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How to become an exorcist without being a roman catholic

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I wanted to know how to become an exorcist without becoming a catholic priest? The reason I'm asking is that I can't go without having a mate (partner) and don't want to go through the hustle of dealing with the catholic church. I also want to have a business of communicating with the dead. I also can now to a very large degree tune into the akashic records.

Any advice?

If anyone wants personal details you can pm / dm me.



Become a Shaman or one of those Voodoo Priest, they do exorcisms.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on May 16, 2020, 21:47:29
Become a Shaman or one of those Voodoo Priest, they do exorcisms.

For some reason I also know a lot about the human body like a doctor. I wouldn't be surprised if I was a doctor in ancient Egypt (it could be Tutankhamen but most people would think I'm crazy for saying I'm his reincarnation = this is who I think I was since he was mixed race and had more of one of the side showing in features than his other side). Is there anyway I can become a Shaman from a book and with limited training at least the reason I'm asking is that I'm having hard times money wise and am about to be kicked out by a family member (parent). I also know can communicate with certain dead spirits and wanted to make a living doing the communication. I know I can try to advertise on the afterlife TV site but don't know what to do.



Get a 'real' job. You do have to live in this reality. Pay your bills and take care of your responsibilities. THEN ask for guidance from your higher order helpers. THEY need to see that you can handle both THIS reality AND what is coming down the pike for you.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Agree with Nameless. In addition, if you can tune into the akashic records easy as you mentioned, this is your best source for answers.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


 I was going to say "there is a App for that"!  :-D But seriously I agree with Lightbeam and Nameless here. People don't just wake up in the morning and find they are a "Shaman" now. For the Shaman, it took years for them to get where they are now, even if they did have a "Mentor" which most of them did. Many of them started in a kind of "Apprentice program". Possibly you should look into that too.

If I wanted to be a Shaman and was serious about it, I would seek out another Shaman and ask for them to teach me, please!  :wink:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I'm going to try an akashic record hypnosis on YouTube because I tried a past life regression by Brian Scott and it was pretty good. I can share the results of it if anyone is interested. The only reason I'm using YouTube is that I'm not 100% able to access the akashic records all the time.

Thanks for the replies.