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I just wanted to state how special each human being is. And how we will one day find eternal peace. I am so grateful for what i am going to experience , for eternity that is. I am grateful to be apart of gods plan. and to be apart of him. we are all one. we are all ascending higher each day we live.  

Peace love and empathy


speak for yourself, god is not a part of my life never have been and NEVER will be. Understand that you cannot say such things this makes me just mad, my believe is

God shouldn't be a part of your life, solve your problems your self, if you can't ask help from you familie and friends, if that doesn't work then time will in the end solve it.

God even if he exists is NEVER a source that i will ask, i have nothing to do with him, he has nothing to do with me

Speak for yourself please, have fun with your eternal peace in 2009


Interesting post and interesting reply.  

Namaste:  Welcome to the reality of this site.  Not everyone seeks enlightenment, many prefer the comfort of darkness and shadows.

Orchild:  Denying something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


These are only two paths, how do you know which one is better without walking both?(and you can't choose both paths at the same time... :) )
And why do you say that something important will happen in 2009? There was great amount of such dates, and nothing happened in any of them...


Lately i asked my guide, he said not 2012 that is a mistake, 2012 is the 4th dimension transfer, atleast that's the plan. And 2009 is the pole shift, atleast that's the plan. My pendulum said this was true, and i have a friend who lately had visions about it and his guides say the same.


You are choosing an interesting reality to live in.  I myself have been having a lively time dealing with the shift to 5D that happened last week.  There are many more games being played on earth than msot people think, there isn't just one, but they can all occur at the same time with differnt outcomes.

Ain't multi-dimensionality fun?
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


Hmmm... So how do I choose my reality? I would like to see ParEcon revolution in US 2006... :wink:


Tell me, what was this shift like rastus?  I've been away from the boards a while and am not up to date with the dimensional shifts... Personally, I believe they're semantic.

Anyway, whatever you get from the pendulum may not be fact.  You never know with divination tools, they're unreliable.  Use them as a guide, but don't live by them.  I learned this the hard way  :wink:


I learn everything the hard way.. and yes i don't rely on it at all since i affect is personaly alot


i believe that 2009 is the more important date as well, it will begin in 2005, have the most impact in 2009 and then 2012 is the end of the 7 year cycle. i like to think of 2012 as new years eve, not the eve of a new year but the eve of a new age, a celebration that the destruction is behind us, and humanity can step forward a bit more wiser and a bit more humble. Because between now and 2012 we will learn some very harsh lessons, not just about how we treat each other, but by realizing that we are not alone in this universe and how we treat our new found friends and  react to our new found enemies.

you may well be a part of gods plan Namaste, but which god?

I believe we are all here on earth at this time for our own small purpose, but i believe with whats to come in the not to distant future will test us all to see if we are ready to step up to what fate and or destiny hands out to us.


I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing, but I do sense an increase in frequency and energy in general.  Not particular to last week, but ever increasing when I tune to it.

Quote from: RastusYou are choosing an interesting reality to live in.  I myself have been having a lively time dealing with the shift to 5D that happened last week.  There are many more games being played on earth than msot people think, there isn't just one, but they can all occur at the same time with differnt outcomes.

Ain't multi-dimensionality fun?


2005 in the year of the omen so i have been told. omen means sign, so you can expect a preview of what harsh lessons as Static said it we will experience in 2009.. Now we're with a dillema, is Tsunami  the omen or will there be a worse and bigger omen yet to come this year?? this is truely getting to me and my friends because atm we asume it wasn't Tsunami, and there will come something worse..

2005, your of the omen, a preview on 2009, you can expect a disaster of a world wide scale as Tsunami has been, or was the omen tsunami?

from the period 2005 till 2009 you can expect alot, i've seen to many things about this period and i don't know in what order this will hapen, on what level. Physical or mental, dream stadium, etc. to much info i cannot proces. Also have i been told not to wory about this year and not to expect getting any more info about this year. It will come as it should come, let's just make sure we are prepared.

2012 isn't a thing to discuss atm in my eye's, there way bigger things going on now. 2012 is the beginning of a new era, we shouldn't be with our head in a new and for now totaly unknown era, we should be closing this era as good as possible. The future is not something that just hapens, it takes effort, without our effort into saving it we will die certainly


every day can be seen as an omen, but many events do sometimes lead us to believe that perhaps there are bigger signs pointing to something.

The Tsunami in my opinion is not the first nor the last sign.
2005 will be filled with a lot of controversy and may be the hardest to get through, but it is not going to be the only omen filled year.

2007 will be the final peak in my understanding. My understanding does not consist of channels, spirit guides, mystics, readings, or prophecies. It consists of something I havent fully come to see yet.
However, after 2007, things shall start winding down and awareness will begin climbing at an unprecidented rate.
I havent been on the boards for awhile because of work and school. For the first time I am allowing myself to be who I am rather than attempt to be something Im unsure of.
So Im letting alot of this subject matter go.

I find that I am a lot more accepting of my situation and the worlds, and though I am ready to act as human, I also feel as though I am an interpreter of the universe. That the pieces of our puzzle slowly come together, and one or few of us, shall see the right set of pieces to be placed in those dark spots.

I wish you all the best, and give you the closest thing to a blessing that I can.
I give you potential.
St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"


maybe the omen that will come this year isn't a physical thing like disaster or terrorist attack, but an understanding that effects the world in a way that it destroys a lot of the ways people see the world and their understanding of their religions and spiritual growth, more mental and spiritual than physical.