Astral Sex and Phasing

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Now I'm wondering here, how can one have Astral Sex or other sexual interactions in the Astral Plane, when the astral body (according Robert Bruce) has no physical organs?

Now there might be a difference between projection in the RTZ (Real time zone) than there is in the Astral planes.
But if you can go through walls and other objects how can you interact with objects, such as picking up things, is this something you choose when you are in the astral since you are aware and awake?

Also, I'm wondering what phasing is, since I've heard someone talk about it but not explaining what it means?


People Can Fly


Hi Agntneo

As I understand it, every "thing" we can do in the physical has a corresponding astral "thing".  In the astral there is a sexual experience but it does not involve any physical sex organs.  It is more of a "blending" of two individuals.  Various authors have described this including Monroe and RB (I think).  You don't need physical sex organs to have a sexual encounter in the astral!  

The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


QuoteNow I'm wondering here, how can one have Astral Sex or other sexual interactions in the Astral Plane, when the astral body (according Robert Bruce) has no physical organs?

Think of it as an energy exchange.
I believe RB has a detailed explanation of it on his website somewhere. . .

QuoteBut if you can go through walls and other objects how can you interact with objects, such as picking up things, is this something you choose when you are in the astral since you are aware and awake?

How can you walk along the ground if you're weightless enough to fly? :)
Will yourself solid, and you'll be solid. Will yourself ethereal, and you'll do so.
And, if my last lucid dream is any indication, will an object into existence, and it will promptly appear and fall on you. :)

QuoteAlso, I'm wondering what phasing is, since I've heard someone talk about it but not explaining what it means?

Instead of going through "an exit" where you create a new body in the RTZ and shift yourself to it, you just 'tune' your attention into a non-physical realm.
If you've had hypnogogic imagery happen, imagine simply entering the imagery and exploring it, and you've got an idea what phasing is.



It is perfectly possible to engage in sexual intercourse within (what people call) the Astral Planes. It is not necessary for a number of people to meet, in a normal physical sense, as you can simply fragment yourself for the purposes of the act. You can also switch perspectives or simply view each perspective simultaneously. Though this is something people generally have to work towards achieving, as at first they tend to be very gender fixated.

People speak of limitations but, within the context of the wider reality, there are no limitations. Limitations are something we create for ourselves for the purposes of our experience. An "astral body" is also something the person in question creates for herself or himself. It would make sense, therefore, if you wish to project with the intention of having sex (in a more physical sense of the act) for you to create a body with the necessary accoutrements. :)

You can also engage yourself and/or others in all manner of different variations of what you might call ecstatic encounters. Merely being able to revel freely in the wider Truth, without all the usual hang-ups, limitations, inhibitions, fears, ego entrapments, neg pitfalls etc., etc., is, in itself, an incredibly orgasmic experience. To be able to share that with another focus places the level of ecstasy beyond description.

One of the games I enjoy playing is a kind of virtual sex. I like to play this game within the context of what you might call a "proper couple", i.e. me as male with another (separate focus) as female. But you can do this with aspects of yourself, or in groups. You don't need to adopt a bodily form; people do this as points of consciousness, but I personally prefer the traditional way as I find it more fulfilling.

Anyhow, to give you an example, say there are two people: The game begins by each person placing an orgasmic feeling in the mind of the other. The level of the ecstasy you place in the other is reflected back at you via them. In other words, the more intense the feeling you send to the other, the more intense the feeling you feel within yourself. And the same goes for the other person. Of course, each person wants to feel the highest level of ecstasy, but they have to do that through the other; in that whatever they give to the other, they feel within themselves and the same goes for the other person.

The upshot of this is you become locked into an ever more intense orgasmic state. Initially, the feeling is very much like a physical orgasm but it keeps building in intensity. There then ensues what you might describe as a game of kiss-chase, only instead of chasing each other around the playground, you chase each other through mental galaxies. Eventually you will both let go. At first, you do this pretty quick as the sheer intensity of the orgasmic sensations take a little getting used to. But the more serious game players can hang on to each other for what seems like an eternity.



