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Boston is a farce to take your rights away

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Boston apparently has become a quasi-police state with hysteria and fear running amok, if I were to believe the way the MSM presents it. Did I say Quasi Police state? I meant
full blown police state. They are wearing military gear, have military grade weaponry, and have armored vehicles with air support.
That's the Military operating as if they were Police in the USA, and that's prohibited according to our founding principles.
I don't care that your paper says you are a cop, your gear and weapons say you are a totalitarian military man here to squash my nation and it's liberty. Sadly you officers fail to realize this most simple fact. There is no more law in this land only chaos, ignorance and insanity.
please visit my free blog:


I saw on shot that had about fifteen Humvees rolling down the road. They are national guard and their primary role is to assist in natural disasters and damage control in peacetime but when used in conjunction with Blackhawks and armored vehicles, it certainly appears to me a military state. I'm sure drones were overhead the entire time though I have not heard that.

And you're right, the po-po sure looked like the army to me. Something is amiss and I'm not talking about the baddies either.

If they don't hurry up and read that chump his rights, we're goners. The precedence that this sets is scary as hell. I don't care if there is not another attack any where in the world, if we trade our freedom for security, they win.

Dramatic much? Yeah...True? I'm afraid so...
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


I have been banned from every 'truth' or 'conspiracy theory' page and website I was a member of. All because I questioned that maybe this was a real terrorist plot.. that the victims were real.. that they really did get their legs blown off. haha

I even got called out as a mole.. a government plant... that I was being paid to type the 'anti-truth' messages. This is hilarious... so funny.

How can I possibly take them seriously now... if they use the same conviction that I am a 'mole' that they have about the faked bombings?

I am not afraid to be banned from this site. My whole confidence in truth-seeking has been flushed down the toilet along with the rest of the shite. 9/11 conspiracy... faked moon landings... all of it is totally paranoid behaviour.

Call me a troll if you like... I couldn't give a twat!



Hey Beedeekin, you must have been busy lately, huh? No doubt in my mind that these punks did this. I can only express my outrage and disgust at what they have done for so long. I see no gov plot in initiating the bombings, that's not paranoia, that's delusional. I do see the gov taking advantage of any situation to pass and enact legislation that they couldn't get done without these tragedies though. That might be paranoia as well but that doesn't mean it's not true. Actually, that's case history. Bushy Jr. used it to get his Patriot Act.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


What legislation is going to be passed on this one?


everyone does have the natural effect of doubt as in it could be something deeper but these two men just committed acts of evil that was real in the physical.
now given that their backgrounds and life stories were complex and deep on their own the acts they committed were actions with very serious consequences especially with the law of the land.

and honestly everything that they say like no Miranda rights because of "public safety" its just lawyer diversion fancy words used as stalls, they just charged him today with unlawful use of weapons of mass destruction smh-----

hmm legislation forget that they can just beef up every HL security, foreign relations, ICE, ATF, ..........see all these departments its ridiculous

the new legislation can be increased revenues/TAX! for these departments safe from sequester on a 4-8 year period, the results will be a gov. departments within the homeland states to be better armed than their people which makes for easier and faster control in a police state situation

And meanwhile u have the mayors of major city's and sate reps pushing for more gun restrictions on law abiding citizens
?!hmm no wonder they werent armed against this
(!)Spark it up


Quote from: Bedeekin on April 22, 2013, 22:29:38
What legislation is going to be passed on this one?

Well, more than legislation, they're trying to set a dangerous precedence. Thankfully, there has been enough public outrage over this that it seems the gov has backed away from the route of not reading him his rights since he has now been formally charged.

But here's one small example (and this is the least of my concerns),there's a lot of hoopla amongst a few democrats in the house about using this to ban gunpowder over a certain amount.  Many concealed handgun license carriers ( and otherwise responsible gun owners) understand the importance of practice, practice, practice. They prefer to load their own ammo since it's soooooo much cheaper to do this. As with anything, the more you buy, the cheaper it is.

In BHO's first term, Rahm Emmanuelle was a member of BHO's cabinet and flat out said that no crisis should go to waste. They can be used to pass legislation that might now pass otherwise. That's not a direct quote but the message is still the same.

Though I believe most politicians are liars, I tend to believe them when they makes these types of statements.

