The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: SCHMUSTIN on October 02, 2017, 12:11:24

Title: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: SCHMUSTIN on October 02, 2017, 12:11:24
Well... I am back on the AP train as of about two weeks ago.

Nothing exciting to mention so far! Which is why I am creating this post.

Possibly someone can help out here and has experienced this. I started about 10-12 months ago practicing AP. Off the start I had lots of new experiences and it looked as if I was making progress almost 3 - 4 times a week. Then one day it just stopped!

I took a break for about 3 - 4 months, now and just had a feeling I needed to get back on the practice routine. This is where I could use some advise / guidance.

Back when I first started, I was trying all these different techniques and mantras, it seems that I would always see a little progress or experience new NP sensations.

After a couple months is seemed these experience were really far apart to the point where it just quit all together.

Now that I am back at it, I am getting the same thing. Very little positive feedback in the process, as in, not much progress forward.

I know its probably me and what I am doing, or not doing. But I would just like to see that I am on the right track.

Maybe I need to try and ask a guide for help?
How would I do this?
Should I do this?

I'm at a loss here and don't know how to move forward.... Do I want this to much? Possibly overthinking and making it way more complicated than it needs to be?
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: baro-san on October 02, 2017, 12:46:06
Maybe one reason for having less success lately is the difference in motivation between when you started and now. If you make clear plans, in which you put a lot of desire, hope, curiosity, those will help you go over the hump.

The other avenue would be to move to a different approach to projecting like Monroe's hemi-sync, Frank Kepple's phasing, self-hypnosis, lucid dreaming, etc..
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: SCHMUSTIN on October 02, 2017, 12:54:40
Quote from: baro-san on October 02, 2017, 12:46:06
Maybe one reason for having less success lately is the difference in motivation between when you started and now. If you make clear plans, in which you put a lot of desire, hope, curiosity, those will help you go over the hump.

The other avenue would be to move to a different approach to projecting like Monroe's hemi-sync, Frank Kepple's phasing, self-hypnosis, lucid dreaming, etc..

What do you mean by difference in motivation?

I want to experience a full separation sooo bad, but maybe I need to shift my focus?
Maybe I am wanting it to bad??? 
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: baro-san on October 02, 2017, 14:35:56
Quote from: SCHMUSTIN on October 02, 2017, 12:54:40
What do you mean by difference in motivation?

I want to experience a full separation sooo bad, but maybe I need to shift my focus?
Maybe I am wanting it to bad??? 
For instance, when I started reading about astral projection, and when I had my first projections after I read William Buhlman's first book, I was strongly motivated to find out if there is something after death.

I think that just curiosity, or desire to learn a trick, might not be motivating enough anymore for your subconscious to make the leap. They were in the beginning, but now you might need to work toward a higher goal in order to progress.

Astral projection, is a tool, a mean toward something else.
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: SCHMUSTIN on October 02, 2017, 15:08:45
Quote from: baro-san on October 02, 2017, 14:35:56
For instance, when I started reading about astral projection, and when I had my first projections after I read William Buhlman's first book, I was strongly motivated to find out if there is something after death.

I think that just curiosity, or desire to learn a trick, might not be motivating enough anymore for your subconscious to make the leap. They were in the beginning, but now you might need to work toward a higher goal in order to progress.

Astral projection, is a tool, a mean toward something else.

That makes somewhat sense. I need to be more specific then just, What new sensations can I experience tonight?

LOL.... How do I do this? I don't know what I should be putting my energy towards.

For example  a mantra... "I will have a full separation" or something like "I will go out of body"??
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: baro-san on October 02, 2017, 15:21:30
Quote from: SCHMUSTIN on October 02, 2017, 15:08:45
That makes somewhat sense. I need to be more specific then just, What new sensations can I experience tonight?

LOL.... How do I do this? I don't know what I should be putting my energy towards.

For example  a mantra... "I will have a full separation" or something like "I will go out of body"??
I suggest you ask yourself: "if I could project at will, what would I want to do with this skill?". Then work at acquiring the projection skill with the loftier goal in mind!
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: APApprentice on October 02, 2017, 17:31:14
I'm pretty new to AP but I was able to project twice in one night. Check out my thread right before yours titled "why do my hands move and hover" or something along those lines. I had been trying for 5 or 6 days without any success before I finally accomplished a total separation.

As you're laying there, tell yourself "i'm going to slow down my breathing". You should feel a clear change in cardiac rhythm, facilitating the relaxation process.  After that you need to do your best to keep your body in a relaxed state. Your eyes are closed, peering through the darkness. My face will become still, my mouth opens wide similar to how people look when they're being abducted. My comcentration becomes so intense that I stop swallowing.  At this stage you can use from what I understand is called a "mantra".

I say "where there's darkness there's light". During this time i'm already vibrating like crazy. In other words I feel like a ball of energy.

