constantly seeing future events in form of flashback

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I could be doing anything anyday then i suddenly get like a a few images like what happens sometimes during astral projection then like a few days to a week later it happens ive even wrote these i ages ive seen down in a book and when something happens that i saw during a flash back i look in the book wrote things in and thay are there


You could always post them on here. They mostly occur in the short term, longer term visions are subjected to correction by influences from others involved.
You should have realised that what you are sensing is the THOUGHTS of others in and around the event percieved.
This is something I have always had myself and named it 'the knowing' decades ago.
It's very useful if things are going to happen that can't be changed. You just know and can prepare if you it's strong enough.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


If there's any kind of divergence point to slip into, then it would be something to keep to yourself, because if that's the case, than just you being here and telling people could change it. Everything that anyone says or does changes the world slightly.