Astral Dynamics Part 3

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Greetings DJ!

You should let your Dad read the book and arrive at his own conclusions.

If you do not do that, he will be very suspicious, and might take a negative view as a sort of defensive reflex. Be honest with him - if he thinks it is theoretical, then he won't mind you reading it for academic interest will he?

I have three sons aged 11, 10 and nearly 9, and I let them read these things either from books or from the Internet - they have their own PC with its own permanent Internet connection, and I trust them. The way I see it is this - I wish I had access to this sort of information, and those sort of resources when I was their and your age!

If your Dad has any concerns, I am sure Robert would answer an email from him with any questions if he has time, otherwise I would be delighted to.

Please remember though, parents always only have the best interest of their children at heart, although it might not always seem that way if they disagree with you  

Good luck!

Vincit Omnia Veritas


Furthermore your father really cannot "stop" you from projecting unless he wants to randomly surprise you every waking moment of your life.  And since your in a relaxed/sleep like state (physically) how in the world would he really know what you're doing?  I definitely agree with Adrian, let your father read the book, and the both of you could possibly discuss it, etc.  Just do NOT adapt a negative view of projecting...or some sort of fear, because it will ONLY add to your frusteration.

Take care,


Hey, man, I sympathise with you.  My parents catagorize all of my metaphysical interests as "a bunch of new age bovine excrement" and then they get mad if I disagree or argue.  I'm 17 and won't be free until I graduate next year.  Recently my parents and I have had major fallouts because of my spiritual standpoint and views.  They have basically told me that I'm going to "hell", if there is such a place (which i believe there isn't).  
 So, don't allow your parents' closed-minded views restrict you from growing and learning.  Just be patient and remember that there is a lot of life ahead.




 So, don't allow your parents' closed-minded views restrict you from growing and learning.  Just be patient and remember that there is a lot of life ahead.

Wise words indeed!

I trust you will remember them when you younger people have your own families

There are many paths available, and it is for each person to determine their own truth.

Kind regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


I feel like your dad will be cool about it...

When he reads about procedures and practices in this book he might even try a little of it. Without telling you of course.  Just assure yourself and him if he asks, that this book is a self-help item and could only be beneficial to the user. It tells how to lift your spirits...ha ha ha,  raise your energy levels...he he he,   and protect yourself from negative things that could stunt your growth!

        ....50 pages left?  WOW, you read fast!



lol.... thanks for your replies.... And yes, I read very fast.... Im an honors student and when Im reading something that catches my attention, I read super-fast..... Every time I took a glimpse at the book, I just wanted to read more.... I spent the past week and a half every night and sometimes morning/afternoon reading the book.... And...... Im done!! lol.... surprising.... I just finished today, and my dad thinks that I skipped a lot of parts, because I read so fast.... But the truth is, I made a commitment not to skip any parts, and I read as much as I could.... Well anyway, the book was good and really made something out of my spare time.... Great thanks and respect to Robert Bruce to writing this book!!

  "Mind over Matter"


Agreed that it's probably the ultimate book on OBE's (in my opinion anyway) and it's certainly worth a second read after your dad is done. I've read it through twice and caught alot of subtle notes and common themes that I missed the first time through.

Don't worry about your dad and make sure he understands that "theories" are meant to be tested.


Ok.... Ive got 50 pages of the book left.... My dad still says he wants to read the book.... Im starting to get scared.... From my observations, and the things he says to me, he thinks the whole book is 'theoretical'.... He thinks that this whole OBE thing is theoretical, and is NOT a practice.... That scares me, because this kind of stuff to him is theoretical and should REMAIN theoretical.... What will he think when he finds out that I've been reading about practical uses of OOBE's??? Do you think he wont let me practice astral projection??? Im confused....

  "Mind over Matter"