Here's a little trick,sure it's hit or miss but it does work. Intentionally fall asleep and attempt to snap out of it. If successful, upon regaining mental awareness you'll be in a deeper state of trance.

What happens after this stage for me is ( remember i'm not imagining anything just getting lost in the darness) is I start to see. Once the darkness is gone, you can see. Now there's the ultimate step "complete separation".

For me, during the 2nd attempt, I simply extended my right arm as if I was going to roll out of bed. That's when I begin sinking, feels incredible. From there you have the sensation of being sucked into something and slingshotted out.

The noise you hear while being teleported is indescribable. Boom projection takes place

Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: ThaomasOfGrey on October 03, 2017, 14:37:31
Quote from: SCHMUSTIN on October 02, 2017, 12:11:24
I'm at a loss here and don't know how to move forward.... Do I want this to much? Possibly overthinking and making it way more complicated than it needs to be?

You might want it too much. That is a barrier. The reasons you want it can also be a barrier. I feel like it is possible to brute force your way into a projection experience, by inducing sleep paralysis for instance, but it takes a very long time. Projection should be easy and quick and with the right motivation and state of mind it will be. I suspect that when our motivations pander to the ego we self-deny the experiences. Sexual fantasies or having a roller coaster ride in mind is likely to hinder, even after projecting successfully this kind of intent will limit the systems you are permitted to visit and thus limit the benefits.

What if you knew that when you projected it would not be a lucid experience, you would be at the mercy of the scenario, whatever you are given and would act from your core being? Not as exciting anymore, but honest and detached from a specific outcome.

I am going to suggest a modification to your approach that is centered around a kind of ego training. Start mentally priming the concept that you are not your body. Your natural state is one of mental experience only. If you can genuinely get more interested and comfortable being withdrawn consciousness it will be easier. You don't need to succeed in projecting to practice this, it doesn't take long sessions and can be done whenever you have some free moments. Getting grounded in the process rather than the outcome might help. Good luck.

Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: EscapeVelocity on October 03, 2017, 23:55:52
We discussed this a bit back in March; I withheld several ideas back then, not wanting to confuse the issue. Since your predicament remains, I will now offer them.

1- You have never mentioned a Dream Journal or your efforts to remember your dreams. This is a key component of initial NP awareness and a basic method for its development. If you are not putting in the time and effort to do this, then this could be a significant reason for lack of progress.

2- Communication to our Inner Selves - It may be that we have to reassure our relative safety to our subconscious self in order to gain a kind of 'permission'; it may also require a request to our higher self for a kind of permission to go exploring in the Non-Physical Realms. This can be simply done with nightly statements or short mantras 'asking for permission' or 'granting ourselves permission'...the individual language may be slightly different for each of us; we just have to explore this in our own unique ways.

3- A fundamental requirement MAY BE that at some initial point, we dedicate our spiritual education and evolution to the 'betterment of Mankind' or the idea of 'SERVICE' to our fellow sentient beings...

So, if your 'true' intent is just to experience the NP and OBE as a form of entertainment, a cool thing, a way to impress your friends, or a method to personal power, ie some selfish reason...then you will likely not be assisted, maybe even resisted by those on the other side.

I have read from many others and my own experience has confirmed that, at some point, an open and sincere declaration of my willingness to be part of, and to contribute to the progress of our general spiritual welfare is a proper and necessary thing.

This has to be sincere. 

Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: SCHMUSTIN on October 04, 2017, 13:45:57
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on October 03, 2017, 23:55:52
We discussed this a bit back in March; I withheld several ideas back then, not wanting to confuse the issue. Since your predicament remains, I will now offer them.

1- You have never mentioned a Dream Journal or your efforts to remember your dreams. This is a key component of initial NP awareness and a basic method for its development. If you are not putting in the time and effort to do this, then this could be a significant reason for lack of progress.

2- Communication to our Inner Selves - It may be that we have to reassure our relative safety to our subconscious self in order to gain a kind of 'permission'; it may also require a request to our higher self for a kind of permission to go exploring in the Non-Physical Realms. This can be simply done with nightly statements or short mantras 'asking for permission' or 'granting ourselves permission'...the individual language may be slightly different for each of us; we just have to explore this in our own unique ways.

3- A fundamental requirement MAY BE that at some initial point, we dedicate our spiritual education and evolution to the 'betterment of Mankind' or the idea of 'SERVICE' to our fellow sentient beings...

So, if your 'true' intent is just to experience the NP and OBE as a form of entertainment, a cool thing, a way to impress your friends, or a method to personal power, ie some selfish reason...then you will likely not be assisted, maybe even resisted by those on the other side.

I have read from many others and my own experience has confirmed that, at some point, an open and sincere declaration of my willingness to be part of, and to contribute to the progress of our general spiritual welfare is a proper and necessary thing.

This has to be sincere. 

EscapeVelocity, Thank you again for your detailed write-ups. I do appreciate the time you put in to responses and always hope I end up seeing a post from you in my treads.

In regards to the dream journal... I do keep one but most days I can only write "Do not recall and dreams that took place. I shall recall more detail tomorrow night".

I did not see the need to reference this as it seems to be little instances where I may recall a small part of a dream. Now that it has been brought up.... Should I be doing something different?

The reason I have for learning this amazing skill would be 90% internal, as in, to better my self and gain knowledge that I have not been subject to my entire life. The other 10% would be strictly fun! Lets face it, who would not want to fly around the globe of visit parts of the ocean that have not been experienced on this physical plane and so on, and so on.

:-D :-D On an upside I did nave somewhat of an experience last nit in which I was able to experience some hypnogogic imagery (which is always fun),as well as, I seemed to have this "Static" type noise in both of my ears that seemed to go up an down in intensity/volume. After some time the right ear stayed the same but there was some change in the left. The left seemed to change to some kind of pulsing / swooshing type nose. :-D :-D

Dose not seem like much, but compared to the last 4 weeks I was pretty thrilled to see something. After that the visions and noises seemed to fade and I figured I was done and went to bed.

Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: EscapeVelocity on October 05, 2017, 00:22:35
SCHMUSTIN, you are quite welcome! Thank you for the kind words and I am gratified that some of what I can share may be of benefit to your endeavors.

Okay, so you are continuing to set your 'intent' for dream recall and keeping a journal when appropriate; that is all good.

They do let you fly around and have fun for awhile...but eventually they do expect you to settle down and get to work for the 'greater community', at least that was MY take on it.

Another aspect to consider is the fact that you do have a family to take care of, and presumably, a day job. These should be your over-riding priorities and will necessarily re-schedule your NP activities. The key is in finding a balance.

When I read back over your earlier posts, it is clear that you have experienced a broad spectrum of hypnogogic and 'exit' sensations. Whether you recognize it now or sometime later, this is a great wealth of information and experience that you now already have. It does appear to be relatively normal that many people at this point hit a roadblock of sorts and a scarcity of experiences. That does happen from time to time. The reasons could be many, and some have been discussed. I hit similar roadblocks of nearly a year, at times; just a bit frustrating...

Part of these delays may have to do with a kind of 'internal processing' that needs to take place. At times, I have experienced evidence of that, other times I am still left wondering...

If your 'true intent' is 90% soul development and 10% fun, then I really have no argument with that and I don't think that the NP is any stricter than that; after all they apparently enjoy enough good jokes at my expense, it seems lol! One rule of the NP appears to be a good appreciation for irony and puns...

After all, what is good about an infinite universe without room for a few good puns, jokes and ironic plot twists?

Another thought: Alcohol and drugs will kill or distort any possible experience, so stay away if you can; if not, then don't be surprised at the lack...

Just to clarify- When you do a short mantra or an affirmation; it should be present tense and declarative, no negative words allowed. No 'can't, won't, will not...', also nothing in the future tense- 'I will, I should...' your subconscious operates like a very basic computer and responds best to 'present tense' clear orders...nothing complex, just simple statements...

Also, you might need to let go the idea of having a direct, conscious projection for now. I tried unsuccessfully for 20 years to do that. I eventually realized that my initial successes were after short periods of sleep after giving myself affirmations/instructions. The direct projections only occurred later, and still somewhat inconsistently...
So after giving yourself instructions, let yourself fall asleep and expect those 'lucid, wake-up' experiences. Don't agitate, don't aggravate...just 'set your intent' and go to sleep...when the time is right, your 'higher self' will reward you with the appropriate experience. Trust in that.

A good default affirmation: "Please grant me the next experience that will benefit my spiritual growth."

Hope this helps.


Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: SCHMUSTIN on November 10, 2017, 12:58:21
Hey guys. Just wanted to share an experience I was fortunate to have last nigh.

It was not anything huge, but even the small things at this point are welcome LOL!

I went to bed a little later than usual, about 10:45 pm. I was laying there and decided to take 10 - 20 min and work on AP.

As I was laying there, I must have fell asleep.I must have become aware at a certain point; I recall, I was standing in a courtyard at what looked like a very expensive house, like some huge estate. There was a circle driveway, with, what looked to be a huge fountain in the middle!

I started walking away down the driveway and a car was pulling in. I looked at the driver, but don't recall if I knew the entity / person driving.

As we passed each other, I continued walking. I recall watching this car pull up to the house behind me, as I was walking away (I was not facing the car). It was as if I was watching this car behind me while looking in a rear-view mirror. I was not facing the car!! All of a sudden this car parked and blew up!

At that point I seemed to snap out of it and became aware while lying in bed. I stayed still and tried to shift my consciousness away from the physical but was to set on what just happened and was unable.

Nothing huge, just thought I would share.
I am leaning toward this being more of a Lucid Dream.... which is totally cool as i have not remembered a dream in the last year.

Thank for reading.
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: Lumaza on November 10, 2017, 15:55:33
Quote from: SCHMUSTIN on November 10, 2017, 12:58:21
It was not anything huge, but even the small things at this point are welcome LOL!
Any positive progress is always a good thing.  :wink:

QuoteI went to bed a little later than usual, about 10:45 pm. I was laying there and decided to take 10 - 20 min and work on AP.

As I was laying there, I must have fell asleep.I must have become aware at a certain point; I recall, I was standing in a courtyard at what looked like a very expensive house, like some huge estate. There was a circle driveway, with, what looked to be a huge fountain in the middle!

I started walking away down the driveway and a car was pulling in. I looked at the driver, but don't recall if I knew the entity / person driving.

As we passed each other, I continued walking. I recall watching this car pull up to the house behind me, as I was walking away (I was not facing the car). It was as if I was watching this car behind me while looking in a rear-view mirror. I was not facing the car!! All of a sudden this car parked and blew up!

At that point I seemed to snap out of it and became aware while lying in bed. I stayed still and tried to shift my consciousness away from the physical but was to set on what just happened and was unable.

Nothing huge, just thought I would share.
I am leaning toward this being more of a Lucid Dream.... which is totally cool as i have not remembered a dream in the last year.

Thank for reading.
Schmustin, what is it that you wish to achieve? A full OBE, as in a physical like exit.
If it's being conscious in a "non local/ordinary state of consciousness", then you have already achieved that, as shown in your experience above. Your recent experience even had a "test" in it, maybe two of them. The first being a kind of fear test and the other a control test. The tests in this case checking your level of control over your awareness and during a "fearful"/eventful occurrence. The second being "explosion" itself. That showed by the car explosion, that knocked you back to the physical again.

I find when I first become aware, that I need to just passively observe for awhile before I join the scene consciously. That helps me actually be able to get my bearings and to not be so shocked when something out of the ordinary occurs, which happens often.

That is all huge. Don't underestimate it. Yes, it was a LD. But if you aren't aware of your current physical body here, you "have" shifted to another reality.

So once again, what is your goal here?  :?
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: SCHMUSTIN on November 10, 2017, 16:40:30
Quote from: Lumaza on November 10, 2017, 15:55:33
Any positive progress is always a good thing.  :wink:
Schmustin, what is it that you wish to achieve? A full OBE, as in a physical like exit.
If it's being conscious in a "non local/ordinary state of consciousness", then you have already achieved that, as shown in your experience above. Your recent experience even had a "test" in it, maybe two of them. The first being a kind of fear test and the other a control test. The tests in this case checking your level of control over your awareness and during a "fearful"/eventful occurrence. The second being "explosion" itself. That showed by the car explosion, that knocked you back to the physical again.

I find when I first become aware, that I need to just passively observe for awhile before I join the scene consciously. That helps me actually be able to get my bearings and to not be so shocked when something out of the ordinary occurs, which happens often.

That is all huge. Don't underestimate it. Yes, it was a LD. But if you aren't aware of your current physical body here, you "have" shifted to another reality.

So once again, what is your goal here?  :?


Thank you for the reply.

You ask... "What is it that you wish to achieve?" This is a great questions and of course I want to achieve the highest state to no physical consciousness I am able to achieve. I would really appreciate the experience to have a full OBE (that is what got me interested in this in the first place LOL). I have had a partial separation about 7 - 8 months back;  if we are being completely honest, it happened so fast it scared the "you know what out of me! So I feel as if, since then, I have been working with the fear aspect of this physical reality we all play in.

After reading your post I relate to the "Tests" you mention, and agree, the explosion would line up to your reasoning. Also makes sense on my previous experiences with the NP.

So my question now.... When the explosion occurred, I was brought back to the physical, almost right away. When I became aware (That I was back in my bedroom) to the point that I have experienced something non physical. I was a little confused as to why I was pulled back as there was no real "fear" that was associated with the car blowing up. I was shocked that it happened. I thought for sure, that I was going to be able to phase back and could not. Now, after reading your reply, I figure that at that point in time, that is all I was supposed to experience, would you agree? 

Also... Yes, while I was in the NP, I was not aware of my physical body at all. It visually seemed really "real", but as if I was in a movie, hard to describe, sorry. I don't really recall details, such as... The smell of the air, wind blowing in my face, temperature (hot or cold outside); also I don't recall hearing anything other than the "BOOM"!!

Now I have always had a hard time remembering my dreams and have been dream journaling. As I was pretty well convinced I was a person that did not dream, most of my entries are something like... "Cannot recall the dream/adventures from last night. Will recall more dream details tomorrow"

I would like to mention again, that when I was in the NP, I was not really aware that I was in the NP and had no "Idea" so so speak of a physical body I may or may not have had at that time? So would I have been more LD'ing or possibly a full OBE?
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: Lumaza on November 10, 2017, 18:22:19
Quote from: SCHMUSTIN on November 10, 2017, 16:40:30
You ask... "What is it that you wish to achieve?" This is a great questions and of course I want to achieve the highest state to no physical consciousness I am able to achieve. I would really appreciate the experience to have a full OBE (that is what got me interested in this in the first place LOL). I have had a partial separation about 7 - 8 months back;  if we are being completely honest, it happened so fast it scared the "you know what out of me! So I feel as if, since then, I have been working with the fear aspect of this physical reality we all play in.
Try Bedeekin's "Pre-nap" technique here. I think that might help you to have a full OBE exit.  It's very good and will usually lead to awakening in some stage of SP (Sleep Paralysis). But, you might not get all the usual symptoms reported with Sleep Paralysis. You just might find yourself "out" period.

QuoteSo my question now.... When the explosion occurred, I was brought back to the physical, almost right away. When I became aware (That I was back in my bedroom) to the point that I have experienced something non physical. I was a little confused as to why I was pulled back as there was no real "fear" that was associated with the car blowing up. I was shocked that it happened. I thought for sure, that I was going to be able to phase back and could not. Now, after reading your reply, I figure that at that point in time, that is all I was supposed to experience, would you agree?
True, you may have passed the "fear test", but just for a split second you may have thought about your physical wellbeing and sometimes that's all it takes to end a experience then and there.

QuoteAlso... Yes, while I was in the NP, I was not aware of my physical body at all. It visually seemed really "real", but as if I was in a movie, hard to describe, sorry. I don't really recall details, such as... The smell of the air, wind blowing in my face, temperature (hot or cold outside); also I don't recall hearing anything other than the "BOOM"!!
It sounds like you had a "low level experience" at that point. The "BOOM" then strengthened it. So, it was kind of one step forward, two steps back. The "BOOM" improved your awareness, but it also made you think of your physical wellbeing, which ended the experience itself.

It gets better after awhile though. You learn to control your thoughts, emotions, desires and actions and that's when it gets ever more interesting.

QuoteNow I have always had a hard time remembering my dreams and have been dream journaling. As I was pretty well convinced I was a person that did not dream, most of my entries are something like... "Cannot recall the dream/adventures from last night. Will recall more dream details tomorrow"
There are many DT's "Dream Triggers" in our Dreams. Once we become aware of them, we can use them for strengthening our awareness there quicker. Think hard for a minute. What is "familiar" about some of your Dreams? Is it the locations, the people, beings (Dream Characters) or maybe the time period (past. present day, future)? There are all kinds of DTs there. We just have to learn to become more aware of them.

My recent "Paddle to Sea" challenge is excellent way for a person to improve their "NP" focus and awareness. It also teaches you how to "passively observe". When you do it long enough, an hour to hour and half should suffice, you will find that your physical body has completely gone to sleep and that you find yourself deeply immersed in the scenario at hand. At first though, take short little sessions. Otherwise you will click out completely and lose your "recall" of the experience. You need to learn when to abort and when to stay. That comes with practice though.  :-)

QuoteI would like to mention again, that when I was in the NP, I was not really aware that I was in the NP and had no "Idea" so so speak of a physical body I may or may not have had at that time? So would I have been more LD'ing or possibly a full OBE?
Once again, that just shows a "lower level" of awareness.

LDing/OBEing, same difference. Just a different "mode" of transportation. I notice more people here "now" seem to experience the "NP" by means of LDS. It seems to be a "progression" of a type. My first experiences with the NP "consciously aware" were during the occasional spontaneous OBE. Then I learned to Phase and that led to me becoming more aware in all aspects of my life here and there, which led to improved LD's.
I like the "consciously aware" every step of the way techniques and experiences. There are so many tests and challenges along the way. But that's what makes you stronger. Those lessons are great for when you finally "get there" and start maneuvering around the many places you can go and things you can see and experience.
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: SCHMUSTIN on November 13, 2017, 11:32:42
Quote from: Lumaza on November 10, 2017, 18:22:19
Try Bedeekin's "Pre-nap" technique here. I think that might help you to have a full OBE exit.  It's very good and will usually lead to awakening in some stage of SP (Sleep Paralysis). But, you might not get all the usual symptoms reported with Sleep Paralysis. You just might find yourself "out" period.
True, you may have passed the "fear test", but just for a split second you may have thought about your physical wellbeing and sometimes that's all it takes to end a experience then and there.
It sounds like you had a "low level experience" at that point. The "BOOM" then strengthened it. So, it was kind of one step forward, two steps back. The "BOOM" improved your awareness, but it also made you think of your physical wellbeing, which ended the experience itself.

It gets better after awhile though. You learn to control your thoughts, emotions, desires and actions and that's when it gets ever more interesting.

There are many DT's "Dream Triggers" in our Dreams. Once we become aware of them, we can use them for strengthening our awareness there quicker. Think hard for a minute. What is "familiar" about some of your Dreams? Is it the locations, the people, beings (Dream Characters) or maybe the time period (past. present day, future)? There are all kinds of DTs there. We just have to learn to become more aware of them.

My recent "Paddle to Sea" challenge is excellent way for a person to improve their "NP" focus and awareness. It also teaches you how to "passively observe". When you do it long enough, an hour to hour and half should suffice, you will find that your physical body has completely gone to sleep and that you find yourself deeply immersed in the scenario at hand. At first though, take short little sessions. Otherwise you will click out completely and lose your "recall" of the experience. You need to learn when to abort and when to stay. That comes with practice though.  :-)
Once again, that just shows a "lower level" of awareness.

LDing/OBEing, same difference. Just a different "mode" of transportation. I notice more people here "now" seem to experience the "NP" by means of LDS. It seems to be a "progression" of a type. My first experiences with the NP "consciously aware" were during the occasional spontaneous OBE. Then I learned to Phase and that led to me becoming more aware in all aspects of my life here and there, which led to improved LD's.
I like the "consciously aware" every step of the way techniques and experiences. There are so many tests and challenges along the way. But that's what makes you stronger. Those lessons are great for when you finally "get there" and start maneuvering around the many places you can go and things you can see and experience.


Once again thanks for the reply! I really appreciate the time you put into detailing your responses in a way that is easy to understand.

I like the Bedeekin's "Pre-nap" technique and look forward to trying it out. Looks like a technique that required a bit of planning (weekend work).
I believe you are correct. I probably did have a split second second of the fear for the well being of my physical body. Something to work on.

Question: How can I work on controlling the fear aspect of this process? I found last night that I had numerous sensations, and was trying to focus on what was happening to my physical body when this process is occurring and I found that for the most part I could stay relativity calm. When things intensify a little I find that my breathing changes along with my body, or parts of my body, tense up and it is pretty well uncontrollable I find.

If there any affirmation you use or used, to work through this?  I feel that if I can just get over this fear and stay calm, I will truly excel at this!

I don't know... seems like i'm just rambling now.
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: Lumaza on November 13, 2017, 14:21:15
Quote from: SCHMUSTIN on November 13, 2017, 11:32:42
If there any affirmation you use or used, to work through this?  I feel that if I can just get over this fear and stay calm, I will truly excel at this!
Just like the Beatle's song. "LET IT BE"!  :-) Then just passively observe it all. I actually like observing the Sleep Paralysis phenomenon. I can tell just when the "exit" is about to occur. First I get the "ultra awareness". Then I here the "Astral winds" gently blowing, next is the "inner buzz". The winds and body buzz comes in "waves" or "pulse" at first. Once the winds and buzz become a constant, it is normally a few minutes later that the actual "exit" will occur. It's just like clockwork now.

You control your fear by realizing and "believing"/knowing that nothing bad is happening. Your breathing cycle/rhythm slows naturally when you go to sleep. You are normally not aware of this and other things that your body naturally does in the sleep process. The process of "mind awake-body asleep" makes you aware of this though. You have "chosen" to be aware during this process. So, now you need to learn how to sit back and allow it to happen naturally. You will know when it's time to implement a actual "OBE" technique, such as climbing a rope, ladder, etc.
I don't use any of that now. I just await observe as the natural shift occurs and I don't get in it's way. Not every SP episode ends in a actual OBE for me. Sometimes, I hear the winds, get the body buzz, then nothing. Why, I have no idea. I guess the time wasn't right.

You can also get the same "signposts" at the "end" of a OBE as well. As you are returning to the body. That could explain why sometimes you have all the symptoms, but then everything just stops then and there. 

Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: SCHMUSTIN on November 13, 2017, 14:48:51
Quote from: Lumaza on November 13, 2017, 14:21:15
Just like the Beatle's song. "LET IT BE"!  :-) Then just passively observe it all. I actually like observing the Sleep Paralysis phenomenon. I can tell just when the "exit" is about to occur. First I get the "ultra awareness". Then I here the "Astral winds" gently blowing, next is the "inner buzz". The winds and body buzz comes in "waves" or "pulse" at first. Once the winds and buzz become a constant, it is normally a few minutes later that the actual "exit" will occur. It's just like clockwork now.

You control your fear by realizing and "believing"/knowing that nothing bad is happening. Your breathing cycle/rhythm slows naturally when you go to sleep. You are normally not aware of this and other things that your body naturally does in the sleep process. The process of "mind awake-body asleep" makes you aware of this though. You have "chosen" to be aware during this process. So, now you need to learn how to sit back and allow it to happen naturally. You will know when it's time to implement a actual "OBE" technique, such as climbing a rope, ladder, etc.
I don't use any of that now. I just await observe as the natural shift occurs and I don't get in it's way. Not every SP episode ends in a actual OBE for me. Sometimes, I hear the winds, get the body buzz, then nothing. Why, I have no idea. I guess the time wasn't right.

You can also get the same "signposts" at the "end" of a OBE as well. As you are returning to the body. That could explain why sometimes you have all the symptoms, but then everything just stops then and there. 

As I was laying there last night I got a wide range of visuals and sensations such as... I will try and keep them in the order that they came....

1) Ringing in me ears that seemed to run from ear to ear right through my head.
2) Bright flashing white light. The light seemed to come from my left side.
3) Tingling in my legs.
4) Increased heard beat.
5) Elevated body temp
6) Complete silence/dark almost like I would fall asleep all would go black and then I would almost pull myself out? Not the Void place as far as i know. I believe I have been to this "Void" a couple times. This was not the same.
7) This one I am not sure about. At one point is seemed like there was another hand resting on my right hand/forearm. Don't know what this was or if it has any significance.

This may have been another test as I was wanting to focus on the fear barrier and every time a sensation came up I would mentally work on calming myself down and passively observe. Most sensations were not a problem. the increase heart beat and raised body temp seemed to be a little harder to control.

One interesting point I found was, I could notice that if the fear creeped in, the sensation would start to fade, slowly, and if I was able to calm down I was ably to bring that sensation back on. As well I tried swallowing (I had the worst urge to swallow) and it seemed to knock the process back but I would not stop it just knock me back a bit and I was able to be back to where I was with in seconds. I was able to do this 2 - 3 times.

Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: EscapeVelocity on November 13, 2017, 21:26:24

Reply #11/November 10

That was a great experience; you did exactly what I suggested in an earlier set your Intent, then you 'let go' and fell asleep. Then you became lucid within a dream. This, just in itself, was a significant accomplishment. Now the symbology of the 'large estate', the circular driveway, the fountain in the ignored the importance of that and began to walk away; so the dream introduced something to try to re-awaken you (to kick your awareness back up a notch)- the car drove by and you wondered at recognizing the driver...still not enough, you kept walking and so the car blew up! How good is it when they try to get your attention by blowing sh*t up?!!

That blew you back to the Physical, where you had a chance to reconsider how to get back to the NPR. You didn't manage it despite trying but that's okay; it's the experience and the effort that is important.

Working out the symbology here is a personal journey for you. Some expressions are somewhat universal, but again, you have to work out this very personal communication for yourself.

Great experience! Well done!
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: SCHMUSTIN on November 15, 2017, 10:45:45
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on November 13, 2017, 21:26:24

Reply #11/November 10

That was a great experience; you did exactly what I suggested in an earlier set your Intent, then you 'let go' and fell asleep. Then you became lucid within a dream. This, just in itself, was a significant accomplishment. Now the symbology of the 'large estate', the circular driveway, the fountain in the ignored the importance of that and began to walk away; so the dream introduced something to try to re-awaken you (to kick your awareness back up a notch)- the car drove by and you wondered at recognizing the driver...still not enough, you kept walking and so the car blew up! How good is it when they try to get your attention by blowing sh*t up?!!

That blew you back to the Physical, where you had a chance to reconsider how to get back to the NPR. You didn't manage it despite trying but that's okay; it's the experience and the effort that is important.

Working out the symbology here is a personal journey for you. Some expressions are somewhat universal, but again, you have to work out this very personal communication for yourself.

Great experience! Well done!


Thank you for the kind words! Yes your previous posts to my topics have helped greatly.
I am amazed at how helpful the community is here; the amount of collective knowledge here is truly awesome!

So... I have  a a statement and just wanted to get your/others thoughts....

The last 4 - 5 days have been AWESOME. I believe that I have broke through/overcome a couple barriers that were hindering the process.
The last two nights I have found that it is near impossible for me to interrupt the process/sensations. Of course, if I were to willingly end the experience I can do that, but, take last night for example:

There was so much stuff going on. My wife was in the kitchen, my African Grey parrot was making noise and my German Shepherd was running around the house, as well, the light in my room was turned on. It seems like I am getting to a point where I almost know when my body is ready, so I try and take advantage of that whenever I can. Like last night! Also I was not wearing ear plugs so I could hear everything.

I was amazed at how I was able to keep my focus, off of all the distractions and the process just evolved. The odd time I would switch my attention to my wife or dog etc... It seemed like the process would move in reverse a bit and I would have to play catch up, so to speak. But i could keep it going and it wodul not stop.

Has anyone ells found this?

Also wanted to add that I experiences two new sensations yesterday...

1) Ringing / static noise that seemed to have a 3D quality that ran through my head from ear to ear.
2) Music.... I could hear music (Rock type) as if i were at a concert.
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: Lumaza on November 15, 2017, 14:55:10
Quote from: SCHMUSTIN on November 15, 2017, 10:45:45
The last 4 - 5 days have been AWESOME. I believe that I have broke through/overcome a couple barriers that were hindering the process.
The last two nights I have found that it is near impossible for me to interrupt the process/sensations. Of course, if I were to willingly end the experience I can do that, but, take last night for example:

There was so much stuff going on. My wife was in the kitchen, my African Grey parrot was making noise and my German Shepherd was running around the house, as well, the light in my room was turned on. It seems like I am getting to a point where I almost know when my body is ready, so I try and take advantage of that whenever I can. Like last night! Also I was not wearing ear plugs so I could hear everything.

I was amazed at how I was able to keep my focus, off of all the distractions and the process just evolved. The odd time I would switch my attention to my wife or dog etc... It seemed like the process would move in reverse a bit and I would have to play catch up, so to speak. But i could keep it going and it wodul not stop.

Has anyone ells found this?
You have a great ability to "lock" onto your new surroundings.  8-)

I learned a few years ago how to think of my body like a giant piece of "Swiss cheese". That way, the sounds around me just flowed through me, while I could keep my focus where it needed to be. I didn't fight the sounds. I just allowed them to flow and kept my focus on whatever my intent for the session was.

The only interruptions I get now are direct interruptions, like someone knocking on the door needing to use the bathroom or someone calling my name to help them with something. Other than that, I can pin point my focus on whatever I need to at the time.

I am still aware, at some level, of the happenings around my physical body. But as my focus deepens, that physical focus disappears quite quickly and I find myself "elsewhere".
Once in awhile I will experience a fully conscious "dual" awareness throughout the entire process. That's a hard one to juggle for a lengthy period of time though.
Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: EscapeVelocity on November 15, 2017, 21:34:49
It sounds like you have reached a new level. Sadly, we don't often get flags waving or crowds cheering to celebrate the event...we just sort of have to realize it for ourselves. This one I remember and the emotional kick is very appreciated, because it usually comes after a long, discouraging drought of 'progress'...which you have now emerged from.

New experiences, new sensations, new circumstances of awareness...these are the signs to look for.

Lumaza gave you a good description of the necessary attitude going forward now -be like Swiss Cheese and let the new sensations, emotions and thoughts flow through you for awhile, just take it all in, without too much consideration for now of what it all means; you will sort it out later. You have entered a period of just experiencing. Have fun, be confused and enjoy. Go with the flow and trust your instinct.

Depending on your theories as to how the NPR actually functions, one or more things may have occurred to get you to the next level:

You are gradually increasing your consciousness within your Dreaming Body.
You have managed to activate a higher chakra.
You have maneuvered your Focus to a new chakra.
You have activated your awareness within your etheric or lower astral body.
In the Castaneda paradigm, you have shifted your 'point of attention'.

Those are several ideas; I happen to like to incorporate them all into my own personal theory; you can work out your own. Either way, it is all fun and wonderful and mystifying. Well done and keep on!


Title: Re: Back At It & Hurdles To Work Through
Post by: SCHMUSTIN on November 16, 2017, 13:46:51
Quote from: Lumaza on November 15, 2017, 14:55:10
You have a great ability to "lock" onto your new surroundings.  8-)

I learned a few years ago how to think of my body like a giant piece of "Swiss cheese". That way, the sounds around me just flowed through me, while I could keep my focus where it needed to be. I didn't fight the sounds. I just allowed them to flow and kept my focus on whatever my intent for the session was.

The only interruptions I get now are direct interruptions, like someone knocking on the door needing to use the bathroom or someone calling my name to help them with something. Other than that, I can pin point my focus on whatever I need to at the time.

I am still aware, at some level, of the happenings around my physical body. But as my focus deepens, that physical focus disappears quite quickly and I find myself "elsewhere".
Once in awhile I will experience a fully conscious "dual" awareness throughout the entire process. That's a hard one to juggle for a lengthy period of time though.
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on November 15, 2017, 21:34:49
It sounds like you have reached a new level. Sadly, we don't often get flags waving or crowds cheering to celebrate the event...we just sort of have to realize it for ourselves. This one I remember and the emotional kick is very appreciated, because it usually comes after a long, discouraging drought of 'progress'...which you have now emerged from.

New experiences, new sensations, new circumstances of awareness...these are the signs to look for.

Lumaza gave you a good description of the necessary attitude going forward now -be like Swiss Cheese and let the new sensations, emotions and thoughts flow through you for awhile, just take it all in, without too much consideration for now of what it all means; you will sort it out later. You have entered a period of just experiencing. Have fun, be confused and enjoy. Go with the flow and trust your instinct.

Depending on your theories as to how the NPR actually functions, one or more things may have occurred to get you to the next level:

You are gradually increasing your consciousness within your Dreaming Body.
You have managed to activate a higher chakra.
You have maneuvered your Focus to a new chakra.
You have activated your awareness within your etheric or lower astral body.
In the Castaneda paradigm, you have shifted your 'point of attention'.

Those are several ideas; I happen to like to incorporate them all into my own personal theory; you can work out your own. Either way, it is all fun and wonderful and mystifying. Well done and keep on!


Lumaza and EV,

Thank you for the confirmation of what I thought was happening.
I really feel like I am on a new Level so to say. I feel like the last 9 - 10 months, of basically nothing happening, was a test and I am so happy i decided to see it trough.

Very excited for what I get to learn next!!