The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: Aspiring_Dreamer on February 06, 2013, 20:17:56

Title: Astral projection ideas?
Post by: Aspiring_Dreamer on February 06, 2013, 20:17:56
Okay, so recently my friend whose been into astral projection for the last like 4 years was having an in depth discussion about what you can do with astral projecting, and kind of got me into it. For the past 2 weeks I've jotted down my dreams, reactions to them and what I think they meant, my thoughts at the time of the dream, etc.  Anyway, we had tossed around just hypothetical questions that he of course had no answer to, and I wanted to hear the opinion from the rest of the Astral Projection community, and possibly explore this further...

Theory 1 :
If you learned how to Astral Project ,and became advanced with it, could you theoretically alter time in the dream state? I mean, if I can fly, have superpowers in a dream, have sex with anyone I wanted, essentially do anything possible and then some...Why wouldn't I be able to control the time? For example, make your dream feel as if its a day or 2 long instead of what may feel like minutes or an hour. 

Theory 2:
Lets say for example an expert at AP is a huge fanatic of a series, none in particular( book, movie, show, or even perhaps a video game, etc.), an advanced practitioner should be able to enter the respective universe of that series..right? What if they wanted to take it further?.
Night 1- Dreamer enters the universe, in no particular way, but not randomly either. He/She becomes familiar with the people, environment, etc..

Night 2- instead of putting last night aside, Dreamer continues their escapade in the same universe. Lets say Dreamer has entered a zone of conflict. would the Dreamer be able to continuously enter this same universe, theoretically creating their own story? Or living out a fantasy of being in their most fantasized universe?  Like, being a Sith Lord whose reign cannot end after one night. Or a Hobbit, with a ring that needs to be brought to a volcano. Such a journey would be far to short for a single night... Crime lords don't get a mansion, power and riches all in one night. What if Tony Montana didn't get shot in his back? I think you all see my point. Lets face it, we all have had fantasies of wanting to be something else. If you say otherwise you're simply a damned liar.

Theory 3:

Now I really hate to do this, but yes this is another movie reference. If you have not watched Total Recall, in short its about a man who uses the "travel agency" that sets you up on this machine, puts you to sleep and sends you to whatever type of fantasy you ever lived in without memory of your own life( a vacation they call it). I won't get into the rest of the details because that's the only part we need to know.
One of the most commonly taught practices to induce a dream, AP etc. is giving yourself suggestions prior to sleeping. So what if someone advanced continuously suggested they would lose memory of their identity, go to a different planet, and do something you would see in a movie and when its all done. you will wake up? Like have your mind make up a whole scenario that now you have to deal with.

Just some perhaps silly ideas thrown around, but nonetheless, I'd like to hear opinions or thoughts. Thanks!
Title: Re: Astral projection ideas?
Post by: Jdeadevil on February 06, 2013, 21:26:21
I think your third idea is theoretically possible, look up the Law of Attraction and then look up "Bashar".
Title: Re: Astral projection ideas?
Post by: Astralzombie on February 07, 2013, 01:05:18
1.) The concept of time that we use to create order in this reality is to me the same during an OOBE. It depends on how captivated you are by what you are experiencing. No two beings will ever view this the same but the actual concept of time we use can still be measured objectively. A lot of people believe that time does not actually exist and I'm trying to avoid that approach since time is a very real concept that we can't get around. My elementary understanding is that time is actually equal to space. For example we can measure the space between two objects by the linear distance of a course between the two and the time it takes to traverse that distance. I know Einstein is laughing at me right now.

2.) No need to assume that anybody is lying about anything they post. This is all theoretical so in theory there could be someone who exists that has never wanted to be another person or wanted to live a different life. With that said, you asked a few questions but I think your essentially asking about time again. I believe you're wondering if someone could complete an epic journey in one OOBE that took frodo three movies to complete. If that is indeed your question than the answer is yes and the reason is quite simple. Using Frodo as an example, he has the ring and he knows where he has to go and what to do with it. He can will him self there in an instance. He can will the ring there and not actually go himself. There are just too many variables to consider. But if one chooses the long route and the slow mode, they can break it up into more than one OOBE. There's really limitless possibilities.

3.)Again, I'm not sure what you are asking but I believe you want to know if an OOBE can cause someone to lose their memory or identity or cause them to take on a different identity. If you're wondering if it is possible for someone to wake up from an OOBE and believe they are superman, I would have to say that is possible if the individual was already suffering from severe delusions. But the OOBE would not cause the severe delusions and would only exacerbate them. On the flip side, after many OOBE it is almost always the case with everybody that they change the way they identify with reality and this is always in a positive manner.

I hope this answered your questions. Proceed with amazement.
Title: Re: Astral projection ideas?
Post by: ChopstickFox on February 07, 2013, 10:34:23
There's really not a limit to this stuff and not all of it has to do with how advanced you are. Most of these things can happen whether you actively try or not. Now, actively making things happen on demand can take some time. But sometimes it's not so much about exactly how much is controlled as it is about the experience itself.

1) I've had long dreams that feel like hours then wake only minutes later. Time is a perception that is difficult to make a comparison with between the physical and non physical. I've never been able to control it, but who says it can't be done? Why not?

