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Curious Question about Crystals

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Wizard of Light

Just wondering what people's thoughts are for a good crystal to assist psychic development?
And he said "Let there be light", and so there was.


Quote from: Wizard of LightJust wondering what people's thoughts are for a good crystal to assist psychic development?

Might I suggest Amethyst?

James S

Yes, Amethyst is a very good one. Clear quarts is aslo good here as it's the all round amplifier.

I have a small piece of Celestite that I've used when practicing mediumship. It's a fairly expensive stone, but I've found it has beautiful gentle properties that help connect you to the higher energies.

As I've recommended to others, use your intuition to make the final selection - feel which one will be best. Different crystals call to different people even when they're for the same purpose.


Wizard of Light

I know how to select crystals, I am just curious as to what different people have found have helped them in this area.  

When you read the crystal books, there are a lot that are mentioned can assist one in this area, and I have tried several myself, but was curious what others have tried and found to work for them.

Personally, I have been working a fair amount with spirit quartz of late, and found it to be wonderful.  I have also worked with celestite, and I agree James, it is lovely and gentle.  The last few days I have had a fascination with labradorite, and was thinking of doing some work with it.  I have also used turquoise, rutilated quartz, pyrite and herkimer.  I also use clear quartz a lot, either alone or added with other crystals to give it a boost.

So what are others opinions and thoughts???  :P
And he said "Let there be light", and so there was.



Personally I don't suggest relying on crystals. Go ahead anyways, it might be fun. I believe that, as we being the dominent figures in the world, we don't require mere objects to cause changes in our infinate selves.

As for crystals working, I also believe this could be to simply the will being stronger towards success, even if in a blind following of simple rocks.

Of course, I just have strong personal beliefs. There's no harm in trying them out.
As it as written, now and forever shall be. In the name of the Stevo, amen.


Edgar Cayce recommends lapis, and I always use it myself.  You do not want to let it touch your bare skin, however--it is best when set in silver.
"Effectiveness is the measure of truth."--Seventh Huna Principle


There are many different types of crystals....the density of each is different and the vibration of each is also....everyone has a different the best thing to do is find one that fits you...ask yourself how it makes you confidence,happy. sad, loving,confident, must first know yourself to find one that will help you..after you find careful that you use it correctly