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Floating Cities of the Future

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 I thought you guys might enjoy this article. The only one of these that is actually being made and is set to open is the Green Sea Star, known a Greenstar. But I like the idea for the floating Recycling Center quite a bit, there is tons of plastic garbage to be found in our oceans. My only question would be, what do you do once it's full to capacity? The Float House just looks like a modified version of a house boat.

Made O pHI

Nice find. It says 'The Citadel' is scheduled for completion in 2014 as well as the 'Greenstar'
All the ideas presented are pretty neat and would help the environment and community enormously. I can't wait to see them start putting these ideas into action and begin working on them, hopefully. Even if it's not for awhile, they have these great ideas with the intentions on increasing the well being of Earth. That tells me that change is on the way :-)

I'm gonna have to start keeping up with National Geographic, I see from your posts that they have all these great ideas.
"Do not allow yourselves to be disheartened by any failure
as long as you have done your best."
~Mother Teresa



It would truly look like a science fiction film sea-scape after 10 years of having those in the ocean.


Makes more sense to live underground. I believe there already are civilizations living deep underground that we are not aware of.
Priests of hippocratic love talk of peace and Christ, Power is their only goal. Now they all shall die.