Are we all connected to the same astral world?

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Hey astral travellers!

I discovered this site a couple of months as my interest on the topic increased, and now I've decided to create an account. I'd also like to thank Xanth for one of his Ebooks I read last night about AP and it was absolutely amazing.

I had this really special dream last night. I was in class bla bla bla... (not important stuff) and then this 'girl' appeared next to me on this couch I was sitting on (yes, we have a couch in the classrooms). She was the girl I had a crush on last summer. Some things happened and we're no longer in touch, and even though I feel I have moved on, my subconscious hasn't, lol. She sat next to me and indicated on 'dream emotion language' that she had feelings for me. She even gave me a hug and I was amazed. It felt so real, but I wasn't aware that I was dreaming and I never became. My experience was much longer than this and I saw things really detailed and I felt things almost as real as the physical world. But again I wasn't lucid at any point.

As you probably can think I was confused when I woke up and It hit me that she wasn't giving me a hug nor talking to be on 'dream emotion language' (idk what to call it) in the physical world.

Usually I wouldn't pay too much attention to dreams like these, but It's really rare to me to feel things so clear as I did in that 'dream'. That's why I'm asking...

Is it possible that she actually dreamed the exact same thing and maybe (maybe not) can recall what happened? Maybe she dreamed and she just experienced it from her perspective? Maybe she wasn't aware of her 'dream' (you know, when you don't remember your dream?) I don't think so, but I've heard stories about others who have been into the same 'dream' and that sounded amazing. I'm not even considering talking to her about it, but did I just experience what I deep inside want to experience in the physical world? 

But the final question is - Do we 'dream' into the same world?

Thanks in advance.

- Young


This is an article I wrote a bit ago for my website.

QuoteThere are these non-physical concepts floating around that there are these "areas" of consciousness which are "individual" in nature, meaning it's only you there experiencing it and "collective" in nature, meaning that it's you experiencing the reality with many other individuals/awarenesses/entities/beings/etc. When you look at consciousness as a whole, you realize that this kind of separation is simply illogical. Allow me to explain.

By the very nature that everything is consciousness – everything is collective. There is only "everything". The simple fact is that the individualness you experience on a daily basis (the idea that you are separate from everyone else) is an illusion. So when people have a projection and they seem to be in a reality all by themselves, or they have what they will arbitrarily label as a lucid dream, they come to the conclusion that they were within some individual area of consciousness which is only for them and them alone.

There's only your perception of individual and collective experiences. The difference is like standing in a crowded room with a blindfold that blocks all light from your eyes and ear plugs that block all noise from your ears and then making the, obviously plain as day assumption that you're all alone. Your perception says that since you can't see or hear anyone else that you were all by yourself, even though standing all around you are these other individuals. That's how the non-physical / consciousness kind of works.

You're never alone. You only perceive yourself to be because that how you're currently interpreting the reality that you're experiencing. Someone / something could be standing right in front of you and you'd never see them because you just don't perceive them.

This is also what I mean when I say that WHAT you experience is Objective, but HOW you experience it is Subjective. So how do you experience something closer to how it's Objectively presented? You need to keep yourself grounded and centered. This will remove as much subjectiveness as possible which is being fueled by your own awareness. Even then, if you're able to do that, you still might not ever experience something 100% objective as it's really presented.

Karxx Gxx

Me and my sister shared a dream once. I told her my dream and then she was saying she dreamed the same thing, and added details i didnt add and gave her perspective and what she was thinking. Also it wasnt just a vague dream that could be a coincidence. So tis possible imo
Your way is The way


I think this question is an incredibly complex and profound one and it's one that if we could answer fully, it would have immediate ramifications on just about everything we know about anything.

"Are we all connected to the same astral world?" can quickly become "Do we all experience the same physical universe?" and even "Is there really any such thing as 'objective reality', and if so, who determines what that is?", and these are the kinds of questions that philosophers have been arguing about for probably at least 2000 years that we know of.  I agree with Xanth that everything is ultimately consciousness.  But beyond that I don't think we have yet to come up with a satisfying explanation of how we can resolve our ideas about "subjective" and "objective" realities and who is creating these experiences we have in the first place.  Do we each create our own reality from the inside out, or is there something like a God out there who sets everything up from birth to death and we're only along for a ride we have no control over?  If it's somewhere in between then what exactly is the interplay, and where are the hard limits drawn?

I guess the short answer from me is that I think your question leads to incredibly complex philosophical issues and that there's no satisfactory answer to things like that yet.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


I remember having a very very vivid dream of someone I had a crush on, it was a very long one, we went on some sort of adventure type quest together for some reason and then I woke up. Later that day I had a flashback, the most absolutely vivid I've ever had. The dream was overlayed in my vision for a few seconds and I got the same feeling in my stomach as when you drop on a rollercoaster. Weird experience but nothing came of it  :lol:


Out of interest I've had many clairvoyant experiences where every detail was a replica of the events that took place later. Some were on the news and the patchy grass in the video matched what I perceived exactly. Many others were similar and I found out later in the reports that the thoughts of those in control of the machine matched perfectly what I perceived.
In my early days of RTZ projections everything was a perfect match to the physical too.
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