Anybody ever travel through a black hole while projecting?

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I have to say one of the most fun things to do while out of body is fly through space. I've seen some magnificent things. But one thing I was wondering is has anybody ever went through a black hole? That is something I would like to try however I'm still sort of afraid that I will enter into another physical dimension and won't be able to get back lol. I've never had an issue getting back to my body while having an OBE, but I've also never heard of anybody going through a black hole. Thoughts/advice?
Bring into play the divine within you, so on the stage of life you can fulfill your high destined role.


I wish I could fly through space... That's like... super goal there, silly as it might sound. Maybe even petty, but it's a shameless desire. I personally don't think there would be any danger, though, wherever you go. But I understand your apprehension. Oh, man... space!
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


If you can do it that is a superfantastic idea. I doubt very much you can get stuck outside your body it might be another dimension but in that form you can go to just about anything anyway  Even if you can't the worst thing is you get zapped back.  I'm still trying to nail down the gate but that is the best real time projection idea I've heard.


You can traverse other dimensions/realities while out of body. I see the weirdness that is perceived about the mysterious black holes. I'm sure there is nothing to fear.

Try it small first... go into the sun.


I've not tried that one.
I've travelled so far out until everything was a tiny dot in a mass of black. Eerie feel to it.
There's far more interesting places though, masses of them.
Still interesting to try it.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


I think i'd be terrified to do such a thing. Black holes are HUGE and the size alone compared to me would scare me.


But in the grand scheme of things.. this reality is a product of the nonphysical reality. So therefor a black hole is just a product... information. You are more powerful than a black hole... you are conscious.


Well, in the grand scheme of things... this reality *IS* a non-physical reality.
It's only physical because you're directly experiencing it.  What we refer to as the non-physical is VERY physical-feeling when you're experiencing it.  :)

And yes, everything that Bedeekin said.  You ARE consciousness.


I've thought about projecting through the sun. What happened in your sun travels, Bedeeken? Anyone else done this? Share yours too. I once tried to fly towards the moon and hundreds of other moons appeared around it and I think I reached some planets but I don't remember much of that. But the moons were kinda creepy, just everywhere around me...


I've never tried the Sun.

Whenever I have 'located' to planets I feel the incredible bleakness of them. My subconscious doesn't even give me anything to play off. Bleak and inhospitable and a distinct feeling of utter loneliness.


I wrote this in another thread here about tunnelexperiences but anyway, I ended up in space aka. "The Void". It felt like space, but I don't think it was. Rather it was what Tom Campbell calls "No Mind", a place where you can "home in" or phase into other realities/systems.
But at least I first thought that I was in space, and it was really cool. I didn't percieve that I had a body, I was just conscious there. When I saw several Earth's, thats when I lost it and returned.
I'd like to experience real space though, to fly some or home in on a star perhaps and try to reach it somehow.


Quote from: missym on December 14, 2012, 11:08:10
I have to say one of the most fun things to do while out of body is fly through space. I've seen some magnificent things. But one thing I was wondering is has anybody ever went through a black hole?

Not a black hole, but something like a wormhole. It definitely must have been an gateway between two dimensions. I was traveling down (or rather up) a tunnel at high speed when suddenly I noticed I am heading towards something. When I looked at it i could see slightly through it, but the image was completely distorted (a kind of dynamic fluid distortion) and hazy. It had a two dimensional quality, at best described like when you are looking at the ground of a shallow pond through a rippled water surface - not quite like that, but that's the best way to describe it. When went into the "gate" instantly an entire threedimensional world enfolded around me. This world had time and space, inhabitants and its own history. The gateway however disappeared when I was in it. I managed to stabilize myself for a short time there. It felt completely physical; I could feel the sand running through my fingers. What confused me a bit was a kind of lag between the touching of something and the physical sensation - like I was not completely "in phase" or incompatible with this environment.

At some point I dropped out of the reality due to lack of energy. I gave it another try, headed down the tunnel, entered the gate and was there again. Then I dropped out a second time and tried a third run the same way. It worked again, but to my surprise this time I found that although I reached the same location, I obviously missed the time coordinate - I went to the same location probably the equivalent of a few hundered years later. Where at the first two visits was a technological civilization, at the third only a post-technological world with woods and very few poeple remained. Actually I only met one long haired, shabbily looking guy.

I never knew what monroe meant when he said he was "heading down the freeway" to the exit ramps - til this day. It is the best way to describe it. It was a stunning experience. The experience of going through a interdimensional gate was completely different from everything that I have seen so far in any hollywood movie.


@ Tahira, The experience is remembered too. I always jump into these.

Tried the sun thing too. I was very tired at the start and ended up looking at a barred spiral galaxy. I went too far oops. Then returned with a thought of the physical. It's bleak for sure,  The flashes of light at the start were probably stars.
Maybe next time...
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.