The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: Tongo on June 27, 2008, 09:52:24

Title: Astral time travel related paragraph. Your views please.
Post by: Tongo on June 27, 2008, 09:52:24
Alright this is a small exert from an AP book on the subject of astral time travel:

As you progress forwards in time, so time expands or stretches. Let us say you have astrally travelled forward tp the year 2500. You will find that you can spend days or even weeks in this time zone and upon your return to your body you will find that only a few minutes have passed in real world time. When you travel back into history, the opposite effect occurs. That is, if you go back to the 1500s and spend just a few seconds there, when you return to your body you find that several minutes have passed.

Has anyone had any experience with these effects occuring whilst astral time travelling back or forwards in time? do you all think this is true? Just needed some info on this. TY.
Title: Re: Astral time travel related paragraph. Your views please.
Post by: catmeow on June 27, 2008, 21:31:28
Never heard that one before.  It can't relate to the future or the past in the "astral" since the concept makes no sense. It can only relate to the future and past in our physical world history, and I really can't see why the behaviour described should happen. Certainly I've heard of people whose "astral travels" seemed to last hours but only minutes passed in the physical, and vice-versa, and perhaps this is an attempt to make sense of this type of thing.  But it's a new one on me, and I just think this is the author's own personal belief, presented as fact.

Which book was it?
Title: Re: Astral time travel related paragraph. Your views please.
Post by: Tongo on June 28, 2008, 06:56:55
Hmmm ok. Which book? Astral Travel by Gavin and Yvonne Frost.
Title: Re: Astral time travel related paragraph. Your views please.
Post by: catmeow on June 28, 2008, 16:49:26
Sorry Tongo, you seem a bit deflated with my answer. It's only my opinion of course.  I looked up the book on and it gets varied reviews from 1 to 5 stars.  The authors seem to come from a Wicca/occult background.  Arcane books do have a lot of embellishments like this, of doubtful accuracy. Maybe I will get hold of a copy and take a look myself, but do bear in mind those 1 star ratings.  Try reading Monroe, Buhlman, Bruce, Peterson etc (standard texts well accepted), and compare them with this book.  Enjoy your reading!
Title: Re: Astral time travel related paragraph. Your views please.
Post by: SkepticBoy on March 21, 2009, 16:01:44
Quote from: Tongo on June 27, 2008, 09:52:24
Alright this is a small exert from an AP book on the subject of astral time travel:

As you progress forwards in time, so time expands or stretches. Let us say you have astrally travelled forward tp the year 2500. You will find that you can spend days or even weeks in this time zone and upon your return to your body you will find that only a few minutes have passed in real world time. When you travel back into history, the opposite effect occurs. That is, if you go back to the 1500s and spend just a few seconds there, when you return to your body you find that several minutes have passed.

Has anyone had any experience with these effects occuring whilst astral time travelling back or forwards in time? do you all think this is true? Just needed some info on this. TY.

This is an old post but anyone have any insight on what this person has put? (the original poster)
Title: Re: Astral time travel related paragraph. Your views please.
Post by: SkepticBoy on March 27, 2009, 00:59:55
Pls your thoughts on this someone. ty.
Title: Re: Astral time travel related paragraph. Your views please.
Post by: catmeow on March 27, 2009, 15:56:46
Hi SkepticBoy

It's like I said I think this is just one person's opinion, and I think it's wrong. I've never heard of this before and it doesn't really make sense.  Time perception in lucid dreams (or "the astral" if you like) can be different from time elapsed in "the physical" but I don't believe it has anything to do with whether you travel into the future or the past.  I've never heard of this before. So if you travel back a million years in time you can spend 1 second in the astral and several months will have passed here?  Nope I don't think so! There would be people going to sleep at night and ending up in 3 month comas all over the place. 

G. M. Glaskin wrote a book called "Windows of the Mind: the Christos Experience" in which he would take people back to vividly experience past lives. Their experiences were very vivid, what we would class as lucid dreams or OBEs.  Whilst they experienced their past lives, perhaps 2000 years ago, they gave a running commentary. In other words they travelled back in time but there was no time distortion effect (because they were able to describe everything that was happening to them).

I think the guy made it up.

I did a quick Google on the Christos Experience and lots came up.. The following link looks like a good summary....  The Christos experience is a way of inducing a vivid waking lucid dream and it seems to work with most people tried: (

I would recommend taking a look at the above link - it describes a couple of veridical OBEs induced by this technique.  The paper is written by a university student and pre-dates the modern knowledge base regarding OBEs.