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People say my thoughts outloud

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Hi, not sure if this is the right place to post this but the shear amount of available forums is a little over whelming for a newbie.

Anyway, here is my story.

I have always been a bit of a loner and had a bit of an episode at 21 after a few years binging heavily on canabis. I would smoke a lot of the stuff and just sit with my thoughts, almost meditating I guess (looking back on it).

Well I went pretty crazy, seeing things and hearing voices. The doctors refused to label what was wrong, but I was certain that people could hear the thoughs in my head. This dellusion has never really left me.

I have lived a pretty "normal" life for the last few years, but recently took a step backwards. Basically, I have the most random thoughts pop into my head - things I would never think of my self. And people who are in close proximity say these things out loud.

It feels as if their thoughts are popping into my head before they say them, I guess. Or maybe my thought gets put into their head, so they shout it out. Except these things are not my thoughts, I dunno where they come from.

For example I looked at a girl the other day as she and a boy were walking towards me. The thought "hello sid" popped into my head and as they walked past, she said the same thing to the boy, as part of her conversation. I dont even know anyone called Sid!

Really this is the most craziest experience that anyone could have.

As the doctors have no clue and every other link on the internet just says "keep taking your meds", I just wondered if someone with an open mind could shed some light onto this for me?

Mad_head  :-D


It's called telepathy.

Search the forum, there are many other people who have this happen to them.


are you taking meds right now? hopefully not. Also, about your subjectivity while high, where u previously paranoid, worried, or frightful? You should definitely try and work through those psychological problems, probably with loved ones near by. Hope you get better.


This is another form of reciprocal awareness. Example: I see you and you see me simultaneously - this is a sensorial reciprocal awareness. Always important to remember that sensorial awareness is a product of what the brain naturally does to "make sense of the world" it perceives as beyond or outside of it.

Mental and emotive reciprocal awareness (I simultaneously think your thoughts and you think mine, or I feel your emotions and you feel mine) is not based on sensorial data, but most likely extremely low frequency electromagnetic signals riding on Schumann resonances. It probably extends into the subPlanckian (scalar electromagnetic) range as well.

One of the things I find most fascinating to observe other people struggling with is - where did the thought come from? Or in other words, did you think "Hello sid" because she was going to say "Hello sid" or did she say "Hello sid" because you had thought it?

We often take our thoughts, emotions, and intentions to be subjective and private to us. This inclines us to further surmise that we are a private individual stuck in a body in a world in which we live and experience; this is complete illusion! No doubt you are starting to question whether you are a single / individual entity or not. The answer is - you aren't (at least not in the way you probably believe yourself to be), and what you experienced with the woman walking is a sort of entrainment or entanglement. Both of you as one became the causal vector of the thought being thought and spoken by her.

Accept it and roll with it. This is where things start to get fun, and interesting.



Cheers for the replies,

Yes I'm still on meds (been taking them for around 5 years now), and I'm not sure if I would call this fun! Having people aware of your inner most thoughts is really scary. Infact I would describe my mental state over the last 5 years as scared out of my mind.

I read a post on here last night about psy-vampires, well thinking back to when this all began, the voices did introduce themselves as being vampires who had come to take my energy. These voices and images of faces etc would visit me each night, I never really recovered from it although it doesnt happen anymore (touch wood). Is there something that could be done to fix that kind of damage?

Its reallly freaky how much of what went on in those dark days I find talked about online, things the voices said to me that that other people have experienced to.

Its one seriously f**ked up world I live in!


Has this been happening before you started taking medication?

Your probably sensitive to peoples thoughts to the piont where you can ''think'' them at the same time that they are, telepathy can have a positive purpose but if you are uncomfortable with it you can block it out.

As far as ''Psy-vampires'' there are negative and positive entities, positive ones usually overlook, guide and help people and the more negative ones tend to feed off of negative thoughts, sometimes even give people dark or bad ideas. The more you are aware of this the less desireable of a host you will be and staying positive and strong will help, as they prefer to feed on unsuspecting poeple and the more positive you are the less desirable you are for them.

I hope that has been of some help.


This has been happening to me more and more lately. I will enter the trance state ( mind awake / body asleep ) and then clear my mind of any thoughts. I do this while I am around others, even people I don't know but it seems to work better with family and friends. Then I can hear there thoughts coming into my mind about 1 seconds before they speak out loud.

I believe that Yamabushi explained it best, in that the the sensorial data is based on low frequency electromagnetic signals riding on Schumann resonances or scalar electromagnetic waves. This in turn allows any individual in close proximity to pick up these signals and then process the data even faster than the individual can say what they are thinking.


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on January 07, 2010, 17:56:09
This has been happening to me more and more lately. I will enter the trance state ( mind awake / body asleep ) and then clear my mind of any thoughts. I do this while I am around others, even people I don't know but it seems to work better with family and friends.

It seems to require a modicum of interconnection, from what I've noticed thus far. Friends and family are generally speaking close and open to each other in ways that (unfortunately) two human strangers may not be. This openness ostensibly allows for an uninhibited flow of infoenergetics between all parties in question, and thereby does entanglement and reciprocality occur. You don't have to consciously know another person to feel, perceive and real-ize a bond to them -- if all of us were to look upon each other, stranger or not, as brothers and sisters, friends and best friends, this sort of thing would not only be more common, but would quite naturally facilitate the emergence of a sort of unison-collective consciousness and mind on Earth with some very interesting properties, such as the capacity to exert negative entropic effects upon all matter in the solar system.


That's interesting. In future experiments with this I will pretend that the stranger in question is my new best friend!  :-D

Also, I should mention that I am not able to comprehend what the entire sentence is that the person is thinking/saying. I am usually only able to 'hear' the key words.

Quote from: Yamabushi on January 08, 2010, 00:17:23
If all of us were to look upon each other, stranger or not, as brothers and sisters, friends and best friends, this sort of thing would not only be more common, but would quite naturally facilitate the emergence of a sort of unison-collective consciousness and mind on Earth with some very interesting properties, such as capacity to act upon all matter in the solar system negative-entropically.

On planets where this type of cooperative consciousness is common, what other type of benefits would you say individuals would experience?


i have experienced this on a few occasions. i will have conversations with people or be listening to conversations. what people are about to say pop into my head as they're thinking about them i guess. its not my strongest ability, but sometimes its entertaining.