The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: dkj400 on February 20, 2004, 16:24:35

Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: dkj400 on February 20, 2004, 16:24:35
It kind of p***** me off. And thats that, *plants C4 all over that topic*. Repent (lol)!!! *Detonates*

Well that was fun. It gets me angry when people say this is demonic. PROOF! NOW! They have no real proof to say that, of course some people will get scared when AP'ing.
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: jayselect on February 20, 2004, 16:25:51
What a load a crap.
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: Makaveli on February 20, 2004, 16:46:35
It doesn't look like they have any real arguments against it without making huge assumptions without supporting evidence and ignorance about AP.
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: The AlphaOmega on February 20, 2004, 16:56:31
It's not of the devil.  Many people who have astral experiences report seeing beautiful landscapes and experiencing intense feelings of love and compassion.  They come away from it with a better love for life of all genres and a need to be closer to God or heaven.  If that's the work of the devil, he's digging his own grave!  Though that's not to say that one cannot see his works in the astral either.  He has power in that realm just as good does.  It's the individual projector that uses it how they see fit, good or evil.
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: Hephaestus on February 20, 2004, 17:11:22
ROTFLMAO, I'm sorry but I found the site more amusing rather than anything else, these people need to take there heads out of their backsides and come back to reality.
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: BOATS on February 20, 2004, 17:12:09
That site exposingsatanisim is a load of pure crap.  While reading Exposing Admins responces I could hear Michial Jacksons voice the entire time.  AP is not satanic or the work of the devil.  I do not believe I will follow his FOLLOW MY VALUES TO SALVATION closed mind. Get out in the real world and quit wasting our time.
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: otter-of-the-universe on February 20, 2004, 21:17:14
It hurts to know that someone is so fearful of a potentially beautiful and positive experience.  I apologize for even posting this topic, honestly.  For me the lesson is that we have to stand in our own truth, and be able to let someone else stand in theirs.

Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: GRRegis on February 20, 2004, 23:08:50
I was thinkg about writng a reply to this link and try to use a logical argument on how pretty much most religions in the world speak well of astral projection and use it for spiritual developement.  Yes even christianity and judaism.  But as I was registering I saw the agreement which made me laugh.  Here are some quotes:

"You realize that this site is against all forms of Occult activity, which is listed in the KJV of the bible and other stuff deemed unholy"

"You will not attack or abuse anyone on the forum. Christians will adhere to biblical principals and respect others beliefs and will not attack non-believers."

But they go on to say....

"You also understand that we believe that you are demon possessed if you are into Satanism,Witchcraft,Buddhism,Hunduism, or any other belief listed on the site."

Not only are they completely hipocritical wacko's, but they have poor grammar too (demon possessed?)
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: hannerl on February 21, 2004, 02:20:39
I am more surprised at the responses than the article itself.

In the absence of evidence to support their demonic view of the Astral why dignify the article with a response?  Additionally, it should equally be possible to rise above such articles with more thought rendering articles that moves our efforts of the Astral forward.

Originally posted by otter-of-the-universe

Hey everyone!

I was surfing the net and came across this message board:;act=ST;f=1;t=78

(just copy and paste to your browser)

It made me sad, but I thought others might like to see it to better understand different viewpoints, and possibly find better ways to educate the general public.

So what do you think?

Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: kiauma on February 21, 2004, 09:47:10
it should equally be possible to rise above such articles with more thought rendering articles that moves our efforts of the Astral forward

If we are already certain in our faith this is not necessary, as our experience and understanding shows us how they are merely going to great lengths to perpetuate and maintain their narrow views.  By characterizing any belief that opposes their own as a result of 'demon posession' they are able to build an airtight wall of fear between their beliefs and the world.

If you are thinking you would be able to rationally debate opposing views to theirs then sadly you will be disappointed.   As long as they wish to maintain their fear based viewpoints they only need invoke their pet passages from the bible, and cite the bible as the highest authority.

It is a completely irrational, circular argument, but it works for them, and we must respect that.   That is what they want to believe, and it is not in our power to change that.   They are allowed to live their choice, just as we are allowed to live ours.
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: otter-of-the-universe on February 21, 2004, 10:07:50
Originally posted by kiauma

it should equally be possible to rise above such articles with more thought rendering articles that moves our efforts of the Astral forward

If we are already certain in our faith this is not necessary, as our experience and understanding shows us how they are merely going to great lengths to perpetuate and maintain their narrow views.  By characterizing any belief that opposes their own as a result of 'demon posession' they are able to build an airtight wall of fear between their beliefs and the world.