2) I've thrown myself into storylines for fun. What's even more fun is letting it all happen on is own. I had a few badass Doctor Who ones! xD Sometimes nights have coincided, but not in a right where I left off in the story kind of way. Sometimes, and this can be true for any dream, a dream can be continued after waking up from it. Sometimes I get so attached to the storyline that I refuse to let it go. Sometimes I can fall back asleep five or six times in order to finish the story of a dream, uninfluenced by waking. I've been told it is possible that you can have episodic dreams and return to places on different nights, but I personally haven't. And why wouldn't it be possible? :) Why not? :D

3) Um... I think that to wake up with a new identity something off the wall must have happened. Like amnesia or delusions. Looking at OBEs and the idea that the person purposely caused that to themself wouldn't be my first guess.

Now I am very familiar with losing my identity within dreams. These have been vivid enough for me to be very confused upon waking, but not much beyond that, haha. Sometimes it has felt like I've lived an entire life within the dream or I have memory of an entire life very different from my own, whether it is my personality, gender, age, species.... There's really no limit. These are usually my favorite because it truly feels and you believe that you are someone else and are completely oblivious to your waking self... Oh, all excited!
Title: Re: Astral projection ideas?
Post by: Astralzombie on February 07, 2013, 12:04:23
Quote from: ChopstickFox on February 07, 2013, 10:34:23
Now I am very familiar with losing my identity within dreams.

That has not happened to me yet, at least not that i recall. But I always dream about close friends and family in which a completely different person represents them. I may even recognize to myself, like hey, that's not Bob's body, but I always accept it in the narrative, the same is true for locations. Strange.
Title: Re: Astral projection ideas?
Post by: ChopstickFox on February 07, 2013, 13:16:52
Oooh! Same here! Such as I totally believe and accept that someone is my brother, but they're a completely different person. I just know. Or a small part of me might recognize that I am at my dad's house, but the reality I accept is that it is a completely different place. Funny how that works!
Title: Re: Astral projection ideas?
Post by: Ellis91 on February 07, 2013, 15:57:39
Interested to hear more opinions on these questions. In particular, 1 grabs my attention, I was planning
on making a topic along the same lines as this but didn't get round to it.

Bending time in the Astral. Has anyone experienced feeling like they had been OB for several days???
The comedian Ari Shafir tells a story of how he spent 3 months in another life on a Salivia trip, exploring
his environment and forming bonds. All in the space of several hours.

To what degree is this possible in the NPR without using substances?

Title: Re: Astral projection ideas?
Post by: Aspiring_Dreamer on February 07, 2013, 19:56:21
Wow, I'm glad I got some responses. Thanks guys, you have given me a lot think about. I understand the technical parts, I have read up on the Theory of Relativity on various occasions.I know the fundamentals of how to AP, etc... Sadly however I seem to be inexperienced in actually applying what I've read  :-(

All of this is so interesting to me..Also as Its_all_bad previously stated, yes time and its properties are perhaps on the top of my list of interest.

That salvia trip sounds like a wild experience by the way..
Title: Re: Astral projection ideas?
Post by: Szaxx on February 07, 2013, 20:13:58
Everything you asked is possible. The time question, as a regular occurrence, you are out for less than an hour and two or three days pass.
Revisiting locations can be done for consecutive nights.
As far as losing identity, its possible if you're missing a screw.
You will find an overlap the first week you AP morning, lunchtime and night. Eventually your awareness sets you up on a realisation course and what you are in the physical is not what you are when non physical. It takes the differing inherent ruleset to understand this. The physical is mostly unaffected, the non physical is surreally malleable for most locations.
It becomes second nature once your awareness of where you are is obvious.
Title: Re: Astral projection ideas?
Post by: Astralzombie on February 07, 2013, 20:30:36
A.Dreamer--The first time you apply a method, you are no longer inexperienced. I hope you give AP'ing a sincere try. The only thing you have to lose is an old mindset. And trust us, you'll be happier with the new one. Not that you're not happy now.

When I project, I usually "go" to a reality that is the same as the one I left. If it's night time in the real, it's night time in the NPR as well. This is not true for a regular dream though.

I've read many experiences in which the person described changing the scene from night to day. I know that's easy to do but I'm so pragmatic that I try not to change much consciously. But I've not had much luck with that either.

Has anybody had the night shift to day or the other way around without intent?
Title: Re: Astral projection ideas?
Post by: Ellis91 on February 07, 2013, 22:05:32
Quote from: its_all_bad on February 07, 2013, 20:30:36
Has anybody had the night shift to day or the other way around without intent?
Oddly enough this happened in my last OBE. I jumped out of my window, across the yard on a
snowy morning and then instantaneously the scene turned to night, it began to rain and the podcast
I listen to regularly echoed from the sky. Didn't ask for any of it but still fun stuff  :-)

Quote from: Szaxx on February 07, 2013, 20:13:58
The time question, as a regular occurrence, you are out for less than an hour and two or three days pass.
Glad to hear this. Always liked the idea of having an OBE that felt like it lasted days and hopefully waking
up feeling like you'd been on a short vacation, personally haven't been out for more than what seems like
10 minutes yet but workin on it.
Title: Re: Astral projection ideas?
Post by: ChopstickFox on February 07, 2013, 23:35:36
Quote from: its_all_bad on February 07, 2013, 20:30:36
Has anybody had the night shift to day or the other way around without intent?

Nothing on purpose, but I've noticed it tends to be day time. Could be because most of mine happen in the morning though, hehe.