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10 minute solfeggio meditation (good)

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This uses solfeggio tones (nice sounds) hemi sync and "supraliminal" affirmations to produce a 10 minute meditation. It's not AP but it is HIGHLY relaxing and just generally great. You MUST use headphones because of the hemi sync and the fact that different suggestions are given to each ear. The hemi sync takes you to highly relaxed theta state. Just try it!
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


Yeah, that background track is really relaxing. I enjoyed it a lot. Not too keen on the looped suggestions though.


Be interesting to see what peeps think of the suggestions. I do like them because I find them soothing, but I understand they might not be to every one's taste. However the background tones and theta rhythms are very good. I keep thinking of ways and places to use them, but I would have to get the author's permission!
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


 The background tones and theta rhythms are definitely done well. I prefer just the music to the suggestions, but it is done well here.  I have also found that upon listening to a musical track with suggestions, that it works very well as brain entrainment in the long run. Repetition helps this greatly here. The first go through is the initial adventure.  :-)


I am interested in knowing whether people like positive affirmations along with binaural and isochronic beats?  I think they might be good for lucid dreaming.  Affirmations to do reality checks, as well as to remember dreams etc.

If you listened to it on a loop while sleeping would it help?
Karmic Beats provides free binaural, isochronic beats, ASMR, videos for astral projection, lucid dreaming, study & focus, healing and other meditations.

Fractal art wallpaper at blog:


Personally, for healing, I like positive affirmations along with delta or theta beats. That's because the theta binaurals generate deep relaxation and then the subconscious mind is in a highly receptive state for any suggestions. It's a bit like hypnosis. In the video posted, different suggestions are given to each ear. I think this is a great idea because once again, this is more likely to influence the subconscious mind. The affirmations are audible, since inaudible affirmations (subliminal) have not been shown to work. That's why I like the video. It also uses solfeggio tones, which are thought to promote healing.

I would really like to be able to customise my own affirmations, combined with the binaural and solfeggio tones, but not sure how to do this, without getting into a lot of audio editing. You could use suggestions/affirmations to increase the likelihood of dream awareness (lucid dreaming) I think it would work. I think the author of the video posted used some great techniques. If she brought out a range, eg for lucid dreaming, quitting smoking, healing, confidence, anxiety etc I think people would (or should) be willing to pay a small amount for these tracks.
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


Quote from: KarmicBeats on April 20, 2012, 07:17:47
I am interested in knowing whether people like positive affirmations along with binaural and isochronic beats?  I think they might be good for lucid dreaming.  Affirmations to do reality checks, as well as to remember dreams etc.

If you listened to it on a loop while sleeping would it help?

Yes. That was supposed to be the message in my previous post, but I didn't say so very clearly!
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


I tried this, but I really wasn't comfortable with the affirmations. Maybe if there was only one at a time instead of one in each ear... I've used hypnosis recordings before with good results but that allows me to register what's being said properly, so that if there's anything there I don't want I can block it. That wasn't an option here, so I'm just not comfortable using it - if I'm going to use a recording to attempt to get things into my subconscious, I need to monitor what it's saying, at least the first time. Plus it was just confusing to have one in each ear. It'd be interesting to try the same recording without the affirmations though...
Follow your heart without remorse.


Interesting feedback bluelily. There are some subliminal tracks packed with suggestions which are barely audible. I avoid these for the reasons you give, namely I like to know what is being fed to my subconscious. However in the track posted here, you can clearly hear the suggestions in the right ear (so you can verify them) and although the suggestions in the left ear are quieter, they can still be heard and verified.

I have tried hypnosis tracks and they don't work for me, I'm very difficult to hypnotize. So any technique which helps to get those darn suggestions into my subconscious is welcome. I think the technique of feeding audible but different suggestions into each ear is a good way of obfuscating the suggestions, sufficiently to circumvent the critical faculty of the conscious mind. This way there is a better chance that the suggestions get through to the subconscious. That's my reasoning anyway!
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


Ive listened to many tracks and anything that requires you to think even a little takes the effectiveness out. Affirmations are a big no for me. Those with that ting from a small bell are also ineffective.
Listening to a droning aircon unit seems to work quite well for example.
A low frequency hum with pink noise is my recommendation as the sound itself has no need for mindful interaction and you stop listening to it as you drift deeper out of phase with the physical reality.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Szaxx on April 21, 2012, 18:52:41
Listening to a droning aircon unit seems to work quite well for example.


