Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming made super easy!!

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This is all good Fresco. I personally see nothing wrong with using helpers such as those mentioned. Now keep building on whatever works for you. :-)


Quote from: Fresco on September 12, 2018, 11:06:15
I think you misunderstand.

I had a spontaneous OBE 15 years ago while in the hospital. I tried to replicate it with (with very little success) until recently.
I then discovered Howell's tapes until 4 weeks ago and I had a bunch of LD's since then

No excrement? So u have one half butt LD 15 years ago then nothing UNTIL u listened to Howell then boom, uve had several? Now i GOTTA try this. Ill thank u later.....if it works. Otherwise u owe me ten bucks!


Quote from: Windwalker. on September 13, 2018, 04:19:14
No excrement? So u have one half butt LD 15 years ago then nothing UNTIL u listened to Howell then boom, uve had several? Now i GOTTA try this. Ill thank u later.....if it works. Otherwise u owe me ten bucks!
No, I had a spontaneous OBE 15 years ago.  I never even heard of astral projection or out-of-body experiences until then.

If you look at my posting history, I posted prolifically from 2010 until about 2013 and then took a  5 year leave of absence because I wasnt getting anywhere with meditation:;sa,showPosts

My first 2 LD's using Howell's tapes were very short.  Maybe 5 seconds each. My 3rd one was a bit longer, maybe 20 seconds or so.
I didnt have an LD last night but I was very tired from work, so maybe that played a part??

TIP:  Use the LD subliminal tape 30 minutes before going to sleep, that works the best


Quote from: Fresco on September 13, 2018, 15:44:55
No, I had a spontaneous OBE 15 years ago.  I never even heard of astral projection or out-of-body experiences until then.

If you look at my posting history, I posted prolifically from 2010 until about 2013 and then took a  5 year leave of absence because I wasnt getting anywhere with meditation:;sa,showPosts

My first 2 LD's using Howell's tapes were very short.  Maybe 5 seconds each. My 3rd one was a bit longer, maybe 20 seconds or so.
I didnt have an LD last night but I was very tired from work, so maybe that played a part??

TIP:  Use the LD subliminal tape 30 minutes before going to sleep, that works the best

So these were LDs where you suddenly became conscious while you were already dreaming vs. an obe where you consciously step into it?


Quote from: Windwalker. on September 13, 2018, 19:32:24
So these were LDs where you suddenly became conscious while you were already dreaming vs. an obe where you consciously step into it?
Yes, pretty much.  An LD can lead to an OBE (or astral projection) if you learn how to step out of your body


Another option:
Not to take anything away from the lady who created those audios, but would the power of these messages be even better if I recorded my own voice saying the script? (Btw, I tested out the script on page 1 with a website converting text to speech and it was ok, but its free technology and sounded a bit like the annoying robo videos on youtube these days.)

However, I just did a real quick test recording my voice and the ability to make a homemade version of this is damn easy on phones these days (at least my iphone). I have two apps that can be setup to play at same time without cancelling either out. One free app (Documents by Readdle) plays my voice recorded message or mp3 set to replay over and over. Another free app (myNoise) that has some great free noises (rain, waves, nature, Tibetan choir, & binaural machine!) that I can set up in combination. Play them both at same time, plus gives me freedom to change background noises, remove binaural, play once, etc.

I guess it all boils down to whether I want to hear myself talking or not.  :-D At least hearing myself with positive affirmations would be nice I think.

Just my 2 cents.


Quote from: Windwalker. on September 13, 2018, 19:32:24
So these were LDs where you suddenly became conscious while you were already dreaming vs. an obe where you consciously step into it?
There's no difference between those "types" of experience you list above. 
A "LD where you suddenly become conscious while you were already dreaming"... IS an OBE.  :)


Quote from: Xanth on September 14, 2018, 15:52:04
There's no difference between those "types" of experience you list above. 
A "LD where you suddenly become conscious while you were already dreaming"... IS an OBE.  :)

This reminds me when people still think in the way that "ah I had an LD and I converted it into an OBE or AP", makes me smile. Or your favourite: "I had dreams all in my life but never got an AP". After a while people should see that what is what and I guess people can't get lost those labels. I don't like to even call my experiences like "dreams" because it is limiting. I'm fully aware with my intent. If I can do, others can. But the battle with these labels is always there in other forum sites and people are arguing about them. Nobody can help lol.
Visit my blog site:


Quote from: Xanth on September 14, 2018, 15:52:04
There's no difference between those "types" of experience you list above. 
A "LD where you suddenly become conscious while you were already dreaming"... IS an OBE.  :)
But I thought its not a complete OBE until your fully out of your body and walking (or flying) around.
I thought in the dream state you merely hover a few centimeters above your body.

Or do I have that wrong??


Quote from: Fresco on September 14, 2018, 18:52:41
But I thought its not a complete OBE until your fully out of your body and walking (or flying) around.
I thought in the dream state you merely hover a few centimeters above your body.

Or do I have that wrong??