BTW, theorists believe that Rahm did not resign because he wanted to be the mayor of Chicago. They say he was forced to resign because of this statement. Forgive my use of a theory to prop another theory up. :-D

History shows that when you turn a blind eye to what most politicians say, they pluck the other one right out. :-D Anything that rolls downhill gains momentum.

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


It's funny.

During the North Korean hoopla a lot of american commenters on news sites were standing behind their government shaking their fists at the little fat man daring him to fire his little warhead... two bombs go off in Boston and suddenly the government is to blame and those that were in the midst of it called 'sheeple'.... I don't get this double standard thing at the moment.

Also... the term 'sheeple' isn't very nice. It assumes that conspiracy theorists and 'truthers' aren't. All I can see is people looking for answers and finding the most exciting and juicy route. Everyone loves a mystery... and it's very easy for an ant to shout abuse at a bear.

The concern I have is that even if something is completely above board everyone will shout 'FALSE FLAG' and create whatever they want to see about it.

I don't want to hear 'well it's a cry wolf situation' because that's a very lame excuse and seems to be a way of casting off the responsibility of common sense and replacing it with a sort of apathy.

What is America afraid of? Why are they afraid... truly afraid of their own government? What is the US government? is it American?

I can see atrocities in Syria, Africa, North Korea, parts of the middle east... yet I can't see true horrendous atrocities in the US. I see underhand playing... like here in the UK.

Ask yourself these questions..

Can you walk down the street relatively safe?

If you wanted to could you leave America?

If you wanted to could you achieve what you want to achieve if you put your mind to it?

Can you travel to any part of your country?

Is the ability to speak about anything available?

Is the government stopping you from doing any of these things?

Falco peregrinus

Water boarding is legitimate,that is Disgusting.
What kind of democracy they are saving from terrorism,or everything goes?


I think just because the US government isn't openly murdering its own citizens by the truckload, or stopping people from traveling at will, is not enough to grant it a free pass to do whatever else it wants to.

I don't think Boston was an inside job, but the US government does plenty to disgust or upset me without needing to theorize new possibilities:

-Money I make every year in taxes is going straight to military contractors to kill civilians in the middle east and elsewhere without end.

-There is a comprehenive plan of fiscal and military dominance of the worlds resources, to which the public is never privy, and which creative lies are continuously concocted to justify

-The NSA has built data centers to ultimately collect (by their own admission) every piece of electronic communication that occurs on the planet for evidence storage. I am not ok with the NSA using this data to build a potential case against every connected person in the world. I don't need everythign I say on the phone stored in some giant facility in Utah- and again paid for by me.

-30,000 drones are flying all overhead, watching everything, and are eventually going to be given clearance to use their armaments against civilians- the talks have been moving in that direction for years.

-Police forces are being made into a domestic army, with military-grade gear.

-I have witnessed people casually assaulted by police, who have no fear of repurcussions.

-The enforced dominance of all commerce by a few sanctioned corporations and banks, which are given special legislative priveliges to lobby for laws which further their own continued dominace

-I am told I live in a democracy, but I am given the choice of voting for 2 nearly identical parties for every office

The list can really go on for pages, but I think you get the idea; I don't think conspiracies are necessary for the government to further its agendas, whatever those might be- it has done and will do plenty which is abhorent in the daylight.

Is it the worst government in the world? No. But it is very quickly becoming one of the very most corrupt.

"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


"False Flag" incidents are legit and most people won't refute that, but it is paranoid to think that a government agenda is behind every incident. With that said, I don't think it's paranoia to believe that our gov will exploit this tragedy. I can't say that enough.

In ten years or less, every move we make in the public from the time we step outside, will be recorded either through private or public cameras and gov satellites. We might as well get comfortable with that idea because nothing is gonna stop it. London and Boston are proof now that you will get caught doing these heinous acts and that's too powerful for the gov not to roll with the public surveillance.

If it was an effective deterrent that would make bad dudes not want to do bad things, I could probably buy into it. But it's not. Criminals and terrorists do what they do and the threat of getting caught is not enough because some don't care and others don't think they will get caught.

Meanwhile, we're still no safer but at least we will all be working in the movies.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


 The only problem I have with this entire scenario is this MEDIATHON that encompanies it.

Bad people do bad things. Good people, unfortunately are their targets.

But the damn media just can't let it go.  :-o

They just LOVE to fuel the FEAR MACHINE.

It happened, people that don't like us, attacked us. They were stopped, the end.

It's true every cause has an effect.