Dear Frank
"Oh the games people play now every night and every day now" :P  That used to be an old song from way before many who post here would know.

I have a question about this subject. So far I have had most success denying myself sex in the astral or Lucid environment as it has always seemed to shorten my experiences and also because it was recommended by Robert.

If we assume that Like attracts like how does one make sure that this game is not played with a low life of some kind or maybe even an incubus masquerading as whatever.

Do you have a way to assert this or do you only play this game with entities you trust. In other words do you practice safe sex in the astral and if so how?

Thanks for the input



Interesting post!


'low lifes' are indeed out there, but don't worry about 'incubuses', this is just a mistaken term for sexual encounters in the astral, but seen though a 'demonic' lens so to speak. Basically just as you get all manner of depravities here such as child molesters, rapists etc, which is what i assume you mean by the term 'low lifes', you will find many more over 'there' too.

However you will only normally encounter them if you are on the same mental wavelength, as like tends to attract like, so unless you are a child molester or rapist then you wont usually come across them and shouldnt have any problems!!!
Of course you can also go and take a look at these people by choice and you do sometimes come across them but they cannot harm you in any way, unless you believe they can of course, in which case its open season I'm afraid!

I have to say that I've never had any of these ecstatic encounters of the type described by Frank, although i'm looking forward to finding out  :o

Frank_ what do you mean by 'fragments'? I am familiar with 'astral constructs' where you create an astral scenario, sometimes complete with characters.. for example the only sexual encounters I have engaged in via the astral are simple scenarios where I will a nice woman to appear and we get on with it  8) , but I've never assumed she is anything more than a construct.. a mental 'program' as it were. The reason i have thought this is that such constructs are not normally known for their conversational abilities  :wink: , although i've tried but they are always quite vague if you try to push them beyond usual small talk.

Also, if i wanted to engage with real people instead i guess i could just put that thought out and i would gravitate towards others out there who are out to do the same thing? I might try that sometime and see what happens.

"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.



I understand where you are coming from in your use of the word "astral" and it could well be the case that abstaining from, what might be described as sexual encounters, is a good idea within the confines of this boxed set of beliefs. Operating within such confines allows people to make mistakes, make a complete hash of things in other words, but do it in a controlled way such that any subsequent fallout is limited within the confines of the box.

However, once we fully realise we create our own reality, we become free of the restrictions we previously placed on ourselves; primarily in our thinking that actions can be somehow be intrusive. I'm not sure where we got this idea from, exactly, but the construct of intrusiveness is largely built on self-limiting beliefs that engender fear. Knowing that we do create our own reality, frees us from the burden of thinking that we are in some way "at the mercy" of events. This leaves us at liberty to explore a far wider-ranging array of circumstances than we could previously.

We realise, for example, that "astral realms" do not actually exist as some independent place. What we call astral realms is merely a framework of limitations that we choose to adopt for the purposes of our experience.



Quote from: FrankLittleP:

However, once we fully realize we create our own reality, we become free of the restrictions we previously placed on ourselves;

Knowing that we do create our own reality, frees us from the burden of thinking that we are in some way "at the mercy" of events.

We realize, for example, that "astral realms" do not actually exist as some independent place. What we call astral realms is merely a framework of limitations that we choose to adopt for the purposes of our experience.


Thank you for the reply Frank. I must say that it puzzles me for a couple of reasons. Let me see if I understand you right before I attempt to disagree :D

In your opinion and using the quotes above, the Astral is merely a product or construct of each individuals level of understanding, in other words not "real" if we define real, as a a destination occupying its own place in space or time, maybe at a different dimension level.

If this is the case and if I merely construct these worlds that I move and explore in, how come some people in these worlds are willing to engage in sex or whichever activity I chose to engage in , and some are not. I have had that experience several times. Some of these folks seem very set in their ways, are they other travelers or my constructs however embodying various aspects of my consience.

From what I understand this theory that you put forth seem to be very different from RBs thoughts and theories as I understood them in Astral Dynamics.

I hope that I make myself clear

Regards LittleP



Thank you for your feedback.