Feeling the need to experience stepping out your body for an obe is a physical world hang up. We as humans learn that to get somewhere we have to experience movement because the laws of time and space dictate this. These laws dont exist in the non physical so you dont need to follow them. Once you have more and more obes the need to experience a visceral separation dissipates.


Quote from: Fresco on September 14, 2018, 18:52:41
But I thought its not a complete OBE until your fully out of your body and walking (or flying) around.
I thought in the dream state you merely hover a few centimeters above your body.

Or do I have that wrong??
It's all just labels.  I've always said that people need to lose the labels... but that's not fully helpful either.
It's probably more important to just "loosen" your labels a bit.  Loosen the definitions you hold onto.

For me... we're NEVER *in* a body.  There is no body.  There's only consciousness.
This physical reality is as much a "projection" as any dream or obe people have.  

Being "fully out of body" or "hovering centimeters above your body" are all just beliefs people have held due to the, mostly, misinterpretation of the data/information they've received.
But don't get me wrong here, I can't prove this stuff anymore than anyone else can.  Only direct, personal experience can prove this stuff *TO YOURSELF*.

The problem today is that people hold onto these labels so tightly that they make it impossible for themselves to look beyond them.  If it doesn't fit in a neatly labeled box, they ignore it.

Quote from: floriferous on September 14, 2018, 22:56:33
Feeling the need to experience stepping out your body for an obe is a physical world hang up. We as humans learn that to get somewhere we have to experience movement because the laws of time and space dictate this. These laws dont exist in the non physical so you dont need to follow them. Once you have more and more obes the need to experience a visceral separation dissipates.
Very nicely put.

And hi!  Long time no see. :)


Isnt it ironic that we come into our bodies just so we can spend our entire lives trying to get it out of it??!!!   :lol:


Why would anybody buy her recordings when she links to a 10:00 min sample of each of them on Youtube?  You can just loop the video and listen to that couldn't you? 


Quote from: Fresco on September 15, 2018, 17:17:13
Isnt it ironic that we come into our bodies just so we can spend our entire lives trying to get it out of it??!!!   :lol:
Actually, this is why I don't actively work towards projection any longer.

You're here, in this physical reality FOR A REASON.  It's to learn to Love.
Inevitably you WILL return to consciousness, you can't stop that... so why work so hard to go back there?

Use your time here more effectively by learning to become closer to Love... instead of trying to escape from the physical.


Quote from: floriferous on September 14, 2018, 22:56:33
Feeling the need to experience stepping out your body for an obe is a physical world hang up. We as humans learn that to get somewhere we have to experience movement because the laws of time and space dictate this. These laws dont exist in the non physical so you dont need to follow them. Once you have more and more obes the need to experience a visceral separation dissipates.

I disagree with this. I dont have a "pysical world hangup" and i experience the actual exit and shift in consciousness because when you have vibrations there is no other choice. First you are physically conscious, then you get vibrations or energy sensations,  then you experience the actual focus shift of leaving your body or else you would simply be laying upon your physical body. So you experience going ob all the way thru from a fully conscious physical state to the shift in consciousness that the vibrations create, then finally in the np. Thats an incredible  experience in and of itself aside from the actual obe.. Its also different then "becoming conscious in a dream" because you dont experience the actual shift in consciousness or the "astral body" crrawling out of the physical body. Having vibrations has nothing to do with physical world hangups. It seems to be your consciousness "tuning" into the correlating vibrational reality. Sorry if i may have misunderstood you.

"There's no difference between those "types" of experience you list above.  
A "LD where you suddenly become conscious while you were already dreaming"... IS an OBE."

Im well aware that both experiences are np Xanth. I was simply curious of the means he was accessing the np. Also-ive found my obes are head and shoulders above LDs or even dreams for that matter as far as "seeming real" goes. Almost to the point that they do seem like different constructs although i dont believe they are. I guess it depends on how focused you are on the experience itself which makes it feel more "real" vs. other experiences. Just my opinion.


Sorry- but i just had to point this out.

Xanth states:
"You're here, in this physical reality FOR A REASON.  It's to learn to Love.
Inevitably you WILL return to consciousness, you can't stop that... so why work so hard to go back there?

Use your time here more effectively by learning to become closer to Love... instead of trying to escape from the physical."

You do see the irony in this statement given you are the head honcho of the worlds most renowned AP site.......right? 🤣🤣


Quote from: Windwalker. on September 20, 2018, 22:44:13
You do see the irony in this statement given you are the head honcho of the worlds most renowned AP site.......right?
Sorry Xanth, I had to laugh my butt off at that one. Windwalker you are sooooo funny. Love and much respect to both of you. ROFL


Quote from: Xanth on September 19, 2018, 16:00:44
Actually, this is why I don't actively work towards projection any longer.

You're here, in this physical reality FOR A REASON.  It's to learn to Love.
Inevitably you WILL return to consciousness, you can't stop that... so why work so hard to go back there?

Use your time here more effectively by learning to become closer to Love... instead of trying to escape from the physical.
If it wasn't a part of us for some reason, then we wouldn't be experiencing it period. The bigger question should be, why has it come into our lives?

My answer to that is because you can find a "happy balance" between the two of them. That is what we are being taught. We have chosen or were chosen to be both. It forces you to look at life in a completely different way.