I second the motion.

Beware the fake "seeker" who finds Truth to be abusive.


Quote from: catmeow on April 20, 2012, 12:28:07

I would really like to be able to customise my own affirmations, combined with the binaural and solfeggio tones, but not sure how to do this, without getting into a lot of audio editing.

You could just record your affirmations using your OS's recorder.  And then just play them back along with whatever astral OBE lucid dreaming etc. product you prefer.  i.e have two players going at the same time.

Quote from: Szaxx on April 21, 2012, 18:52:41
Listening to a droning aircon unit seems to work quite well for example.
A low frequency hum with pink noise is my recommendation as the sound itself has no need for mindful interaction and you stop listening to it as you drift deeper out of phase with the physical reality.

Most of my videos have just a few steady binaural beats and isochronic pulses. For example:

Focus & Study I (One Hour Binaural & Isochronic Beats for improved memory, reading & spelling)
10Hz Binaural Beat with 147.85Hz base frequency.
18Hz Isochronic Beat with 40Hz base frequency.

Lucid Dreaming I - One Hour Version (Isochronic beats Theta, Gamma, Astral Projection)
Isochronic pulse 4Hz beat with 40Hz base frequencies

Lucid Dreaming II (Binaural Isochronic Solfeggio) - Karmic Beats
Binaural beat 3.9Hz beat frequency with 211.44Hz base frequency.
Isochronic pulse 3.9Hz beat frequency with 528Hz base frequency.

There is plenty more and few astral projection videos as well at my YouTube channel.

I am thinking of making a few with positive affirmations for those who like them.  I agree they should be audible. 

Quote from: bluelily on April 21, 2012, 07:56:01
- if I'm going to use a recording to attempt to get things into my subconscious, I need to monitor what it's saying, at least the first time.

I agree that one should know what they are putting into their head.
You could try listening to it for the first time, one ear at a time.  8-)

However, I like the idea of different things in different ears. I will have to experiment and see what people like.  I want to have some variety because different things work for different people.  I have already been experimenting with putting water and rain sounds in with the binaural isochronic beats.  As well as using some solfeggio frequencies as base frequencies.

I think positive affirmations may help with lucid dreaming you could use them to remind yourself to do reality checks.  Listen to them at night while sleeping and then while dreaming you might hear a reminder to do a reality check. :-D

Karmic Beats provides free binaural, isochronic beats, ASMR, videos for astral projection, lucid dreaming, study & focus, healing and other meditations.

Fractal art wallpaper at blog:


Pink and brown noise through a virtualiser with a lower clock rate has a unique sound. It's like being near a waterfall which is in a tunnel with surround sound as a bonus.
Also very relaxing by itself.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: KarmicBeats on April 22, 2012, 15:39:17
I agree that one should know what they are putting into their head.
You could try listening to it for the first time, one ear at a time.  8-)

Yeah I thought about that too, then I could use the file afterwards if everything looks ok :) But it was hard to relax with that much chatter, to be honest... I'm glad it works for some people but I think I'll focus on trying out other binaural beats and isochronic tones instead (including yours, once I have good enough internet again) until I find something I like (or stop trying - so far I'm not a huge fan). I love recordings with water sounds, so it's not like I mind noise - it's just a much more pleasant kind of noise than voices... Even without other tones in the same recording, water sounds are awesome.
Follow your heart without remorse.


Quote from: Szaxx on April 22, 2012, 16:20:27
Pink and brown noise through a virtualiser with a lower clock rate has a unique sound. It's like being near a waterfall which is in a tunnel with surround sound as a bonus.
Also very relaxing by itself.

Quote from: bluelily on April 22, 2012, 17:29:13
I love recordings with water sounds, so it's not like I mind noise - it's just a much more pleasant kind of noise than voices... Even without other tones in the same recording, water sounds are awesome.

I have been making water and rain sound versions of my videos as of late. The sounds are made with pink noise in Gnaural. I am thinking about adding other nature sounds to some of my videos in the future. (I have to learn to use LMMS first.)

Oddly the rain and water sound versions have not been as popular except with Study & Focus I.  However so far there seems to be enough people who like them to continue doing them.
Karmic Beats provides free binaural, isochronic beats, ASMR, videos for astral projection, lucid dreaming, study & focus, healing and other meditations.

Fractal art wallpaper at blog: