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I want to summon ETs

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I am looking for a way to summon ETs and a way to discover more about them. I've had dreams of meeting them in the past and maybe one astral projection experience that I am not sure was a dream. I had a dream a mantis being called me on the phone and when I picked up he asked "Are you there? It's meee." I felt excited to talk to an old friend, but before I could speak, I woke up. Another experience that sticks out a lot is being in my room with a blue alien(Andromedin?) and the being showed other humanoid alien races through holographic projection. He went through a few species telling me which ones were hostile and which ones I could trust.


So, formulate a short mental request to reopen one of these earlier dialogues or a new subject; go into a light trance or meditative state and ask the question, directing it with openness and sincerity. Then relax and wait for a response.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


For anyone looking at this (older) thread I just want to add that Steven Greer's CE5 technique appears to work for many people, although I have not tried it myself. It might be worth checking out that as they 'call in' ET craft and go out for nighttime 'meetings' with ET craft. I believe it is something like getting into a meditative state and then directing ET craft to where you are, your physical location on Earth. Others may want to give more information on this if they know more or have had experiences.


Hi ocpaul20,

Welcome to the forums. I am a newbie here myself- sorry I hadn't replied to your earlier inquiry. I am a fan of the overall message relayed by Steven Greer which is to  make the effort now, and not wait for a government body to disclose or even attempt to regulate something like ET communication. His film was awesome and inspiring. I hope one day to attend a CE-5 event, but for now I have found other ways to accomplish the desire stated in this thread.

I have found communities, like this forum(and others) which help me understand the subtler realities happening around us. A member here, "omcasey" Casey Claar has a forum called the galactic travel channel where we record our dreams regularly. Recording my dreams every night has really helped me solidify concepts, the mysteries of the 'subconscious' and the reality behind things like communication with ET's.

This cost zero dollars, requires no app to download, and does not even ask I leave my current residence. All it takes is time, and the discipline to dig deep and really inquire as to who or what we are. I believe the OP in this thread is a real experience, and while there are no doubt countless 'techniques' to enhance ones awareness- simply recording your dreams is a fantastic way to understand the reality of consciousness and the interconnectedness with Being. Dr. Greers technique is a type of remote viewing, isn't it? The ever-present, omnipotent intelligence is not something solely reserved for human experience. It seems there are other beings, 'out there'/'within' that understand this- and that there might be loving guides with which we share a deeper connection at the ready, assisting us with the endeavor of understanding our true nature and expanding our perceptions with "reality."

By recording my dreams regularly, I've learned that I am in contact with beings... I go out, they come in... Or vice versa. I don't pretend to understand, to the extent that I am witnessing things in their true form or remembering every detail- I am still filtering through a limited perception... And I am still anchored to a denser vibration/reality found upon the map of consciousness. My point being, again, that by practicing disciplines which cultivate self awareness we will understand a greater being which involves regular communication with guides that might be considered, "ET" and going beyond that, we come to understand or experience beauty and magic that many seekers accredit as belonging to, "God."

To make God alive, to learn and to understand- this is the greatest joy. Yes, learning up on remote viewing is one way. Praying is another. Meditating, journaling. We have to inquire the nature of reality, the existence of some intelligent force outside what we call, 'our self' acknowledging and communicating with what we think to be our secret thoughts -

Whether some want to make God a part of the equation or not, we can start small- and try to see how things in our dreams communicate with things in our, 'waking' state... And the beginning will be like the end, it seems small- and it is one of the biggest ways to Discover... To experience more, and to evolve.

Best of luck all. We don't need to buy anything- we only need a sincere intent and to really try to uncover the mystery of being alive. To want to understand. This is the most important step.


Have you read the "Silver Birch" channeled messages? Just curious. There is a blogger who posts them.

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I have heard of Steven Greer but have never heard of CE-5.  I have to watch this. I'm watching it on Tubi..

I just finished watching the show.  That was really interesting.  

If I lived in Arizona or NM, I would prob go out in the desert and try that.  I believe with my whole heart that we are not the only intelligent species in the infinitely billions of galaxies and beyond that exist.  Space has no end IMHO.  It goes on and on.. Even our strongest telescopes, as they reach out to view the far vastness -- it appears that stars and planets become less and less and all they see is blackness.  But that doesn't mean that's the end of space. That means our telescopes have reached their limits of viewing scope, but the vastness of planets and galaxies continue on and on. We just can't see them.

Of course we are not alone in all that vastness. But I also know that OBEs, connecting with others "out there" via meditation or our minds, is the only way in this lifetime 'they' will be contacted. We are not advanced enough and may never be advanced enough. We will distroy our own planet before we become advanced enough. They are using meditation as a means to contact someone far more advanced than ourselves.

I say "go for it" if that's where your heart is leading you.

Quick true story:
When I was a child, my entire family had a ufo experience in our back yard. Maybe late 1960's.  A large craft hovered over our heads bathing us in a gray blue light right at dusk one night.  It was not pitch black night.  You could still see. It was prob 20' over our heads.  Extremely close. My dad choked out "RUN" and we all ran for the house.  We lived in Azle, Texas way out in the country.  We were out by our well house when this occured so we had to run a small distance to get to the house.

Both me and my sister had strange things happen after the experience. I had waking paralysis at night accompanied by loud sounds. I did not know at the time what was happening to me.  I was terrified.  I also had waking dreams for years of a boy and girl who were twins who lived on another planet.  They aged in my dreams as the years passed. I essentially saw them grow up with me and knew their experiences. I had waking dreams of them for around 10 years if I am recalling correctly.  My sister experiences were different.  She could be at school and would be sitting at her desk but transported mentally onto a grid where her reality would be changed. She said her classroom would disappear for a few minutes when this occurred.  It also terrified her.  

We had a party line phone in our house. When this initially occured, my parents picked up and heard everyones conversation about it.  Everyone saw it in our area. The sheriff said it was a weather balloon but that was not true. My family knew what it was.

My parents never discussed this with us.  They brushed it off.  Stigma was a bigger thing then than it is now.

Last thing, that experience, and trying to find info on it 25 years ago, is exactly how I became aware of astral projection, obe etc. I never could find out anything about the ufo in azle back in the late 60's but I did read about someone who had dream paralysis and it sounded like what had happened to me and that's what had lead me here to this website back in 2001-2002. I seriously doubt I would be a believer in anything mystical had that not occured. I was searching for answers to things that had bothered me for my entire life. 


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'