Are you new to Astral Projection? come have a look!

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Hello noobies interested in Astral projection, and hello veteran travelers and others. Wrote this so  new people interested in projecting can get an idea of what they are in for with days research topics. as well as maybe there is something some of the more seasoned travelers have missed if there is something in here that helps you out as well then great! here we go :)
as it is 4am here excuse the typo's.

Some of you should really give this a shot. being out of body is pretty awesome.
and who knows, maybe you'll have a natural talent for it. others have to train weeks,
months, sometimes years to shift their consciousness. there are many different methods, any will work just
have to find out suited for you.

you can do anything when your out of body.

-meet up with deceased loved ones
-go to other planets
-float around your place
-go to higher realms of existence / consciousness
-get in touch with who you are deep down
-or if you really wanted to could put yourself in your favorite show or game ;)
- Astral sex ;)

And it all feels as real as this world, or even more so at times.

The things you learn in the etheric or astral realm you will learn here as well.
for example you could practice the guitar. you wake up in the physical world and
you will remember everything you learned in the astral.

"what about demons and ghosts, omg your a witch burn you i say!!..."

Lol... for the most part that ^ is wrong by the way. it's not demonic. Shaman's do it. Monks do it. High level priests do it. etc.

How should i put it...
if you go out with your friends on the weekend do you expect there to be demons, or trouble where you are going? or whenever you leave your house? how many of those situations turned out to be that you were worried about nothing? quite a few i imagine.
stepping into the astral realm is like this. not what you see or heard from movies.
if you do still have fear The trick is to not be afraid and just accept it. take in head on. pass the test so to speak.
if you go about it right your more likely to be struck by lightning.

one of the hardest parts is actually separating from your body while in the hypnagogic state. (aka sleep paralysis)
auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations. and just the act of leaving your body behind and what comes with the process can be off setting at first. but you have to just Give In.
you get use to it, accept it, and realize that's just how it is when you separate!

most exercises start with relaxation. as you monitor your body relaxing changes will begin to happen :)
the physical body feelings that i have encountered so far (these states are when your close to leaving your body, and when you are fully relaxed) :
- full body vibrating, starting off low, and then becoming pretty intense and high. high frequency.
- the feeling like i was a giant puddle of pudding. no body just pudding. it was awesome!
- motion sickness
- having no body at all
- being 10 feet tall
- like your laying in a ocean with big waves
- Continous falling
- sometimes some of your limbs come out sooner then the others, so you can feel your arm or
leg of your energy body / soul / w.e you want to call it start rising.
- floating
- the feeling of my arms and legs bending upside my head and twisting in ways that are physically impossible.

(no pain associated with any of these by the way)

Notice how in recent horror flicks astral projection was put in. and in the most common religion here it's bashed on.
millions and millions spent on these movies to deter you away from projection. from evolution. If you don't know yet hollywood is bs!

Lets put it this way. you go out on the weekend and you convince yourself
your going to have a bad time. then ya you probably will.

same goes for this. go into it expecting to have fun or w.e, and that's what it'll be.

the more skilled can split there consciousness among 3 separate entities created by them. so in a way you would 3 people
at once (recalling this as Robert Monroe the god father of astral projection split himself in 7 while each one was working on something
else. and yes when he woke up he had the knowledge of all 7 of his duplicate selfs! )

Stuff to research and look into!

-OBE induction software
-Brainwave generator
-Binaural beats
- Phasing
-Forced OBE
- guided meditations

-Mind awake body asleep
-projecting from a lucid dream
-wave exit technique
- Astral Projection Separation Techniques

Basics ---
Robert Monroe
Monroe Institute
Astral Projection
Out Of Body Experiences
Brainwave Mind Voyage
Astral Projection Techniques

Good luck, and have fun! ;)


No offence there but monroes  books are written in such a way  that a person cant understand a thing!
Who am I is not important...My message is...



I wont even try,cuz his books only  share  his experiences,notuing usefull for the crowd,glad i didnt buy his 'books'
Who am I is not important...My message is...


A lot of his knowledge has also been simplified by many other people as well.... i guess in the end what matters from his books are the concepts and strategies. the techniques and methods. 
there are also some videos on youtube of him explaining his experiences and everything, good watch.
and congrats again on your recent experience. just did a few attempts and got very close this time.


Thanks :-D  the damn thing is very hard to achieve so good luck   :wink:
Who am I is not important...My message is...


Quote from: xTr1gger on September 30, 2013, 00:23:02
you'll understand them one day :D
I actually agree completely with this statement and I mirror Simo's frustration with the Monroe trilogy.
They're NOT for beginners... even though they seem to be the first point of contact for a lot of people in regards to OBE/APs.

I suggest reading them ONLY AFTER you've had a bunch of experiences under your belt.  Only then will you get anything worth while out of them.



don't think astral sex is something noobs can do .
to much stimulation and your back in your body
ah well i'll add it anyway ;)


I have heard stories of where some one did it first time out .  Its been covered hear a whole bunch , one of many      Robert Monroe had no problem with it once he knew his marrage vows only applied to phyical sex. 


hmmm... so whats astral boner called? jokes.
from reading some of those posts seems like it could be compared to sex on ecstasy. but without doing the drug itself.

and to find love more meaningful and deep then here? sounds pretty awesome. when i was very young had a very lucid dream (or perhaps an obe?)  where i was camping with some others and met this beautiful girl. absolutely mesmerized , long story short i took my eyes away for one second and a bear attacked. held her hand in the hospital balling my eyes out, as she past i woke up.
was depressed for weeks after that... the feeling was so strong.
  i was probably only about 5-8 yrs old but it was such a profound experience.
a good memory brought back to life by reading some of those posts :)


Erin has some blogs on astral sex    There a number of you tube videos on this   I found some astral sex  discussions on some of the  adult sex forums , but as this is an all ages forum , I wont post links hear .



Generally that's not a term of endearment one uses.  :)


Quote from: Xanth on October 01, 2013, 13:02:53

Generally that's not a term of endearment one uses.  :)

it's probably because i'm a big gamer and always have been lol.
on an old astral forum years back i would refer to myself as an astral noob.
quicker then saying new practitioner to astral travel, or new travelers.


We are all noobs compared to the so called "Godfather of astral projection" :-D :-D :-D
Who am I is not important...My message is...


I know in this context "noob " means  some one new , but noob sounds like snob to me .  Like a wine , or food snob .  On the God father of astral projection , Robert Monroe comes to mind . 


xTrigger greetings, I do always enjoy an interesting reed/post, as your's certainly is. I'm not exactly new to AP or niteflights,but suspect that we are all noob at some aspect of it, therefor quality info is always welcome. 

So it's happy kaboom that here you are, a cheery, articulate Paladin for astral romps & visits, I appreciate that. To energize research, as a Bill Nye or Galileo, is a big time talent...
Lately it's occurred to me, what a long strange trip it's been...  the Dead