The Astral Pulse

Metaphysics => Welcome to Metaphysics! => Topic started by: fireprooflighter on July 19, 2003, 17:50:48

Title: my freind is possesd
Post by: fireprooflighter on July 19, 2003, 17:50:48
I've seen people possessed. My younger brother, younger sister, and her friend. They were quite frightening experiences, especially when my siblings were possessed at the same time.
Title: my freind is possesd
Post by: RandomName on July 25, 2003, 01:18:18
I once met this biscuit that claimed he was possessed. He disappeared and was found looking a thousand times uglier and less delicous in a sewage treatment plant a day later.

It was scary....

I think your "friend" is A.Playing with you, and from the sounds of it, your gullibe, or B. Has a split personality, because rarely are people TRULY possessed.
Title: my freind is possesd
Post by: dino333 on July 25, 2003, 08:45:39
If he was possessed, wouldn't "duke" be talking, instead of him?
Title: my freind is possesd
Post by: Sayron on July 19, 2003, 09:59:55
my friend clames to possesed but it is only when he is hit on the head. he  says it is duke, a gost from a difrent time period and dimenshon. now i can senes a flustuation in the energy when he dose this but i want to know if he is lying dose this sound like anything?