What happened? First OBE?

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Hey folks!

So last night... I may have had my first OBE. I am not sure though.

I went to sleep as usual but told myself to wake up at about 4 AM to attempt to AP. Well I did wake up around 3:43 AM and gave it a shot. I had alot of dreams before I woke up at that time. Right when I woke up I changed positions and immediately felt the falling sensation. I got alot of pins and needles feelings as well. I felt that feeling and kept holding it. It soon all stopped. I was just lying there but I could sense another part of me across the room kinda. I may have seen somebody even thought I never got astral sight? This felt like an OBE at first. (the sensations and the separation.) I do believe I was out of my body at some point but something happened. None of it seemed real at all. In fact it seemed more like a dream. Also, I cant recall much... If anything. All I remember is I got up out of bed (felt like a dream) saw myself and told my spirit self to jump back into my body so I can remember what happened. The funny thing is when I said I saw myself it didn't even look like me. I can't recall much of anything after that. I did wake up really fast and look around like... uhmmmmm. What the heck was that? lol.

Guys was this an OBE or was this a dream? The experience was really great at first but then it was nothing but confusion and memory loss. Nothing seemed real either. Except at first. I can't recall much... But I really do think I might have gotten out of body for the first time!! After that I think I fell asleep or something though and lost focus... Maybe dreamed of having an OBE?



You were present for the separation but apparently lost steam as far as maintaining awareness. This will produce a dreamy/muddled experience following. While you did make it to the non-physical, I wouldn't call this a conventional OBE.


I'd call that you're first obe. Congrats!


thanks guys!

After the separation though it wasn't really beautiful or amazing or anything I have heard other people say. The separation felt amazing but I can't really even recall much after that and like Atral316 stated it was very muddy and made no sense what so ever. I didn't feel out of body either. More like a dream.

The separation was great though!!! I am proud of my headway I am making. :- )



Its a good start it really is. It is normal for the event to feel like a dream afterwards. But remember how you were feeling at the time. You know it is different from a regular sleep. Because you were fully aware.
Try to recall that experience again and remember the place you were at. It should hopefully help you get there again.

Good luck!