Lauràelle the Sword: Robert, who were those guys??

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Hi Robert -

I gotta say (as I've probably said before) that "Lauràelle, The Ceremony & The Sword" is one of my favourite articles on this site because the OBE experience is so way out and incredibly cool.

Anyway, in the ceremony it talks about you renewing[/n] your vows etc and agreeing to rejoin your mates, but you had somehow just forgotten when you'd seen them before that.

So what I'm wondering is - have you meditated on the incident and found out where you knew those guys from previously?  Because it really seemed that you and those guys all knew each other from way back.  Or have you even meditated on what might have been your previous adventures with your sword, as it seems that this has been your sword from before the ceremony.

(Or have you even asked these chaps, seeing as you've seen them many times since.)

Just there seemed to be some loose threads in the story and I think the Astral Knights might be very interesting aspects of the whole thing!

Also on another note - have you identified the language on your sword?  And is it possibly Enochian?  (Just a wild guess...)

All the best from New Zealand,
Steppenwolf" border=0>