because you don't have to be paying attention for it to work.
Matter of fact it's probably better in my experience, to practice when you're not even thinking about it.
Just plug the antenna or Radio or whatever you're using in next to you, and sit on the couch rubbing your fingers on it over and over.
Whether it takes a minute or a week, you'll begin to feel vibration eventually.
Yes people will probably think you're weird, but what do they know. ; )

Hey I just tried something and found a way that might make it easier.
Put your object right next to your TV, and lightly rub the face of your TV as you rub the antenna at the same time. That seems to help make the vibration stronger.

To answer your question about whether or not feeling vibrations is vital to moving on to the next step. It isn't.
It's just good practice, and will train your subconscious to be able to take on a certain frame of mind even when your not trying. This will help you with TK in the future, but is not absolutely necessary.
It's kind of like being hypnotized a lot. After a while you'll be able to obtain the hypnotic state in seconds, where as in the beginning it will probably take longer to be hypnotized.

Right now obtaining the state of mind needed to do TK may be hard, but once you are able to feel vibrations, you will be able to obtain the correct state of mind quite quickly and easily, without even trying. It'll just happen right when you need it. Because your mind will know how to work independently of your conscious thoughts, although it may feel the same.

On a final note, to answer your question about your friend being able to feel vibrations in walls and not the antenna.
She may have trained herself to feel vibrations in a certain type of object, and now she needs to expand her abilities by practicing on metallic objects. It's like the difference between paper and aluminum foil PSI wheels.
Some people can move the paper ones and not the foil, and vice versa.
Some people are just more sensitive to certain objects. Walls are pretty difficult for someone who's inexperienced. I'm intrigued that she is able to feel vibrations in walls already. That's REALLY good.
Just tell her to keep practicing, and try different types of materials. If she can feel vibrations in walls, then she will surely be able to feel vibrations in other things as well, since she already knows the feeling she's looking for.
The vibrations feel the same in everything.
If you still need help don't be afraid to ask, that's what I'm here for.
If I get to confusing just let me know and I'll try to explain in new ways until you get it, which I'm sure you will.
Good luck!



You gave me a nice idea there. I already was aware of the feeling I got by aiming for example my left indexfinger at my right indexfinger. But now I grabbed the needle of my psiwheel and began pointing it at all different parts of my body. You just feel that something/the needle is close. And when it gets really close you even feel a sort of magnetic field that influences the both attracts as repels it. ..the best way to become aware of it it to gently move the needle without looking towards for example your you get closer  you'il get the feeling it's hitting ur skin, while it hasn't! that's where the magnetic force is, i think.

Anyway in extend to what you said of why this benefits telekinesis. I found that when I'm PLaying around with the needle/vibration feel I have the SAME FOCUS/CONCENTRATION as when I have my psiwheel spinning!!


Hey, this is Allyson from above. Nice to meet you. Like my VERY good friend said, and can only feel the virbrations on walls and desks but never metallic items. Maybe it's because at night, my bed is next to the wall, so I rub the wall to help me go to sleep. But I have never felt it before now. So I have two questions. Is this normal? and How do I start feeling it on metallic objects?

P.S. Thanks for the compliment! i feel so special[8D]


For a good source of info on TK and ways to help you learn Tk go to

There's no easy way to learn TK it takes practice and commitment.


yo  babylon its sort of worknig for me but have you tried developing it for electrokenises yet? and has it worked.[?]

one more thing how long do you need to train to feeling the vibes coz no one knows here!
once you start feeling these vibrations can you start using them to move things straight away?


yu mentioned it was te same for PK wat did you mean ? i was just curious!![:I]
(do you mena rub back of fingers of a flame?)[:o)]


I believe that by PK we are meaning psychokinesis, instead of pyrokinesis.
He who binds himself in a Joy,
Does the winged life destroy;
He who kisses the Joy as it flies,
Lives in Eternity's sunrise.
--William Blake


I have yet to try this, but be assured I shall to humor myself and because it sounds interesting.

One suggestion, might not help anyone, thought Id voice it.
If you are having trouble feeling the vibration, it could mean you are having trouble picking up energy source and you have to begin feeling natural heat first.

Try rubbing your hands together in a circular pattern slowly at first then increasing in speed for a good steady twenty seconds (More if you want but not too long).

Then stop and seperate your hands by an inch at the most. Keep them held apart like that and imagine heat between your hands, then focus on your palms and fingers. The connection of heat exchange between the hands.

Do this as practice a few times a day and eventually you can seperate your hands further and further and even end up not needing to rub your hands together to feel the heat/ energy exchange. Once you have done this you can just relax and begin to feel the energy and heat from other life sources around you; plants, animals, friends.

We are natural resources of energy, and I believe if we tune ourselves to the energy and practice, become aquanted with it, it will be easier for us to pick other sources of energy such as the antenna or electrical chord.

Just a suggestion, dont know if it will help or not.
St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"

Jonas K strand

hello everyone.

i have tried this tuchingthingsthing now for fifteen minutes...
and i would like to share my thaughts.
the vibrations is nothing else but vibrations. thats the first thing.
i think its all about how carefull and sensetively you tuch the objects. in my opinion its a pure physical sensation, you can hear the fingers kind of jumping very fast on the object. thats what makes the sound. its probably much more difficult to feel if you have very dry hands. sometimes it works well to go fast with the hand and sometimes its easier to go very slow.

the most important, the fingers, hand, arm, (body, house, world...)
is actually vibrating for real. no mumbojumbo in this case.
tell me if you disagree with me.

maby its a very good thing to do to be more sensetive. does anyone here have a picture or description of one of those psiwheels. it would be nice to give it a try.