I feel I ought to stress that I'm not saying the astral realms are not real. What I am saying is the phrase; "astral realms" is a term that describes a particular framework of limitations that we choose to adopt for the purposes of our experience. Please understand that our reality is formed through our perception, and there is no part of a person's reality that is not real. But that reality, in this context, is a highly subjective event.

I am aware, of course, that person-X, say, may develop a projection technique; and if they are successful, they will reach a point where they become immersed within what they perceive as an "astral realm". Doing that is all well and good. I mean, revelling within our own subjectivity can be great fun. Problems seem to arise only when a person becomes too fixated with what others might call the negative aspects of their character. Hence, these aspects can become blown out of proportion. But even so, this is still a choice the person in question has adopted for the purposes of their experience.

So getting back to our person-X, what he is actually doing when looked at against the background of the wider reality you see that his perception of what he calls "astral realms" has been directly formed from his adoption of a particular framework of limitations. What he has done, in effect, is to box what he imagines a wider reality entails, into confines he believes he can understand.



If I could point out also, what I am putting forward is not a theory, but has been derived following much hands-on practice and experience of the wider reality.


Dear Frank
Fair enough, I guess then the question would have to be is it possible for us to partake of each others "realities" in other words travel to the same place or space may that be the fiction of someones mind.

I find the issue still quite confusing as I strive to understand what you are saying. It seemed that Monroe Robert Bruce and many others have agreed on several perimeters to describe places they all went. Roberts description of the Grid the lotus, Monroe's focus levels etc

Is that all in their mind only or.....

Regards LittleP



Yes, the scene you create as a whole would be called a construct. But the "people" or characters you create within that construct are called fragments.

We create these personality fragments all the time and use them for all manner of things. All we do is copy various aspects of our personality and paste them into our imagination; then give a good stir and pour them into what we perceive as objective reality. It's basically how we create our perception of the physical, only our physical creation is MUCH more complete and a whole LOT more intricate. The surprising thing about these fragments is they don't dematerialise after we have finished with them! Perhaps there's a planet somewhere they all gravitate towards, lol.

That is not to say that everyone we interact with is a personality fragment. But within the region you are generally focused (my-focus 2) it is likely they are, as it's a characteristic of that particular area of consciousness. If you extend your perception to my-focus 3, as you appear to be doing from your post about the F27 encounter, then the people you generally come across are more "real" in the usual sense of the word.

Best of luck.



Hi again Frank
I find your posts immensely interesting but maybe due to my English not being very developed, I fail to understand your point completely. Let me see if I got it right.

Are you saying that we all construct a separate reality at the very moment we phase or project and that this reality is where we operate. Then, since many of us are doing this and since these "worlds" are at a level of consciousness shared by others, it is possible to partake of each others constructs! These also develop separate strength and are able to in some cases live on after we stop using them, and go on to become the hypnogic images fragments all mixed up in the Maelstrom of thoughts that we term astral worlds.

Is that how you see it?

Regards LittleP


Hi LittleP:

Nice to talk to you again.

At the area of consciousness people are operating within they are mainly dwelling within their own private constructs, you could say. But once they get a little experience and start shifting areas of consciousness then they can quite easily share in each other people's constructs through a process of energy interchange, yes.

We create probable scenarios within "astral realms" all the time. This is a natural offshoot that occurs as a result of us engaging in the belief construct of choice. Basically, if we have a choice between choosing situation A or situation B. Say we choose to bring situation B within our objective, i.e. physical reality, then situation A will continue to live on as a "probable" scenario within a probable reality. As a result, all of us have a huge number of probable lives taking place in all manner of probable worlds. And that is just probable lives. Each of us has an infinite number of alternate selves and an infinite number of other focuses. And that's not counting the infinite number of personality fragments we also create.

Note: when I say "probable" worlds, I don't mean some wishy-washy notion of a world. I mean a world that is just as real as the one we are all standing on now. You see, to one of your probable selves living in a probable world, they would think of their world as being the "real" world and to them you would be one of their probable selves living in a probable world.

