The Astral Pulse

Astral Chat => Welcome to News and Media! => Topic started by: wisdom on March 22, 2007, 16:04:07

Title: Ascended Earth Update
Post by: wisdom on March 22, 2007, 16:04:07
Hello Dear Lightworkers:

This is the Ascended Earth update for Thursday, March 22.

My Higher Self continues to tell me that we are at Heaven's Gate.   That a great breakthrough is happening this month of March that will bring joy to those who love the Light and set humanity firmly on the Path of Ascension.

During the time remaining in this transformative month of March,  we need to intensify our meditations so that we are continually flowing Pure Unconditional Love to uplift mass consciousness and Gaia to a frequency of Love  in which no fear based energies can exist.

Please be sure, when doing this, dear Lightworkers, that you flow Pure Unconditional Love to the illuminati, dark war lords and corporate elite as a part of the collective consciousness.  We need to remind ourselves that unconditional means that there are no conditions.  We need to shine Higher Self Love on everyone and everything even as the Sun shines it's Light on all , without judgment.  Only Unconditional Love will purify and uplift humanity and open them to Ascension and the Golden Age.

The pot of world affairs continues to approach the boiling point:

Dennis Kucinich Urges Impeachment

The History Channel  Secret Societies
This is a surprisingly truthful expose of the illuminati by the History Channel

Pictures and video from the march on the Pentagon

Inside Job
WTC Demolished by Internal Explosions

The Great Light of Love, is lifting us to a Higher Love this month!  To a higher frequency of Love, in which all fear based energies are transformed immediately into Pure Unconditional Love.   

Let's help the Great Light of Love , dear Lightworkers, by intensifying our meditations.  Continual meditation is the goal!

Continually throughout the day,  feel the Pure Unconditional Love  flowing from your Higher Self and flow it  through you to the mass consciousness couple at the center of the Earth, telling them:  "We are all One.  I Love You!" 

See the  Pure Unconditional Love radiating out from the mass consciousness couple, purifying, balancing, harmonizing the Earth and dissolving all pollution throughout the Earth, Gaia's body.   

See Rainbow Humanity, joining hands around the Earth in celebration of having defeated fear. A  Rainbow of Ascended Humanity  around the Earth which is itself glowing Golden, having dissolved all fear based energies.   Feel the Joy of that perfect moment in time.

Live the truth 24 hours a day, "We are all One.  I Love You!"  It will carry you to ascension and the Highest Heavens. 

Pure Unconditional Love Is now dissolving all fear Worldwide!

Let's all share our experiences in meditation with one another in the Lightworkers Forum. 
Lightworker Forum:

Let's all join together to receive the Abundant Life we need and deserve as Lightworkers.
The Lightworker Express to Infinite Supply:

Get an overview of our Lightworker Project to heal Humanity and Gaia.
Ascended Earth Project:

Open your own Higher Self Channel.
Unity with your Higher Self CD:

Join our Lightworker Mailing List.

Thanks for all that you are doing to bring forth the Golden Age,  dear Lightworkers!

We are All One.  I Love You,

Wisdom Paradise
Teacher of Universal Law and Higher Self Guide

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