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Very rare vintage 'Disney' UFO documentary.

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very unusual Disney 'authenticated' and made UFO documentary. If I was into conspiracies I would say... if disney makes a documentary and it's onl shown in 5 states and then never broadcast again... I would say something was afoot in 1995...

This documentary was only broadcast once in five US states in 1995, then it was shelved and never broadcast again. This version is the complete uncut feature, recorded to VHS video when it was first broadcast on celestial tv. I converted this to HD as the quality was very poor, and VHS tape degrades very quickly. Enjoy.


Ah, the golden years of Disney... It's fun to see how different the park was, haha!

This is very interesting!

"Tonight we celebrate the new tomorrowland!" (guards with guns all around)

So Disney-esque! xD

Edit: That alien encounter ride is no longer there... They revamped it because it was terrifying. Now it's about Stitch, but it still scares kids senseless. xD

Around 20:00 -

America: "Russia, u nukin us, bro?"
Russia: "Naw"
America: "Damn UFOs"

Hey, anybody in America, there's a $5000 fine for any American that comes into contact with an extra-terrestrial. You'll also get a year of jail time.
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


 Thanks for the video link Bedeekin. That was fascinating.

The first thing I wanted to say is that I found that blinking advertisement. in the top left hand corner to be extremely irritating.

Ok, now that the rant is gone, I feel better lol.  :roll:

You can see why this was only played in 5 States in the USA. The Disney name has a lot of respect and credibility to it. Too much for people to just dismiss this as false or just plain garbage.

What I find weird is the fact that all of the good UFO Documentaries were done in the past and even ones today look back at the past for their info. What, nothing new anymore? No more UFO stories to find these days? They have managed to somehow to do some kind of incredible "Muting" program in the past few years.

Sorry to sideline your thread here, but I thought you might find this interesting.

Yesterday on Coast to Coast they had a Catholic Priest named Father Nicholas Gruner speaking about the "Secrets of Fatima". He was telling about the 3 kids that were told a number of prediction, requests and warnings by an "Angel", supposedly the Virgin Mary. It was funny though because he explained how this "Angel" just happened to arrive via a spinning shiny craft of some kind. George Noory immediately interrupted him and said "Father that sounds like an UFO encounter". No comment to be found by the Priest. All through the conversation George tried to steer it back to the possibility of ET's, the Priest would have nothing of that. Even when George asked if he considered it, there was still no comment.

I was listening to this and laughing. I wanted to call up and ask him what would happen if you changed the word Angel into ET in the Bible.

But I knew that wasn't right to do. Nobody needs to be forced into knowing or believing anything. They find out the truth when they are ready to listen to it.

It was still very tempting though!  :-D


Haha!! So funny!

I've toyed with the idea and I believe that at least a major amount of alien abductions are due to OBEs/false awakenings of some sort. I've been on alien ships, captured by aliens, the whole nine yards. Fully contributed to dreams/obes/projecting/false awakening/whatever you feel like calling it. I don't think I've ever been actually physically taken by aliens. That goes for angel encounters too, there was a video shared not long ago that people had created a biblical miracle and alien abduction in such a way.

As for the people in the video that have had physical changes such as suddenly holes burrowing down to their marrow or whatever... Dunno what to say to that, haha. Though sometimes I get hurt in a dream to find I'm hurt physically. Most notably by punching the bed frame. :)

When I was little I used to look outside my window at night and look for flying saucers. Come to think about it... I think I did in middle school as well... >_> Not really expecting anything, but just enjoying looking up at the sky. Twice I actually did see something like UFOs, though neither of them were disk shaped. I told my parents and described them and they told me I made them up. Some time after each occasion it was revealed that I really did the the UFOs, but they were US aircraft before they were publicly announced. These were the B-2 Spirit "Stealth Bomber" and SR-71 "Blackbird". Well, the stealth bomber hadn't been announced. The blackbird, I just researched, had been around since the 60s, but no one I knew had heard of them before when I saw it. It wasn't until a while later when my brother got one as a toy and I was like "dude that's a spaceship!" I did live not far from a military airforce base so it's not that odd.
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


Lion- If you view the Catholic church as a corporation then you can see how this priest was not willing to go out on a limb and speak of a belief that does not jive with the company line. Though it no longer makes any difference to me, a new Pope can bring new hope.

The Catholic church is so powerful and influential that it can't be ignored. The Vatican is it's own country for crying out loud.

If the next Pope is open to accepting certain truths, this will have a huge ripple effect in everything.

Beedeekin- It is small things like this doc that compel me to believe in some conspiracies.

Chops- Ouch! Does your husband wake up with unexplained bruises? It makes me laugh picturing you act out a dream and punching him in the face. :-D
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Quote from: its_all_bad on March 05, 2013, 11:51:48
Chops- Ouch! Does your husband wake up with unexplained bruises? It makes me laugh picturing you act out a dream and punching him in the face. :-D

Oh no! hahaha! I don't move in my sleep much, though I am known to sleep walk (but only when there are people awake watching zombie movies). Funny coincidence, haha!

I was saying that more as a figure of speech. Though come to think of it, I do wake up with little bruises all the time... >_> *pokes husband* Just wont keep his legs to himself!

...please don't read into that too deeply.

And only once I punched a bed frame :)
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.

Mini stapler

ufo doc' made by disney, sponsored by bounty... This is some twilight zone shiz! :lol: defo having a watch of this!


Talk about weird :) Transitioning from aliens to Disney then back to aliens with Mike Eisner. Why do these documentary always look at evidence that occurred a decade before I wonder?
I write about my own breath taking astral projection and lucid dreaming experiences. Thanks for reading :)