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Meeting family in the afterlife

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Greetings VM ,    I've been thinking simialar things lately. It would appear that when you are in the astral  (have not got there yet) ,  If you wish something to be, it will be so. So, if you did come a across a departed loved one how would you know if the true essence of that person is the one that you are conversing with ( is it them, or what you wish to be ). I have not concuoisly entered the astral, but thinking ahead I came up with an idea." What if", I spoke to my loved ones in the physical and asked them to write on a peice a paper something that only they would know and put all the answers in say, a safe. If in the future one of them should pass over(in the very far future)you could ask the question in the astral, then in the presence of all your loved ones you could check the answer. It would confirm to those present that it was infact the departed one you were conversing with was infact them.
            I believe it is possible to contact passed over beings, but due to certian laws beyond my comprehension( Astral laws if you wish )it makes it very difficult.
             I know my idea of confirmation sounds simplictic and would be interested to hear any replys on why or why not it could be possible or not.

Regards   Steve


Hi All ...

This may be the wrong place to post this but here we go ... (I am new to all this so I may be talking rubbish but I need to clear up my quieres as it seems to be holding be back)

In Robert Bruce's AD book I believe it says that in the afterlife you enter the level apporpriate to your resulting 'balance' in life. It also says that you can meet you family and 'loved ones' in the after life. Does this not sugest that if your family are not in the same 'level' as you in the afterlife you cannot meet them (sa different plance cannot mix). (Sorry about the terminology). If anyone has any thoughts on this I would love to hear them.
