Astral Projection Vibrations

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I've been trying to astral project for nearly a year already and I've finally had some progress recently! I managed to get to the vibrational stage a couple of nights ago but I'm not sure how to induce them again...
That night was the hardest I've tried to astral project ever! I was trying every method I could think of and every method that I'd read about for about an hour. When I had just about given up (it was morning at 6:30 so I thought "I'll do it tomorrow..."), it started!!! I read that you should clear your mind when attempting but I just couldn't stop thinking until I had given up! I think that was the only moment that I had actually cleared my mind, so I was semi-conscious. After about a minute something happened! I suddenly went numb and I immediately knew something's up. I decided to go with the numbness and see where that would lead. A few seconds later I felt some very intense vibrations!!!!! It kinda startled me so I opened my eyes but couldn't move and I saw awesome colors everywhere I looked! It was cool! I then realized that this was my chance at separating my astral body from my physical to explore! The vibrations lasted about 15 to 20 seconds until they stopped. I think I ruined the possibility by opening my eyes...

Could any of you give me any advice on these vibrations, and could you also share how you get to the vibrational stage (if in fact you do). I'm interested in hearing what you have to say.

Thanks! :-D


 Your intent should be on Astral Projecting, not getting vibrations. You will find with practice that you don't get vibrations any more. I would say that when you saw your "awesome colors", you were already projecting. This is when you can change your intent/focus to where you would like to project to for that session. Vibrations are one of many different "signposts" that you may experience on your way to success.
Good Luck and Safe Travels  :-)


When I meditate for a while, with heavy relaxed deep breathes I vibrate brilliantly...  This is just in the day when I sit and meditate, not sleeping but I LOVE those vibrations.  After the vibrations are over, I feel still inside, like perfectly calm and still...  But, yeah, never open your eyes. haha  I have had so many times where I've been so close to having an obe or lucid dream from the onstart including being halfway in to the whole projection partially then to be torn back out of it because of whatever reason... sucks. haha. good luck