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Phophetic dreams or just coincidence.

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Just to add quickly. I noticed an abundance of speeling mistakes in my post (Even the title). I apologise, i'm writing on the fly at work.



Edit - Ok, i spelt SPELLING wrong lol... I'm such a Goober!!

(mod note - use the edit button () to fix errors)


well if you live by an airport then planes are likely to enter your conciousness. It doesn't mean anything in particular. I believe in prophetic dreams but maybe not yours.

In my experience prophetic dreams come true the day after the dream. Its very unusual for them to be two three weeks before.

Much as I would like to say your dream was prophetic I don't think it is. If your dream was disturbed by aircraft then that might enter your dreams.

speaking personally I had a dream the night before 9-11 which I believe was prophetic. But it had all the common marks of a dream coming true - especially the bad ones.

I dreamt that a man was looking at me and he just looked at me and others like me and said - this is all your fault. When I woke the dream felt an important dream.

It wasn't a particularly strong precognitive dream - many are not - the symbolism is weak, indeed very weak. But since I am very strongly allied to the jewish cause against the palistiniens then I saw some symbolism - I am against the muslim cause - along with people like me.  

I am sure this dream will not convince anyone but I believe that most pyschic dreams are juist simple indications of things about to happen mostly the next day.

I'm not trying to say that your dream was not precognitive only that there are many other explanations.

good times


I think you maybe right, thanks for the feedback vulcanpimp


I have to respectfully disagree with you Vulcanpimp (my..what a name..hehe)

I don't think there is any "time limit" on a Prophetic dream, could be different for everyone.  Maybe you are use to your dreams and do not need several repeats for you conscious to "get it"?

I myself was feeling out of sorts a couple weeks before the tragic 9/11.  I felt like I was alone with no guide(s) with me, and couldn't figure out why.  Then that day happened.  I still didn't make any connection, until my husband said.."ya know, you might have been feeling alone, because your guides were busy getting ready for the onslaught of confused souls that needed help" Made sense to me.

Of course we have no way to know for sure, but I liked the sound of it, because shortly after, I had the warm not being alone feeling again. [:D]

Nay [^]


Living by the airport is probably the reason you dreamed about planes, but that wouldnt make you think about them crashing. I think you probably did see some part of the future (9/11/01). Most dreams are connected to the past, present, future, astral, and lots of other stuff. The only thing different about your plane crash dreams is that they were connected to something close to your time and space.



aeroplanes are a fairly frequent feature of my dreams (i dont live near an airport, btw :*).


Remember, there are no such things as coincidences.  Well, that is what i believe.  Your dreams sound like they may have been telling you something about 9/11, which is wicked cool!

Dream on m0d0!

holy reality

well do you have a fear of plane crashes, OR, think about them from time to time?

Becuase that in combo with the airport is more than enough to give you recurring plane crash dreams.

I mean, I have like... a plane crash dream a month usually... I'm usually flying it or in it too... so.. I mean, I've never died on a plane  yet (obviously lol) but I don't fly a lot... I don't think about plane crashes or planes too much though but...

I do obsess with car crashes sometimes, so the crash aspect can manifest into other vehicles.

I wouldn't really call them prophetic if you had them that far in advance really, I mean, yes the terrorists had been planning it for a while, and yes, the government had been warned about it several times around the time you were dreaming, and maybe there was a government conspiracy and they planned it all to begin with..

so I guess that could be a lot of collective thought about planes crashing in US cities... but...

given your connection to the airport I wouldn't particularly think so.. do you ever have other dreams come true?

I used to like every day but they were somewhat vague, then I stopped caring and looking too deeply into them and they seem to have stopped.... but I mean...

I do believe that dreams can be prophetic... one time I dreamed I was in a bus and we had this sort of accident and my grandma woke me up and about 5 minutes later i went into the main room and my grandpa had just turned on the tv and they were talking about a bus accident.

And I dreamed my bus on this band trip blew up.. and this other school band who was going to the same place as us (Florida)... their bus caught on fire like a day or two after I had that dream, no injuries.

And well, lots of other things.. but... somehow I feel that unless you are LOOKING for a prophetic dream, or you just have something really bizarre that outright immediately makes you think it's prophetic upon waking up... that most of your dreams won't be.

You know, think about them, obsess over them, you are more likely to have them and exert your subconscious into showing you the future? Combine that with how much you think about and analyze your dreams and you'll probably find a few connections, but you have to also factor in that if you look for something you WILL see it more often and it may not necessarily be mystic, ala an obsession with 11 and seeing it all the time, then you stop thinking about it an stop caring and it goes away.

I think it has to mainly due with the subconscious but that the subconscious may very well have the capacity to predict the future, and do things like that.


Hey there.

This is the first time i've actually shared this with anyone, let alone a whole website. The dreams i had during that period of time were very vivid and sometimes very disturbing.

First things first. I live next to a big international airport (Manchester, UK). Ive lived here all my life and have grown up with the sounds and sites of planes coming into land, and taking off.

However in all my life ive never really had any stand out dreams about plane or airports.

Cut to, January 2001.

I go to bed a slip blissfully into sleep. The dream i had, is as follows -

I sitting on a fence in a public field, close by to where i live. Everything is quiet nobody else is around. I the sky i see a plane coming into land at the airport. The usual rumble of it's engines can be heard. Suddenly it's as if the engines of the plane cut out and it fall out of the sky like a swatted fly. I see it plunge below the tree line and the flame and debris blast upwards. I'm still sitting on the fence as i notice the fragments of debris fly uncontrollably closer and closer. I sit on the fence as burning plane parts crator into the field around me. Like a i mentioned before it was very real.

So that morning i wake up and go "Wow what a dream" The more disturbing a dream is the more i enjoy (I have a rollcoster mentality... The more danger the better, butyou know your completely safe).

Anyways i go on with my life. That is until the next dream, which occured probably about 3 weeks after.

This time in the dream im walking down a street which connects onto the street where i live. Once again a plane is coming into land. I watch it's decent, as it glides through the. Suddenly once again the plane falls straight downward, spiralling as it falls. This the doomed plane falls beyond my view (Behind a distant row of buildings) However i do see the explosion from where i am standing and once again the dbris comes flying, leveling the houses close to me.

So i wake up after that dream going "Wow, what a vivid dream, wonder why it was like the last one?"

I dismiss this as coinicidence and go on with my life. That is until the next one.

I can't be exact but i think the third dream happened 2 weeks after the second.

In this dream im sitting at an airport cafe that situated at the end of the runway (There is no such cafe in reality) I sitting at one of those white, round, pinic tables with the cotton umbrella covering above me. Once again i see a plane coming straight towards my position coming into land, as it floats down, i see it's wheels touch the runway (the burst of rubber smoke). Then without no reason at all its wheels collapse and the sparks fly as it body grates against the runway floor... Head straight for me.

I wake kind of disturbed this time as these types of dreams are starting to become a habit, and that is something i never had before (I'd never dreamt basically the same dream twice).

Now heres the sting in tail. The part that really got me spooked.

I had these reoccurring plane disaster dreams once, sometimes twice a month. That is until september the 11th. Since that date i have not dreamt of any kind of plane, let alone one crashing so vividly. Now that spooks me.

Do you reckon it could have been phrophetic (I do not consider myself to have any psychic ability what so ever, if these are psychic it was involutery)?

Or do you that it's just coincidence because i live so close to an airport? (Bear in mind i've lived here all my life and never had reoccuring plane dreams)

Any comments would be welcome. Thanks for reading.