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I was bored so I made this news item.

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Another curious 'bathtub' shaped craft was photographed at the popular beach resort of Jibbageth. The original photographer, Beige Groid, R. Z113 from Nesh, didn't spot the anomaly until after the images were processed and claims that he didn't see nor taste anything unusual at the time.

Authorities and local sky-bases assert they were not testing any type of craft that day, and when asked for a statement denied knowledge of this object and insisted that there is no coverup or investigation into UFOs. They maintained that whatever these objects are, prove no threat to the planet and are therefore of no defence significance.

When asked about the photo, Jarbon Kench of the SFIDUFOA group said, "The commonly sighted 'flying Bathtub' must use some type of slow burning propellant. It's evident that because of the non-aerodynamic shape of the craft and massive size, it simply wouldn't be able to sustain that much water and therefore it must be concluded that what we may be looking at are intelligently controlled craft, piloted by beings not of this planet"

Witnesses of the 'flying Bathtub' invariably report that a strange smell and horrendous noise usually accompanies these sightings and that they commonly fly slowly in a near perfect straight line from one side of the sky to the other. Some reporting that they can appear from nowhere and disappear without a trace. Alien spaceship or inter-dimensional bathtub?

Is it real or fake? You decide.


lol, nice work.

Did you paint Groid's Magroth posing in the foreground there? Has that Corell or PS brush look.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Lionheart that's why the "Speedo" isn't popular here on Earth anymore, lol. I always wondered what happened to it!  8-)

Mini stapler


Cant see it. Just a tiny blue thumbnail.
Sounds good, when it rains does the bathtub fill or is it empty like usual in a shower?
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


it must be one of those human planes that come here through portal which is in the Bermuda triangle.
mental layer by layer combat sux


Sorry guys, but this is a mirage caused by swamp gas.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain

Mini stapler

Quote from: its_all_bad on March 02, 2013, 17:03:59
Sorry guys, but this is a mirage caused by swamp gas.

IAB, are you mad!! Blatantly a weather balloon! :wink:


It's obviously a giant inter-dimensional bathtub.

Facebook comment...

"The trick is how the heck did a Airliner make it all the way to LV-426? I imagine that the peoples reaction on the plane was the same as the peoples in Predators when they realized they were not on Earth."

I got my friend Guy to comment... so funny...

"Top boz I love me some alians, LOL!!!! You be getting a bit wrong cos da real ones wouldn't wear dat colour pants. And he wouldn't cast a shadow neither if he was on Saturn. So sorry to tells you it must be a FAKE.  :-("

and a guy called Scott replied to him...

"yuckity-yuk. G Pearson, know your Aliens before sh^&&*g on others' comments. Christ ((Sahm)) we all can't be wrong."

Guy replied...

"S. Fitzgerald, I would never do a poo on someone else's comments .... or "like" my own comment."

HAHA. Love it.


 Here's another comical Alien depiction scene. This one was not created by me though.

LOL, I always wondered how they made those!  :-D


haha... that's funny. I like it.

I contacted Nick Pope yesterday and told him I was going to parody him and other researchers. I sent him this silly news thing.  Also James Fox and Stanton Friedman.


Very cute. I saw the picture on facebook, but hadn't read the news article. :)
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


The flying bath tube phenomenon is just caused by reading of old sci-fi storys.  :-D


Some of the news articles in the disney UFO movie were interesting. It was like... unidentified flying desk lamp! I forget, but it made me giggle.
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


mental layer by layer combat sux


Well, they know we're called humans so at least they're not completely in the dark.

Or maybe that causes the fear? xD
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


Maybe they're scared of taking a bath.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


Quote from: proyect_outzone on March 05, 2013, 06:19:31
The flying bath tube phenomenon is just caused by reading of old sci-fi storys.  :-D

Oh my word!! I had no idea of this. Haha. This is... genius. I can use it as a follow up!!

Very cool.