Problem is, a lot of past teachings on this topic come from the traditional mystical notions. What they basically did was condense the wider truth into a boxed set of beliefs that people could understand. So they created the concept of a "higher self" for example, and other more modern-day protagonists of the art have expanded on this, such as Moen's "disk" concept. Problem with that is, you get a load of people thinking of this kind of disk thingy through which maybe a hundred or so "other selves" are in some way connected. I'm not knocking it because it helps people understand the basics I suppose.

But we have an INFINITE number of other lives, other selves, other aspects of us. What's more, it is all happening right now within all manner of different areas of consciousness we create for this purpose.



Hi Frank
This is a very exiting idea and would explain a lot of things. My main problem with the theory and I assume this still is a theory and not proven fact, is that if we were "only" constructs, in other words a one in many, life would first of all seem meaningless, and more like an accident. Since science is also proving that the universe is orderly, expanding and following laws of nature be they spiritual or physical, we would be the opposite, confusion. The astral worlds on the contrary seem rather un logical, confused and disorderly, and not subject to rules of nature, which makes me believe they are a product of our mind or a separate reality with a life of their own and not the other way around.

I do realize my past belief system balks at your idea but I am trying to be unbiased and understand your points.

Regards LittleP


Hello Frank,

I've really enjoyed your discussion here. I read Jane Robert's books years ago and formed a picture very close to what your are describing.

I'm very curious, and if you don't mind my asking, how did you develop these ideas?




It's a long story but the big breakthrough for me came when I discovered how to not only alter my perception in consciousness but alter my area of consciousness. That's when you get to knowing the fun stuff, as I call it. I began like most people by altering my perception in consciousness. This is nice, you can learn a lot about yourself this way. But there is a whole load more besides.



Sounds fascinating indeed. If you ever care to write more about this you will have at least one eager reader. Is the area of consciousness you refer to analogous to the idea of parallel realities?




Parallel realities, yes, this is a part of it. But there is a whole load more to do with our particular reality that people can find out too. Which is where I have been at for the past few years following the breakthrough, as I said just above.

I'm currently writing a book which I am hoping to publish in a few months, that gives all the details of what I keep trying to get across within the constraints of the forum. The first book will be a beginner's guide that will cover all the basics and get people started off down the same road. Then later in the year I am hoping to publish a second book that will delve more into the "fun stuff" and who knows what else besides.


Hannah b

QuoteI'm currently writing a book which I am hoping to publish in a few months

You will let us know when it's out right? I'd hate to miss it!

ps.Thought about starting a fanclub? After this book you'll really need one :wink:

Thank you for the infinite inspirations
All the best
The only constant in the Universe is change


Quote from: FrankHello:

It is perfectly possible to engage in sexual intercourse within (what people call) the Astral Planes. It is not necessary for a number of people to meet, in a normal physical sense, as you can simply fragment yourself for the purposes of the act. You can also switch perspectives or simply view each perspective simultaneously. Though this is something people generally have to work towards achieving, as at first they tend to be very gender fixated.

People speak of limitations but, within the context of the wider reality, there are no limitations. Limitations are something we create for ourselves for the purposes of our experience. An "astral body" is also something the person in question creates for herself or himself. It would make sense, therefore, if you wish to project with the intention of having sex (in a more physical sense of the act) for you to create a body with the necessary accoutrements. :)

You can also engage yourself and/or others in all manner of different variations of what you might call ecstatic encounters. Merely being able to revel freely in the wider Truth, without all the usual hang-ups, limitations, inhibitions, fears, ego entrapments, neg pitfalls etc., etc., is, in itself, an incredibly orgasmic experience. To be able to share that with another focus places the level of ecstasy beyond description.

One of the games I enjoy playing is a kind of virtual sex. I like to play this game within the context of what you might call a "proper couple", i.e. me as male with another (separate focus) as female. But you can do this with aspects of yourself, or in groups. You don't need to adopt a bodily form; people do this as points of consciousness, but I personally prefer the traditional way as I find it more fulfilling.

Anyhow, to give you an example, say there are two people: The game begins by each person placing an orgasmic feeling in the mind of the other. The level of the ecstasy you place in the other is reflected back at you via them. In other words, the more intense the feeling you send to the other, the more intense the feeling you feel within yourself. And the same goes for the other person. Of course, each person wants to feel the highest level of ecstasy, but they have to do that through the other; in that whatever they give to the other, they feel within themselves and the same goes for the other person.

The upshot of this is you become locked into an ever more intense orgasmic state. Initially, the feeling is very much like a physical orgasm but it keeps building in intensity. There then ensues what you might describe as a game of kiss-chase, only instead of chasing each other around the playground, you chase each other through mental galaxies. Eventually you will both let go. At first, you do this pretty quick as the sheer intensity of the orgasmic sensations take a little getting used to. But the more serious game players can hang on to each other for what seems like an eternity.


Wow Frank... just WOW. I'm seriously jealous here. :) Sounds like you are having one hell of a good time! Just out of curiosity, can I ask, how old are you?



I'm 45 years of age according to my birth certificate. In mind, however, I never got past 26. I got to 26 and thought that's enough ageing for one lifetime, lol.



Quote from: FrankHello:

I'm 45 years of age according to my birth certificate. In mind, however, I never got past 26. I got to 26 and thought that's enough ageing for one lifetime, lol.


45? Yeah, that's what I kinda figured. I got a 40ish 50ish sense about you.
So tell me Frankie, do you ever conjure-up the likeness of, lets say, a celebrity that you find attractive, and have your way with her? :D Is something like that pretty easy for you to do? Would she be considered an aspect of yourself?
Tell me, at what age were you when you'd say that you became good at projecting?


Major Tom:

Not in the first book because I'm finding that there is a *lot* of basic groundwork to cover just getting a person aligned to this kind of approach. You see, we can chat between us about F10, F15 and the like but we have a lot of knowledge of the basics already. For someone just starting out along the Monroe school of doing things, there is a lot to learn.

Just explaining the beginning focus states and teaching a person how to achieve them is a mini-book in itself. When I say explain the focus states I don't mean the usual half a dozen lines everyone quotes, like, F10 mind awake, body asleep, F12 state of expanded awareness, F15 no time... I mean explain them all properly with examples of conditions and possible variances, and so forth. It takes a lot of writing.

So I decided the first book will be a very down-to-earth, highly practical, beginners guide to the whole "phasing" approach. But I will think up some pointers and try and get them on one of our threads somewhere. I'm in the middle of a reply to your post that you pointed out to me the other day. I'll see if I can squeeze something in that.



So tell me Frankie, do you ever conjure-up the likeness of, lets say, a celebrity that you find attractive, and have your way with her?


It is possible but it is not something I have never attempted. The only women I ever really fantasise about are those I'd be having a relationship with. But what you would do is create the probable scenario using your imagination then project and merge with it. It would be pretty easy for me to do, yes, as I perform this action already only for different purposes.

As for how difficult it would be for someone else to do, it would depend how connected they felt to their imagination. It is no coincidence that successful people are also highly creative. Everything a person creates is seeded from their imagination.

Probable selves are aspects of you, as in created by you on a more local level, as opposed to other "selves" or focuses which are created in Essence or the "oversoul" region of consciousness. People tend to use different terminology for the same regions of consciousness so that's why I've given a couple of examples. So, yes, probable selves are aspects of yourself.

As for your question about age, I started from reading Monroe's JOB about 23 years or so ago. It took me about 5 years to start making good headway, but remember that was in the days of no Internet I could turn to for some good pointers. The actual method given in the book took me about 3 months of trying most days before I began getting some definite effects. I guess it took me about 10 years to really get going to the point where you could say I had a fair degree of proficiency.

However, the big challenge in learning this art is the more you learn, the more that opens up for you to learn. So you never really get to the stage where you think you have mastered it. Because there is always something else to learn. So in a number of areas I feel very confident of my abilities, yet in others I'm an absolute beginner making all the errors under the Astral sun, so to speak.



Wow, thanks 4 the info Frank. Thought u were ignoring me, LOL. :)