If you are thinking you would be able to rationally debate opposing views to theirs then sadly you will be disappointed.   As long as they wish to maintain their fear based viewpoints they only need invoke their pet passages from the bible, and cite the bible as the highest authority.

It is a completely irrational, circular argument, but it works for them, and we must respect that.   That is what they want to believe, and it is not in our power to change that.   They are allowed to live their choice, just as we are allowed to live ours.

Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: jason on February 21, 2004, 13:57:48
origionally posted by kiauma-

"by charachterizing any belief that opposes their own as a result of 'demon possetion' they are able to build an airtight wall of fear between their beliefs and the world"

well said[:)]

we all should register on that forum,stir things up a bit[}:)]

...or not[8)]
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: jason on February 21, 2004, 13:59:08
holy crap!  -sorry about the spelling![:O][:D]
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: Neril on February 21, 2004, 17:26:20
Yeah i got a really religeous friend and she wont even talk to me now because she thinks im satanic. All she has to say to me is go to church and find your spirit. No one understands us. [:(]
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: bluelite on February 22, 2004, 00:29:51
Interesting site, must say that alot of what was said was partially correct.  Unfortunatly some of the quotes from the bible were misunderstood as they are being interpreted literally.  The bible contains many valid esoteric or hidden mysteries that can only be interpreted by initiates or those who have studied the mysteries.  

In the ancient days there were "two schools" of initiation those that utilized the negative power and those that utilized the positive.   These two schools are still in existance but unfortunately much of whats is publically available on spirituality today is tainted, false or belongs to the negative.
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: jgriffs on February 26, 2004, 03:57:17
An intersting topic, maybe?

What it goes to show is just another person arrogant to think the have all the answers.

Unfortunatley for me this has been where most contempary religions fall down. The apply their interpretations of God and His laws and slip in a couple of things they don't like, and contradict the first Universal Law of Free Will. I am not saying they are all wrong, what I am saying is that they mix to much from the physical world that is not of Him in with His teachings. One can not go into these churches and explain your beliefs without being criticised, you have to accept theirs.

It is what bought me to this board, it is something which I think brings all of us who have arrived here at different points. We are each seeking answers for ourselves, not satisfied with the tainted ideas of others, we accept that our lives are a journey of seeking knowledge and in our search for an understanding of the Universe we seek to understand our place and where we are going.

We are not harming anyone, and indeed we are through our experiences able to offer love and support to others who maybe not as sure of things.

I would never force my beliefs on anyone, I would never expect another to live as I do (God forbid!), I will answer if asked, and share with those who like me seek only guidance in getting there and not answers, for I am sure my answers would not be like yours.

Peace, love and happiness on your journeys[:D]
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: Thing on February 26, 2004, 07:41:56
o mi jesu! i am "demon possessed".
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: bluelite on February 26, 2004, 12:24:13
"Such folly to see children at play". The masters of the past new well what they were doing when they gave the meat to men and left the milk for babes.

This philosophy is still the same today the outer churches are still giving the milk to those individuals who have not been qualified or found worthy to recieve the higher initiations and teachings.

So who gives out the meat, well this is a mystery only to uninitiated. Those who have qualified themselves and persevere will eventually find that which they seek.


Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: SpectralDragon on February 26, 2004, 12:52:14
The astral is much like real life in that there are both good and bad aspects of it. Hey, nothing is perfect you know[;)], I have run across much places of learning and many interesting sites in the astral, and I have had my own doubts about it for the longest time. If you wish Otter you can PM me and we can discuss this and we can try and see each other's POV.
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: Naldo on February 26, 2004, 13:30:51
We live in a Universe of unlimited possibilities; Unfortunately, only a few of us realize that.

"A man of knowledge is one who has followed truthfully the hardships of learning.  A man who has, without rushing or faltering, gone as far as he can in unraveling the secrets of personal power."
~ Journey To Ixtlan, Carlos Castaneda ~
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: Stargazer on February 27, 2004, 15:11:47
Holy sh**!

That was some messed up people on that message board. When I enterd, I actually thought it was a joke! I mean, UNBELIEVEABLE! My words aren't enough to express my feelings about this...
Demonic...truly demonic..[}:)] [:D]

Happy projecting!
Title: astral projection is the work of the devil??
Post by: otter-of-the-universe on February 20, 2004, 15:41:41
Hey everyone!

I was surfing the net and came across this message board:


You know what, there is no point to seeing this, because all it creates is negative energies and will bring us all down.

My intentions were not to flame them for their beliefs, but to show that we need to respect where people are in their evolution.