If I was to all of a sudden stop my daily Phase/soak sessions, it wouldn't take long before I lost my "empathy" for those that are experiencing Astral Projection for the first time and soon after that, I would likely stop posting here at this Forum period. I am shown things and taught things to help others experience and see for themselves that there is more to life than what we see here. It can help them in profound ways at a personal level.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Windwalker. on September 20, 2018, 22:44:13
Sorry- but i just had to point this out.

Xanth states:
"You're here, in this physical reality FOR A REASON.  It's to learn to Love.
Inevitably you WILL return to consciousness, you can't stop that... so why work so hard to go back there?

Use your time here more effectively by learning to become closer to Love... instead of trying to escape from the physical."

You do see the irony in this statement given you are the head honcho of the worlds most renowned AP site.......right? 🤣🤣
:-) :-) :-) :-)  8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on September 20, 2018, 23:24:04
If it wasn't a part of us for some reason, then we wouldn't be experiencing it period. The bigger question should be, why has it come into our lives?

My answer to that is because you can find a "happy balance" between the two of them
I agree with this 100%.  There's no reason why you cant strike a healthy balance


I resonate a lot with Xanths comments. I originally got into OBEs for purely superficial reasons. It sounded fun. Spiritual materialism got the better of me. But with experience comes a greater understanding of the self and the greater whole we are a part of. I am more in touch with my own divinity. I try to live from a heart centered place. I now go to a metaphysical church and say grace over meals(things I never thought I would do). I know I create my reality and being in a positive, loving, high vibration is paramount to getting the things I desire.

For me it's all part of it. And OBEs are a part of it too but but a small part. I am grateful they helped open my eyes but I no longer feel the need to go gunning after them either. Whenever I go on a TMI retreat, the programs aren't about getting away from the physical.  They are about, first exploring your inner self then taking what you learn and incorporating it to live a fuller life

I am more intuitive and get information from a higher source without the need to go out of body. Sure I still enjoy them when they occur spontaneously in my meditations but they aren't my focus. So, yes I resonate with Xanths comments


Quote from: Windwalker. on September 20, 2018, 22:44:13
You do see the irony in this statement given you are the head honcho of the worlds most renowned AP site.......right?
HAHA  Head honcho.  :)

And yes, I do realize the irony in the statement.
But I've also learned quite a bit since I began this journey and the more I learned and the more I experienced, the more I found I needed to focus my attention *HERE* in this physical reality.

I continue to teach people to project in hopes that they too figure this out one day.  Actually, I know they will realize this eventually.

I'm also not saying there isn't value in Projection, I'm just saying that those who focus exclusively on Projection completely miss the point of why they're experiencing this physical reality in the first place.  :)

Quote from: floriferous on September 21, 2018, 04:36:09
I resonate a lot with Xanths comments. I originally got into OBEs for purely superficial reasons. It sounded fun. Spiritual materialism got the better of me. But with experience comes a greater understanding of the self and the greater whole we are a part of. I am more in touch with my own divinity. I try to live from a heart centered place. I now go to a metaphysical church and say grace over meals(things I never thought I would do). I know I create my reality and being in a positive, loving, high vibration is paramount to getting the things I desire.

For me it's all part of it. And OBEs are a part of it too but but a small part. I am grateful they helped open my eyes but I no longer feel the need to go gunning after them either. Whenever I go on a TMI retreat, the programs aren't about getting away from the physical.  They are about, first exploring your inner self then taking what you learn and incorporating it to live a fuller life

I am more intuitive and get information from a higher source without the need to go out of body. Sure I still enjoy them when they occur spontaneously in my meditations but they aren't my focus. So, yes I resonate with Xanths comments
Sometimes I wish we could "like" posts on this forum.  :)
You'd get a big fat juicy LIKE from me Flori.  ;)


Quote from: Xanth on September 21, 2018, 15:50:32
I'm also not saying there isn't value in Projection, I'm just saying that those who focus exclusively on Projection completely miss the point of why they're experiencing this physical reality in the first place.  :)
Sometimes I wish we could "like" posts on this forum.  :)
You'd get a big fat juicy LIKE from me Flori.  ;)

Yes, I agree with you totally on this Xanth. The big fat juicy LIKE too. :-)


I had another LD last night.  Very short though, maybe 1 or 2 seconds.
I gotta find a way to make these things last longer   :|


Quote from: Xanth on September 21, 2018, 15:50:32
And yes, I do realize the irony in the statement.
But I've also learned quite a bit since I began this journey and the more I learned and the more I experienced, the more I found I needed to focus my attention *HERE* in this physical reality.
Perhaps, that's what "YOU" needed!

QuoteI'm also not saying there isn't value in Projection, I'm just saying that those who focus exclusively on Projection completely miss the point of why they're experiencing this physical reality in the first place.  :)
Sometimes I wish we could "like" posts on this forum.  :)
I guess all those Monks and Buddhist's throughout the thousands of years that have been meditating daily and normally for most of the day, have it all wrong then.  :| :? Are they wasting their lives away too?
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla