Remote Viewing

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How does remote viewing relate to OBE?

Is remote viewing, some form of OBE?


Interesting really, I agree with what you say, a Remote Viewing is some type of OBE, but not clear a full body conscious projection type.

By what you are saying, when I read Astral Dynamics a lot of things I read in other books starting to make sense, I suppose it's all to do with "bodies" we must have many many types of energy "bodies".
Different types of projection must use different bodies and different energy levels.

It strikes me Remote Viewing seems like a useful exercise.
Does anyone into OBE/Astral projection know, what are the best methods
for Remote Type viewing?

Interesting really, I've read a lot about Astral Realms (Ashka Records) where past, present and future records can be viewed.
It just struck me, that Remote Viewing is that type of projection, I suppose it also must explain Future Dreams - we must be able to enter these realms, sometimes, unconsciously to see Future Events.

It would be interesting to know how/what methods are used to do the same intentionally.  The clairvoyant angle, doesn't make sense to me, It's all to do with energy bodies and Astral Type projections I think.


Has anyone tried to intentionally enter a astral realm from OBE for the purpose for Future/Past Remote viewing?
In otherwords, is a time-shift possible while in full conscious OBE?


I think that's interesting what you say, could you elaborate further on the experience, of time perception while during an OBE.

Also, I suppose this makes the idea of Parallel Worlds more real, that when you percieve future realities, they aren't exactly Future realities that could be, it's as if you've homed in on one particular possible thread to some point, but it could happen other ways.

Not sure where I read it but your description of time, is something very similar to the explanation of time perception, on some science article I read about Einstien and Cosmology, no idea where though.  Hmmm... something like time is nothing like how we percieve it, we see a past, present and future, though our limited reality perception, but it's actually nothing like that.  All very interesting...!

Also, I think the angle that how events could unfold differently by one tiny change in the past, was very interestingly explored in a recent movie called "The Butterfly Effect". I alsways thought that the "de ja vu" effect was something to do with future perception of locales, in some kind of  akashic record access type thing in dreams, as if we've stumbled accross a possible future thread you've explored in a dream in the past, and you can't pin it down, but that's why it's familiar.   ( Which leads to the question is it possible while in OBE/Astral to go back in the past and influence the thoughts of someone, hence changing the Future! )

You also mention, past lives, am I correct in assuming that people who regularly experience OBE also have no doubt in their mind, about the idea of Reincarnation is a solid true concept?


Quote from: NodesOfYesodHi M8

OBE time

The reason we have time is because we live in a fixed universe a year is the earth moving around the sun. A day the earth spins one time.

Wrong.  The reason we have time is because we have a logical series of events that happen in sequence.  I have a past.  For example, I just heated up my food.  I have a present.  I am eating my food.  And most likely in the future my food will be eaten.  If there was no time, it would all be happening simultaneously or just exist.  There'd be no such things as a lifespan either.  I'd just exist.  I wouldn't be able to grow old.  What the earth's spin allows for is not for time to exist, but an easy way for us to keep track of time.

now if you was to project to a place with no earth and no sun then there is no reason to expect there to be a time. all the beings there would not know what month it was or what day it was.

They would, however, have figured out another way to keep track of time.  Maybe things would be measured in "lifespans" or "atomic cycles" or something like that.  However, regardless, all beings would still have a past a and a future, regardless of how well they could keep track of it.

I guess the beauty of the akashic records is that you can trust them
But can you trust yourself to know that your interpretation of the akashic records is correct, or that you were even there?

QuoteI dont belive in Time. look at it this way. if I was to travel into the past to see a dinosaur then when I got there I should already be there because that happened in the past
Huh?  First off you are assuming time travel is possible.  It could be that you can only view the information given to you by the akashic records, and you can't actually physically go into the past, for example.  Second off you are making assumptions about time travel when you haven't physically done it.  I could go on, but lets stop there.

Quote... have you noticed that when you have accedents or are in shock everything slows down to slow motion..
All this shows is that time is possibly fluid.  Me being able to speed up or slow down (or even reverse) a body of water doesn't suddenly mean the water doesn't exist.

Your whole argument seems to be based off perception = reality.  Well, sorry but it isn't.  Your perception is merely how you percieve reality, nothing more.  If I were to cut all all your sensory inputs to your brain, you'd be floating in a black nothing.  You wouldn't know I was there because you couldn't sense me.  However, assuming I was some evil murderer (which I'm not and I wouldn't do anything like this), I coiuld still end your existance, regardless of whether or not you knew I was there.

Likewise, just because you sense time slower or faster or not at all, doesn't change the reality of it (regardless of whether it exists or not).
There is no spoon


Quote from: NodesOfYesod
Quote from: Blackstream

Your whole argument seems to be based off perception = reality.


I was not having an argument and I was only giving my perception



You were saying why you thought time doesn't exist.  That is an 'argument'.  As the dictionary says, an argument is "A course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating truth or falsehood".  And you were trying to demonstrate the falsehood of time.  And my post was a counter argument.  An attempt to show the falsehood of your course of reasoning.

Don't get defensive just because someone doesn't agree with you.  Discussions like these are how theories get refined and made better (or dropped).
There is no spoon


Quote from: NodesOfYesodI used a spoon yesterday and today and will probably use a spoon tomorrow


So you have a history of repeating yourself correct?  The key word is history.  If time didn't exist, you wouldn't have used a spoon yesterday because yesterday would be happening right now.  There'd also be no "probably" using a spoon tomorrow as the future would be happening right now and you'd know if you were using a spoon or not.

Or was your post supposed to be some kind of jab at my signature?
There is no spoon


Quote from: MajorTom
Quote from: BillionNamesofGodHow does remote viewing relate to OBE?

Is remote viewing, some form of OBE?

As far as time, there are no limitations except those imposed by belief. Give or take perhaps a few "forbidden" areas of the future, but maybe that is just another limiting belief.

"a few "forbidden" areas of the future"  now, you've just got to elaborate on that !  :-)


Quote from: NodesOfYesodI said there is no time you said i used time yesterday. today. and prolly tomorow
but your signature says there is no spoon ..... it was not a jab just imploying your argument .that perception = reality for who ever perceives .. I dont belive you can say sombody is wrong if its right for them. ony that it is wrong for you


My signature is actually about objective reality.  Obviously you are eating with a spoon.  So what does "There is no spoon" mean?  It means that even though you are eating with a spoon, that your spoon actually does not exist.  In other words, the objective reality behind that spoon is that it is a figment of your imagination or that even though you percieve it, it doesn't exist.  Whether you percieve it or not for that matter, my signature is a statement about objective truth (and no I don't actually think spoons don't exist, it's more of a metaphor).
There is no spoon


Quote from: NodesOfYesod
How can you say you support objective reality ( undistorted by emotion or personal bias) if you clearly are very emotional and you are bias towards time existing.

You obviously don't know what objective reality is.  It does not mean undistorted by emotion or personal bias.  Objective reality is that which is.  Not only that, but it is the same for EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING.  In other words, time doesn't exist for me and not exist for someone else.  Put a different way, objective reality has a set of rules and things which are true for everyone in every circumstance.  That rock either exists or doesn't.  The person I met while astral projecting is either real or isn't.  

Here's a link that explains it better than I

The opposite side of the coin is subjective reality.  That is, reality may be different depending on the subject.  As in, time may exist for you and not for me.  Or the spoon may be real for someone in the matrix, but not for someone outside the matrix.  

Quotehow can you say "obviously you are eating with a spoon" but in the same post write "that your spoon actually does not exist.  In other words, the objective reality behind that spoon is that it is a figment of your imagination or that even though you percieve it, it doesn't exist"

It was a demonstration of how your perceptions can mislead you as to the actual nature of reality.  How can I say it?  Let's say I have a dream where I'm eating with a spoon.  That spoon doesn't actually exist, I was only dreaming about eating with it, however I was indeed eating with a spoon.  Likewise, in the matrix, Neo was trying to bend a spoon that didn't actually exist in physical reality.  He didn't quite realize it up until that point, but the world around him didn't really exist.  That's an objective reality viewpoint.  A subjective reality viewpoint would say that the spoon feels real to him, therefore it is real.  

Therefore I can say that there is no spoon is a statement about objective reality as it's talking about the underlying reality of what you are supposedly percieving.  And as I already stated, I actually do believe the spoon exists, the statement is a metaphor for objective reality.  Or at least that's how I use it.  Other people just use it because it's a cool line from the matrix.

QuoteLook at it this way. and please be honest with me

Do you think it is imposible for god to time travel? because if you do think he could if he wished then god exists out side of time. and if you dont then ...... well that would say it all would it not?


I don't think God can time travel, actually.  I believe the past is the past.  But even if he could, I would still believe time exists.  Think about it, we can freely go around our 3 dimensions, as opposed to one direction and one direction only.  Do you then say that we exist outside of our 3 dimensions or that they don't exist?   No.  Likewise, if God can traverse time I wouldn't say that he exists outside of time OR that time doesn't exist.  I'd say time is just another dimsion.  I would be curious to see what happens should something in the past change though.  Would it create another timeline or change my timeline?  But that's all theory as I don't think that's possible.
There is no spoon


EDIT: One thing I'd like to make clear.  Doging every single one of my arguments in my last post in favor of attacking my character and making the same blanket statements again is called an ad homin em argument.  I took the time to answer every question in your post and I did it maturely and nicely.  Evading my entire response like that is nothing short of rude.  Don't do it again.  I don't so much care that you didn't have an answer, but that you opted for arguing your side with character attacks (which is what the ad homin em argument is) instead of any kind of counter logic.

Now, back to your post

Quote from: NodesOfYesodok
One. you seem to be under the opinion it is your duty to teach me when it is not..I was answering a post about a subject which anoyed you because you thawt you knew better
No, I'm doing what's called a debate.  Mature people do it all the time.  I'm not under some obligation to teach you, I am however debating the idea that time doesn't exist.  You state something radical like time not existing, you should expect a little bit of resistance.

QuoteTwo . look up the definition of Objective on the web and the definition of Reality. and the definition of Objective Reality
Dude, I GAVE you the definition of objective reality on the web in my last post.  Didn't you read my post?  I know what objective reality is.  But here it is AGAIN in case you had problems reading it the first time.
And the definition is
The objective reality is reality which does not depend on our existence and the way of performing observations.

But maybe you also want know know what the work objective means
2. Having actual existence or reality.
Just like I was saying, objective reality talks about the actual existance of things. Yes I realize there is an unaffected by emotial bias also on that page, but that is not the definition used for objective reality as the first link shows.  In case you still don't understand, there are multiple definitions for the word objective, and it's the one I quoted up above that used in the term "Objective reality" as my first link that I quoted shows.

QuoteThree. I think you are narrow minded. Yes I have seen the matrix its my favoriet film seen it about 15 times. for you to asume that you know all this as fact insted of offering it as another perception is very arrogant.
Oh, so I'm supposed to agree with you that perception = reality or else I'm arrogant?  First off, stop with the insults please, if you are doing to stoop to insulting me, I'm done with this conversation.  I refuse to discuss anything with someone whose only recourse are ad homin em attacks.

That's great that you saw the matrix.. so?  First off, I don't see how I'm narrow minded for believing that there is an underlying reality that exists outside of perception (although I couldn't tell you exactly what that is right now).  Likewise, I don't see how I'm narrow-minded for believing in the existance of time, especially since experience teachs me there is time. It's like, either I believe time does exist or I believe time doesn't exist, neither reduce the scope of what I believe in, thus I'm couldn't be called narrowminded for believing in either one.

QuoteAnd if you want to bang on about your faith in the comfort of a ticking clock please do so on Welcome to Quantum Metaphysics!
My faith?  Since when have I talked about my faith?  Do you have any reading comprehension at all? The only mention of God I made was the one question you asked me concerning God and time travel.  If you are talking about my belief about time, it's not faith as you put it.  Faith is blind belief without facts.  I have my facts (having a past and not knowing the future, thus I can infer time).  If anything, believing that time doesn't exist is pure faith.

QuoteBut you have no right to say that having an open Mind. and a concept of what infinity means is wrong even if you think so. Im not trying to convert you. so please Do not try to convert me.
A concept of infinity and an open mind have nothing to do with this dicussion.  I think both are fine.

QuoteYou think I dont know the words yesterday/today/tomorow grow up I was simply suggesting to sombody who is entering into a fluid environment that he should not be limited by Time
I'm not even sure what this is all about.  Obviously I think you know what the words meant, otherwise I wouldn't have used them in my discussion.  You tried to say time didn't exist, which was why I used them.

QuoteAnd that even in a material universe Time is neather constant nor a barrier that one cant overcome.
Presenting something as fact here?  Pretty... arrogant of you :p

QuoteI think you are Rude and I think we should agree to disagree and leave it at that.
How am I rude?  I have not made one rude comment in any of my previous posts(with the possible exception of "Sorry but it isn't" in my first post, but that's debateable).  You on the other hand have devoted half this post to attacking my character as opposed to presenting any kind of counter arguement.  Who is being rude again?
There is no spoon


Hey, dude, Blackstream, please take it elsewhere, I didn't like to say, but you are giving too much negative energy and vibes off.
These are friendly forums for the more enlightened individual, please just agree to differ, you are going beyond flaming, and seriously, picking every little point for some reason - chill.

Please be at peace with whatever troubles you.



Quote from: BillionNamesofGodHey, dude, Blackstream, please take it elsewhere, I didn't like to say, but you are giving too much negative energy and vibes off.
These are friendly forums for the more enlightened individual, please just agree to differ, you are going beyond flaming, and seriously, picking every little point for some reason - chill.

Please be at peace with whatever troubles you.


What are you talking about?  Beyond flaming?  I'm not even close to flaming, much less "beyond flaming".  Show me what you are talking about, because I honestly don't know.  I've made a point of avoiding any kind of character attack (besides the reading comprehension jab because I was getting a bit exasperated), so I have no idea where this came from.

This guy is calling me narrow minded, rude, arrogant, and so on, and I've not even thrown out one cross word here.  Yes, I respond to every point, that's because I like to be thorough.  It's not because I'm trying to utterly destroy someone, but because I'm merely responding to each point I see.

I'm trying to have a civil discussion (and to do so, I just respond to everything... why shouldn't I?  Ignoring valid arguments and continuing to argue for the same point is just rude.

There is nothing troubling me except people like you who are for some reason beating on me.  Stop it.  Seriously.  It isn't funny.
There is no spoon


You  know what?  I give up.  This is stupid.  I don't imagine the conversation is going to go up from here, but rather the 2 of of you are just going to keep on ignoring my arguments and turn this into some kind of flame fest.

My method of arguing can be a bit agressive of times, but I was in no way flaming, being arrogant, force feeding information down peoples throat or anything like that.  The purpose was to have a discussion about time, but instead you spazzed out because I was challenging your ideas (or something).

I enjoy a good discussion and all, but I do not enjoy people attacking my character instead of discussing, so good luck people and remember, ad homin em is not your friend.
There is no spoon


Hey now, to be fair, I wasn't screaming bloody murder at your reaction either (like you were saying with YOU THINK THIS YOU THINK THAT!).  But yes, I'll continue this another time.
There is no spoon


Quote from: NodesOfYesod
Quote from: BillionNamesofGodHas anyone tried to intentionally enter a astral realm from OBE for the purpose for Future/Past Remote viewing?
In otherwords, is a time-shift possible while in full conscious OBE?


I thawt I would share this with you as it happened the other day. was waiting for things to calm down abit first lol

When I woke up the other day I was laying naked in the street. and there were people walking around me and they was all wareing what I can only decribe as 18/19th century clothes. none of them were even looking at the funny naked man in the cobbled road. I can only asume they could not see me. the whole place was full of smoke and dirt but in fine detail in every direction

I was absolutly fasinated and as I gazed around I was convinced I was in the past. I would have stayed for as long as I could but a black carrige being drawn by 2 black horses came bolting down the road I was laying in. and it scared the life outa me and so I shot up in bed thinking.. phew it missed me and wow how cool was that :)

what I love about it so much is because I woke up there It was spontainious I did not create it and live it I just found my self there

also I realised that If I had not been staring at the tight grey dress on a very prim and propper looking lady. and spent more time noticing I was laying in the road . it would have lasted longer lol

what do you make of this event BillionNamesOfGod?


I've read about people in waking like, who seemingly have entered
a different time in the past.
I suppose in your case, it's something similar, be interesting to know the history of your area.
Also, perhaps it could be some kind of past life thing?

Very interesting.   I really wish things like this happened to me!
I wonder if anyone else has had such time shift experiences?
Was yours in the form of  dream or lucid dream?


Here is a very cool resource for Remote Viewing I found:


Sup lola :D

At any rate, it sounds like what I'd think a remote viewing would be... although when I read posts of people who remote view... they always decribe the feel (I get a distinction of curves!  outdoors!  busy movement!), rather than a picture they viewed.

What that means I'm not sure.  Maybe they are just inexperienced, or maybe they are trying to remote view with other senses than just sight.
There is no spoon


You see things as if you were there, but from an angle you choose. When I RV everything to me has a vibe or feeling to it, this can get confusing and sometimes what you see won't be actually whats there in the physical due to the feeling of it, .. distorting what you think it will the appearance of it will be and vise versa, but 95% of the time things are bang on.
I enjoy it alot, I've always liked to watch. Its amazing when a person is telling you a personal story about something that happened in the past, you go back to when it took place and watch the whole thing play out, but as your only a projection of self, there is more you see than physical. I can only image astral traveling will be much better!
I've never astral projected, I've been trying for a year on and off. I can't wait till it happens.  :)