Anyone experience this?

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When in astral or lucid dreams has anyone tried to pass through anything similar to an energy source?

I myself have vivid dreams that occur on occasion where I pass through such things like power lines...(usually happens in my reoccurring dreams where I am trying to get to a certain destination but power lines get strewn about in my way - perhaps to hinder me)

I try to avoid them as passing through them causes an irritating energy feedback around the area that touches, but still happens on occasion.

Just wondering if it's just me or if anyone else has had similar experiences with such energy interaction.
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Yes, when I lived in the big city it used to happen being trapped by power lines.

Sometimes I dream that I'm there and the same thing happens the way it used to in my dreams 15 years ago.
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  hi Psyrek, where i live there are power line directly behind my house(like 50 meters). i haven't noticed being trapped by them during obe or lucid dreams. i do find that when i fly i am aware of them and make a point not to get to close to the lines, or hit them because i think it might bring me back to my body.


I know exactly what your talking about with the power lines I'm always getting tangled in them, I've also noticed this eery 'energy' scattered about in the sky too or in blanket form.  Its light blue in colour, its fuzzy to look at as if its vibrating, has a strange feeling to it which isn't very pleasant and makes the usual noise electric pilons make.  When I fly upwards I can usually see it scattered about in and around clouds.   


I've had some experience pass through a battery once.. I was trying to leave my house through my window while OBE and everytime I tried to walk through the wall where my window was , I felt something at the hip pulling me back.. it was like someone tugging on my backside.. Late to find out , there was a batter on the window sill , a 9v .. it was about the same size object that seemed to have a hold on me while OBE.

I also went OBE one night with my dog laying beside me.. after paralysis kicked in and I tried to move outward , I felt a distinct feeling around where my dog had been laying beside me.. It was a feeling of something holding me back .. The same feeling the battery made while trying to get out the window .. It was as though energy sources (or other beings/animals) might be more dense to pass through than an inanimate non-electric device? 
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Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

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