The Astral Pulse

Metaphysics => Welcome to Metaphysics! => Topic started by: wisp on December 01, 2002, 09:50:31

Title: Indigo Children
Post by: wisp on December 01, 2002, 09:50:31
Auraseer, yes, I've been hearing about indigo children for some time. I think there is something to this. The younger generation does seem to be a more discerning group. They seem more verbal an aggressive to me. Hope this is a good thing for the future. Maybe the future generation will require these  features, a "tougher" & smarter bunch for a reason.

Title: Indigo Children
Post by: Lysear on December 01, 2002, 12:56:32
I think you should be careful about things like this. I didnt read all of it so spank me down if I am being out of line but, from what I gather it is telling you your special and that your wanted. A lot of groups, cults etc use this method (not that I'm saying this indigo children thing is culty) they will find people who are different, withdrawn and try and give them something to have in common with them in order to draw them in.

anyway thats all I'm saying be careful.

"man makes his own history, but he does not make it out of whole cloth; he does not make it out of conditions chosen by himself but out of such as he finds close at hand. -Karl Marx
Title: Indigo Children
Post by: Tarconiss on December 02, 2002, 16:29:46
I just checked out that link, and looking over the things..... heh... I seem to fit almost all of those things... I haven't heard much about Indigo Children before, nor have I had an actual aura check or psychic reading... My mother is kindof against these things because of her firm christian beliefs, but she respects why I look into these things [ probobly because before she finally saw her light, in the Lord, she had done and seen a lot of stuff relateing to energy and the occult ] but besides that, my mother was told that she had a purple-ish aura before, and she seems to fit the indigo child bill aswell...
    I would like to know more about this indigo child thing, and if anyone could send me a few links or whatnot pertaining to this, or any other subject for that matter [ I wish to learn all I can, to try and help those I know with something that can help... I've been this way for a long time].

Title: Indigo Children
Post by: General-Army on December 02, 2002, 18:50:08
I fit everything except the one about "will speak of angles." I never spoke of angels before. But everything else i fit. Does that mean im an indigo child or close to it?

Now you COULD jump off a building, but.... youd die.
Title: Indigo Children
Post by: General-Army on December 02, 2002, 18:51:53
Im also not hyperactive, im usualy quiet in school and keep to my self, but if im given the right enviroment im very social. But at home sometimes im very active.

Now you COULD jump off a building, but.... youd die.
Title: Indigo Children
Post by: wisp on December 03, 2002, 00:21:41
Wow, good observation Lysear. I hadn't thought of that. Your right.

Title: Indigo Children
Post by: Synapse on December 03, 2002, 09:58:57
i dont really think that link is truthful. its written in a way so that everyone can fit nearly all the points. its just getting peoples hopes up for no reason.


Title: Indigo Children
Post by: auraseer on December 03, 2002, 12:13:07
Some other links are:

I forgot the other one, but ill try and remember it. It is on a link from the website above.


Please visit my website at

Thou rage overcomes, Thy fate is near.

The energy is inside all of us... you just have to let it out.
Title: Indigo Children
Post by: IAmMe on December 04, 2002, 00:21:47

Hiya :)

This link has loads of info about Indigo.


Title: Indigo Children
Post by: Eukaryote on December 04, 2002, 07:55:50
When I clicked on the link, I was thinking I wouldn't fit the critiria, but when I saw the list I relaized that it described me almost exactly.

Title: Indigo Children
Post by: James S on December 04, 2002, 19:49:36
I had a look at the site IAmMe posted.
Sorry, but I think its time for a few sceptical interjections here...

How ambiguous inss this statement:
"Prefer cooperative efforts or leadership position or solo if expertise is valued"
Does that mean you don't really care, any will do, or are all relevant? I'd say that covers approximately 100% of the workforce.

ALL kids have problems with school homework, no matter how good or bad. Tell me how many kids do you know actually like it. Also tell me anyone that DOESN'T have a problem with many of the systems listed.

These details seem to be catering to a very broad crossection of the community. I too related to an awful lot of this. I think most people would.

Tell me that organisations like this are really interested in seeking out the rare and gifted of society, when they can recieve membership fees from as many people as possible instead.

Always question the motives of people who want you to give money to become part of their organisation. I bet they will see a person who contributes $1000 as being far more gifted than one who contributes $10!


Title: Indigo Children
Post by: goingslow on December 10, 2002, 22:48:13
I fit all the descriptions and personally i think most people reading it would.  

Its extremely vague and has too much of the "we are so special" rhetoric its obviously reaching out to people who want someone to finally see how gifted and special they are.

A group that was serious about getting talented people with ability together would have very specific criteria.  What they did was target a group of kids who probably are someone isolated (like most feel) but really want to believe its cus they're special or chosen.

Try not to fall into this trap, although it would feel good to believe we're an exclusive group of talented people dont look for the external validation sites and groups like these profit off of.  

plus look at all the selling they do "dream interpretations 15 dollars" the first paragraph has ways to donate.  Email psychic readings?

Parents want to believe their kids are special and everyone wants to believe they are special as well.. but dont rely on a group that makes you pay for memebership instead of proving your talent to show people you are indeed as talented as you thought.

Title: Indigo Children
Post by: Synapse on December 11, 2002, 09:48:36
thats exactly what i was trying to say although i was not very articulate.


Title: Indigo Children
Post by: fredhedd on December 11, 2002, 13:27:53
well we all should be happy.  looks like everyone is an indigo child.  shouldn't we be on tv now?

Title: Indigo Children
Post by: James S on December 11, 2002, 14:34:47
We all should be encouraged to feel special, and to be happy with who we are. We should all be encouraged to believe we are capable of anything, and to be able to grow and become better than we are now, even if what we are now is good.

I do not believe we should be paying $$$ to organisations just so they can pretend to encourage us to think this way.


Title: Indigo Children
Post by: kifyre on December 11, 2002, 19:01:01
Hey all,

I recommend "The Biology of Transcendence" by Joseph Pearce. Parts of it are rough going, but he comments extensively on the spiritual evolution of our race and ways to encourage it to continue with respect to childrearing.


Title: Indigo Children
Post by: kakkarot on December 12, 2002, 14:34:06
wow. i fit every last description given by that person.

but i already know that my color is green, not indigo.   :)

but really, what's the big deal with labeling people? if someone is a certain way, why group them with other people like them? we are all individuals, not big groups of similar persons.


Secret of Secrets
Title: Indigo Children
Post by: kakkarot on December 12, 2002, 14:38:05
well, now. i just finished reading the site's version of what an indigo child is and they are trying to claim these indigos are like the "chosen" who will make us all enlightened.

sounds like the same old crap humanity has been deluding itself into believing for centuries. so either, the whole indigo child thing is complete bunk, or just that site's interpretation of it is.


Secret of Secrets
Title: Indigo Children
Post by: auraseer on December 01, 2002, 04:37:16
Have any of you heard of the indigo chidren? Tey are very special because they have a VERY high learning rate, lots of energy and much more. Look at the description at .

I am either related to them or am one myself, as I fit 3/4 of the description. This might explain my sudden powers that you guys doubt.


Please visit my website at

Thou rage overcomes, Thy fate is near.

The energy is inside all of us... you just have to let it out.