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Here's one reason why I think the law of attraction works:

You have a desire for something, and you think about it non-stop. You don't think about how hard it is to achieve, you want it effortlessly. By thinking in this way you impress upon your subconscious that this must be achieved. Your subconscious takes everything literally without you being aware. So subconsciously, you begin to take actions in your life that work towards that goal. Your working towards it, but through "the law of attraction", you've hypnotized yourself into thinking it fell into your hands effortlessly.

I'm not saying that it's wrong. It actually makes achieving goals less stressful. (If correct).

Here's a couple Darren Brown videos that I think are awesome examples of how our subconscious works in our decisions without us being aware. It's kind of eerie.

Quote from: Sharpe on September 05, 2007, 16:57:05
Exactly Stook. (can I call you Stook?)
Rock on


Hi Stook!  8-)

Thanks for posting those videos - I'd seen the first before but the second was new to me. 

We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.


Quote from: Mez on September 06, 2007, 05:50:40
Well now that depends on how you approach it. Theres no escaping it... its the principle behind every cause and every action. Quantam physics even backs it up! the key is in how you approach it and this is why i say you need a deep understanding of it... that is if you ever going to be able to use it in a helpful way.

as per your example above... lets just say you creatively visualized someone buying you dvds. You saw it, you felt it, you experienced the emotion of it just like it really happened. Now that your attention is focused on obtaining the dvd via means of a gift... if you do everything right has to manifest in this way.
Quantum physics wouldn't back that up.
You have to understand that thinking you have the object is just an idea.
Physically having the object is still just an idea (a thought of a human being), the object can never be yours and this can also never be called "law" because the universe doesn't label entities as a possession of another entity.
So it can never be a law like for example: gravity.

What stook said is close but maybe it's just that all the rich people on earth got in their position with luck alone.
It is a fact that living beings, (even experimented on birds) are trying to find patterns everywhere.
I don't think that there is a pattern for becoming rich, however people are noticably trying to find that pattern.
Remember Napoleon Hill? He made a fortune of "the laws of success" but even he blew the money off in the stock market.
He studied rich people for decades, so how can he have lost all the money?
Because there is no pattern, It's all luck when it comes to economy, in my humble opinion.


So I suppose you know all about Quantam Physics? Because little do you know it does back it up FYI.



Well I'm interested Mez. I know quantam physics has made a lot crazy discoveries that don't fit into the normal scientific viewpoint of the world. Could you elaborate what you mean?


Quote from: sk8chik on September 07, 2007, 13:57:12
Well I'm interested Mez. I know quantam physics has made a lot crazy discoveries that don't fit into the normal scientific viewpoint of the world. Could you elaborate what you mean?

i'm going to qoute the first paragraph from the chapter "The law of attraction" in our ultimate reality... its available as a sample chapter so i hope its ok.

"Quantam physics describes the energetic characteristics of the universe and therefore the fundamentals of the law of attraction. We know from even the most fundamental basis of quantam physics that everything in the universe is pure energy, differing only in characteristics such as rate of vibration. Quantam physics also acknowledges the fact that energy is influenced by energy, and like energy attracts in accordance with its unique vibration; this is the very basis for how the law of attraction works throughout the universe."

Dont just take my word for it... look into it all for yourself and you'll see. Its far too much to explain here but that paragraph is a good summary of how the findings of quantam physics support and explain the law of attraction (not to mention all kinds of "phenomenon" science doesnt have a clue about because it doesnt fit in with their outdated model of the universe)


Quote from: Mez on September 07, 2007, 19:38:03

"Quantam physics describes the energetic characteristics of the universe and therefore the fundamentals of the law of attraction. We know from even the most fundamental basis of quantam physics that everything in the universe is pure energy, differing only in characteristics such as rate of vibration. Quantam physics also acknowledges the fact that energy is influenced by energy, and like energy attracts in accordance with its unique vibration; this is the very basis for how the law of attraction works throughout the universe."

Isn't this part of the physical laws of action to reaction and harmonic equations?

I did look for it and if anywhere in quantum physics you can find a law that states anything like that, I would like to know. The closest thing you might find in quantum physics in the Law of Equilibrium. Inequalities attract to create equilibrium within confines.

I take no ones word as per se, that is one of the biggest fallacies of 'New Agers' and their belief system. They believe in things that have no basis in reality. So if you can point me in a direction where I can find this information I will change my viewpoint.

Sharpe has a sharp idea on 'The Secret' it's their manifestation to make money for themselves and there is nothing new in 'The Secret' that hasn't been taught sense the beginning of written literature. That you can look up at any library. I do have the DVD and have watched it many times and have found nothing new that wasn't taught by C.G. Jung, or the ideas of Niles Boar, Buddha, Socrates, Plato, Virgil, Homer, and Isaac Newton along with many others.

"Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think." Niels Bohr

What if everyone knew and had this magical power of 'The Secret', what would make the world any different than what it is at this very moment? Would there be any change? Or would a demon of desire be unleashed within the world? No where in "The Secret" does it say you are responsible for your actions! Rather it states that energy is limitless and you are free to desire anything you want without responsibility,
all you have to do is 'put in your order with the universe.' Ask. Believe. Receive.

Come to think about it there isn't much of a spiritual message in "The Secret" only of obtaining things that will keep the spirit earth bound and tied to the physical. Wealth, fame, love, and power aren't these of a lower nature and tied to the 7 deadly sins. If the 'put in your order with the universe.' Ask. Believe. Receive; really works try it on raising your IQ.

No one with a closed mind will ever know the truth stay inquisitive and end the inquisition. "You should see the world from the eyes of the dead."-NECROMANCER


hi all !

i did a request for a group manifestation a while back.. i don't know if right now if it has anything to do with the request but the quality of my life is getting much better ! though i am going through challenging times.

but thanks everyone and please continue to keep me in mind !

take care all !



well right now i really just got an awesome job ! but i work in manufacturing so its quite slow eh..

i don't know but its seems they really want to try and keep me on though !

thanks sso for you support everyone and keeping the support coming. cause i think i still would need it.. especially for work actually..

and i'll keep doing my part and spread positivity !

God Bless


but also i have made some progress with my health ! many many adjustments have been made in my life ever since i first posted on this thread. i'm a whole lot more social too and i ahve only gotten better !



Real-life lucid dreaming abilities for all who strive to better the lives of those around them.


Guys? Is anyone still does manifestation requests?


Quote from: Principle on March 03, 2007, 16:20:40
What if we all agree on manifesting one thing, or object. Visualizing a group of people daily, all wanting to manifest the same object. (Group Manifestation) So we can all recieve this one thing or object.

What can everyone agree on? 'Money'.
Something everyone wants, Heh.

And we can see if this has any effect on everyones individual economical status.

Really good idea, however, I think we should focus on manifesting something that will help us grow spiritually rather than economically. Happiness and spirituality are both more important than having money. Of course that's just my opinion.