But, LET IT GO already. They are still harping on it a week later.


eh its a product of many things from media, religion, ideology etc.
the corruption is powerful and surreal but in this world of chaos order is found.

bedeekin to answer your question yes i can do all of those things and more, thats the whole reason the early Americans left the Old World
we have freedom over here and its under heavy assault and the corruption has infected the core a good one. the boston bombers are an example

stillwater this is how bad it has gotten over a course of 2 centuries, the constitution has been misinterpretted and attacked too many times but the constitution is a weapon against government not for government
(!)Spark it up


Quote from: Wi11iam on April 24, 2013, 03:34:39
I found this interesting re the Boston Bombing :


Why did you find that interesting. That is exactly the type of brainless, illogical shite that I'm talking about. Utter nonsense. Utter rubbish.

I can supply reasons... I'll list them.. .I'm in a good mood and have 10 minutes to kill.

* I am a special effects makeup artist who does this type of thing. No way can you apply such realistic prosthetic limbs to an actor in 5 seconds. It takes 15 minutes for the glue to dry... but that's irrelevant.

* Where is the wheelchair or prosthetic limbs that he must have been using/wearing to get there. So the guy in the sunglasses removed his harnessed prosthetic limbs then had time to replace them with the most realistic blast ripped limbs potentially seen in the history of gore and special effects makeup?

* look to the right and you will see one of the girls who died, krystle campbell... here she is writhing in pain... having had both her legs blown off and her reproductive organs shredded by shrapnel...

Here is her and a photo taken later when unfortunately and luckily for her... she died... you can see her best friend (in black) in all images... I'll link it rather than show it here...

* the guy who is apparently Nick Vogt is actually called Jeff Bauman... here he is at the scene...

Here he is when he could walk...

and here he is at the hospital, where after waking up he gave the police a description of one of the bombers.. who coincidentally put the bag next to him...

Do you want any more evidence? :)


Finding something interesting doesn't imply that I believe in or support 'one way or the other' Ben. - it is really a follow-through of commentary which at present is happening on this board to do with information, confusion, belief, conspiracy, fringe, etc...and I find reaction interesting too.

The real concern is perhaps that while the bullets and bombs are doing physical damage, the lies are doing serious mental damage and are being built upon layer by layer...this is exactly what eventually brings individuals to a place where they think they do righteousness by being 'pro-active' against the machine and the rich who operate it...and create plans of action in which to leave their mark (not a dint - a scratch) on said machine.

Just witnessing the reaction to such activity gives me an appreciation for how 'the other side' feels when it is Western bullets and bombs shattering loved ones in their own lands, but ultimately such activity is non productive for purposes of peace because it escalates in a tit for tat (vengeance) mode.

I find this interesting too:

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind



Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind


"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Bedeekin on April 22, 2013, 20:01:48
I have been banned from every 'truth' or 'conspiracy theory' page and website I was a member of. All because I questioned that maybe this was a real terrorist plot.. that the victims were real.. that they really did get their legs blown off. haha

I even got called out as a mole.. a government plant... that I was being paid to type the 'anti-truth' messages. This is hilarious... so funny.

How can I possibly take them seriously now... if they use the same conviction that I am a 'mole' that they have about the faked bombings?

I am not afraid to be banned from this site. My whole confidence in truth-seeking has been flushed down the toilet along with the rest of the shite. 9/11 conspiracy... faked moon landings... all of it is totally paranoid behaviour.

Call me a troll if you like... I couldn't give a twat!

It's all meaningless anyway. 
In the grand scheme of things... people can believe whatever they want about *ANYTHING*.  And it doesn't mean a damn thing beyond your Intent you place behind it.

That's the hilarious part... and I see it day in, day out.
People worrying about politics, conspiracies, etc... the joke is that it's all meaningless.

I know I don't have to tell you this, Bedeekin, so it's for everyone else... just live your life the best way you can and live with kindness. 


Xanth... you are right. I just got wrapped up in the idiotic rhetoric. It is a belief system... albeit a potentially dangerous one... considering a guy has been found dead who the internet 'sleuths' singled out as one of the bombers.. and that one of the bombers was a fan of Alex Jones. But the belief system will force the believers to assume that this is manufactured nonsense.. so... ha... well there you go.

I am done on this subject.


Quote from: Bedeekin on April 25, 2013, 01:32:08

I am done on this subject.

