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Channeled: Focus and elevating current consciousness levels 2

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You see there is a lot of stuff in the horizon.  What do you mean? Certain events are set up and planned. Influences are made.  It is hard to explain all of this to you even in pictures or words as they are not sufficient. Then how are difficult concepts explained then? Through experience. Like a setup, through dream events? That can happen yes. But, perhaps what I am pointing at, is that actual physical events in life are setup, and there is a testing ground in certain experiences.  What I don't get is how much is my own will versus things being put together for my behalf? Firstly, it is not only your behalf. Events are put together for your benefit and others benefit and are threaded into a time line.  I know in you I sense the powerlessness and frustration that the speed of good, or the evolution of the race is not happening fast enough or not developing as it should. From your perspective it appears that way. It is not the case though. It is all orchestrated in unmistakable detail and yes there is a grand plan and the weight of the outcome is really not on you. Again wouldn't that effect free will? It does but your choices are not unlimited in the sense that  you will likely choose an infinite amount. There are constraints in the sense you have a collection of choices entirely up to you. The collection is presented in your awareness and you choose.  We have to see and monitor all outcomes and there is a parameter, so that it can be managed.  So in a sense there is free will and there is a plan at the same time? Exactly.

Who are you exactly? I am an overseer.  I oversee certain strains of thought and ensure they continue. I am not necessarily a form although I can take it to make you more comfortable. But I know that you have let go of the term of a form to be required for receiving information. So you could say I am a brand of consciousness that monitors others and nourishes others through allocating ideas into thought streams. And what ideas need to be allocated? Imagine an empty wooden boat with paddles, on a definite direction. Oh no..another boat analogy. Use it....If I was to fill this boat with the right goods and it was going in the right direction it could go very far. For example if I filled it with items to repair it, or special sails. If I filled it with the wrong goods then it may sink. Lets say I fill it with rocks. Or a highly combustible material. You could say that the variety of thought trains, individual and collective are going in directions. Some can go on and last thousands of years and some can just fizzle out. You have to understand what well the thoughts spring from. They take shaped based on the energy source that is used to create them. And aren't they all created from the mind/brain/head? No they are not. Does your hand create thoughts? No. Well, you have got it all wrong. Thoughts are not localized in the body. They are just translated with the body.  So they are not created in the heart either? Heart translates and amplifies, so you may actually have a more sensory experience. How is this idea beneficial? When you are translating an idea, you can get it wrong. So it is good to spend more time translating.


 Rainbowcity, does this information come to you totally conscious with eyes open akin to "thinking out loud" or does it come to you deeper in some meditation/Phase session?

I have been told and shown similar things. It really changed my mindset on what really "is" and what "isn't". Some of the answers given and things shown are a shock to the system, but I find they are necessary.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Well, it is incredibly awkward for me to post the information. But I may as well.

For me I go into a trance which can be induced through shamanic drumming such as rattles or recorded drums, binaural beats, through guided hypnosis or Bob Monroe's recordings. I have the most success with the focus 21 recordings of Bob Monroe. I have no idea but within 30 seconds I am able to tune out most of my analytical thinking which is a nuisance.

For me, I can obtain the most useful information this way with a clarity of understanding. I don't really process or understand that much of what has happened until I snap out of it so to speak. Ironically, though I find myself asking pointed questions. Also, the information comes really fast. The funny thing is if it is not written down than I may forget the whole thing entirely and it fades just like a dream.

It can be very confusing to sort through messages or to make sense of them. I think I just stick with Tom Campbell's syn ops of it, "Is it useful?"


Quote from: rainbowcity on November 01, 2016, 22:55:06
Well, it is incredibly awkward for me to post the information. But I may as well.
There is much I don't post here too. So I know how you feel. I will help others get "there" But what they see is of a personal nature.

QuoteFor me I go into a trance which can be induced through shamanic drumming such as rattles or recorded drums, binaural beats, through guided hypnosis or Bob Monroe's recordings. I have the most success with the focus 21 recordings of Bob Monroe. I have no idea but within 30 seconds I am able to tune out most of my analytical thinking which is a nuisance.
I use Binaural Beats and Isochronic tones quite a bit too. I have used Bob's Gateway 1 program and quite enjoyed his "walk throughs". That's when I learned the importance of creative visualization.
You may enjoy the work of Paul Collier as well. Paul is a brilliant Composer. He creates Binaural Beat tracks too. I need musical accompaniment as background in my Bin Beats. I don't like the monotone ones.
After awhile you train yourself that just hearing the Bin Beat or chosen music begin, leads into an almost immediate shift in consciousness.
One of my favorites for an emotional rollercoaster of adventures is this hour collection of Hans Zimmer's greatest hits

QuoteFor me, I can obtain the most useful information this way with a clarity of understanding. I don't really process or understand that much of what has happened until I snap out of it so to speak. Ironically, though I find myself asking pointed questions. Also, the information comes really fast. The funny thing is if it is not written down than I may forget the whole thing entirely and it fades just like a dream.

It can be very confusing to sort through messages or to make sense of them. I think I just stick with Tom Campbell's syn ops of it, "Is it useful?"
Sometimes the "messages" come in the form of "Downloads" as well. Check this thread out and you will see what I mean.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla