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LOA - letting go versus repetition

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Some LOA  teachers (Shakti Gawain, etc) recommend that we visualize  correctly as if we already have possess whatever we want  DAILY  until we get what we actually want.

Others (Bob Doyle, etc) recommend we visualize correctly as if we already possess it, and then to STOP IT / LET GO , as repetition means we are indirectly saying we have not received a response, and this is  a form of resistance.

Which is correct ?


I see them as both similar ways of achieving the same thing.. just a different method

My smile tells lies, but my eyes tell the truth...


I suppose it depends on how you're going about it and your subconscious thoughts at the time. Anything you do can work if you truly believe it will.

But probably best to just let it go.

Repeating it is sort of stating that you want it but dont have it yet. Thereby attracting more wanting but not having.

You dont really need to do all this visualizing to attract things. Just expect stuff to happen and it will.