My fellow theorists, we have gathered here today to say good-bye to our beloved friend, Beedeekin. We all knew him as a diligent and methodical thinker. He dedicated his life to ferreting out the BS where ever it would rear its ugly head. No subject was too sensitive, nor overly complicated. Though we can't be certain of the exact catalyst that has called him away from the game, as theorists, we can speculate. I'm sure many of you here already have and are currently working on exposing the truth.

Some have said that he was flipped by the government whose role was to smear our good reputations as ambassadors of the truth. To that, I say yes. That's obvious though, and any non theorist could realize that without our superior sleuthing skills. We have to dig deeper, much deeper if we are to ever understand the depths of this. The ramifications of us losing Beedeekin to the light are far reaching and are, as of yet, not fully apparent.

Some have even suggested the opposite and believe he turned their offer down and is now in hiding with Elvis, however, that theory isn't credible since Elvis is here with us today and has not denied this as a possibility. If that was the case, he would deny it and then we could all rest easy knowing the truth.

So what exactly is this mysterious truth that we all keep talking about? I'll tell you. The facts of the matter are this: I haven't a clue but luckily for us, I have a theory. We all know Beedeekin enjoyed himself a good government plot as much as the next guy. It's my belief that someone got to him and distracted his analytical mind with work and took advantage of him while his thoughts were vulnerable. He was unable to fight the good fight and believed that tragedies are just tragedies without any government hand playing a role. I know that's blasphemous and had he not walked away from us, we would have had to sent him off anyways, but there's nothing we can do about it now.

I don't know the exact methods they used to turn him but in any case, they were effective. If they can get to him, they can get to any of us. :-D

Seriously though, when it stops being entertainment and starts to get to you, it's time to quit looking into it. I don't read the conspiracy forums but I can only imagine that you were disgusted with their ignorance and obsessive need to make fools out of themselves.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Quote from: its_all_bad on April 25, 2013, 03:41:01
My fellow theorists, we have gathered here today to say good-bye to our beloved friend, Beedeekin. We all knew him as a diligent and methodical thinker. He dedicated his life to ferreting out the BS where ever it would rear its ugly head. No subject was too sensitive, nor overly complicated. Though we can't be certain of the exact catalyst that has called him away from the game, as theorists, we can speculate. I'm sure many of you here already have and are currently working on exposing the truth.

:lol: you joker... I've quite warmed to you.

You remind me of a friend I have. When I was 19 I had a very realistic dream that I would die not long after my 20th birthday. It had me suffering panic attacks and I spent a long time trying to find answers in the NPMR. To no avail. I told him that I had this dream and what I feared.

On my 20th birthday he bought me a funeral wreath and made a little coffin for me and handed me condolence card instead of a birthday card. Suddenly I wasn't scared anymore and I practically peed myself laughing. I saw how ridiculous it all was.

I don't find my new attitude ridiculous.. but you have lightened my heart.

Actually... I have always criticised conspiracies. I made it a mission to ridicule the 2012 conspiracy theorists.. and I suppose I am going on the evidence that my conviction worked out quite well.

If the faked moon landing theories are laid on the table I won't hesitate to call them out on the wealth of obvious evidence we did. I always found that those that believed they were faked also believe that we found an alien base on the moon. You can't have it both ways.

Anyway... that was a very entertaining post and had the desired effect. Well done... you appealed to my humorous side.

Actually on a note about your very last sentence... I don't actually go to the forums or websites looking for it. It was the memes and links that popped up on Facebook the next day that got my attention.


Quote from: Bedeekin on April 25, 2013, 03:56:54

Actually on a note about your very last sentence... I don't actually go to the forums or websites looking for it. It was the memes and links that popped up on Facebook the next day that got my attention.

Facebook, lol. That's worse than some of the Conspiracy Forums!   :-D

Mark Zuckerberg just made a speech recently whereas he said it's ok to ignore your family at the dinner table to check your Facebook account. He also said that when the Stewardess tells you to turn off our I-phone or whatever form of cellphone you are using because it interferes with the plane, that she is lying and you can just ignore her. Lastly he says it's no longer rude to check your facebook account while someone is talking to you.

With these kinds of ethics shown by the creator of Facebook, it's no wonder the users are following the party line.

Recently a friend of mine asked her friends where they get their daily news from. 95% of them said Facebook.

...and since we need proof, here is the article :

I loved the comment at the bottom of the page though. "He should learn some manners. Paying more attention to a smartphone than another human is the quintessential proof of being a boor and social moron".