Blind Projectionists

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David Warner

Ap Friends,

Anyone know here if there's been studies with people who are blind at birth been able to astral project? Bring back imagery, precog events, and ID with accurate distant locations?

Please advise!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


I've read in Astral Dynamics that blind people report being able to see using other senses. Their sense of spacial awareness and hearing is dramtically enhanced during projection (apparently).

Perhaps a physically blind person would lack the conceptual framework to ever see as we do in the astral. Further inhibitting the ability to explain imagery, precog even ID. I would not say it's impossible however for either of these to occur.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.

David Warner

i think that i'm going to set out and find if people who are blind, when they dream do they see objects, colors, light? especially for the folks who leave their bodies that are blind.

this would be a excellent area to research.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


I'm pretty sure that research has been done in the field. Considering the fact that seeing is a predominent sense in both physical and astral realms I'd assume research on it would have significant explanatory power in OBE's as a whole.

I'll search for some websites.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.

David Warner

I looked around the net and didn't really come up with anything on this for people who are blind and able to experience obe's. I did see the article of what Robert Bruce stated but would like to see more information on this.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


if people who are blind, when they dream do they see objects, colors, light?

"Can a person who is blind from birth "see images" in their dreams?
This question has inspired volumes of medical research dating back to the 19th century. People who are visually impaired from birth appear to lack visual imagery in their dreams. It's believed that the parts of their brains that register visual information remain dormant. [...]"

"Dream content in the visually impaired
People who are visually impaired from birth (congenitally visually impaired) seem to lack visual imagery and rapid eye movements in their dreams.
The majority of the people who became visually impaired before they were aged 5 or 7 will have no visual dreams, but if sight is lost after the age of 7 visual imagery is retained in dreams into adulthood, with rapid eye movements present during sleep. With few exceptions, when visual handicap occurs between the critical ages of 5 and 7, visual imagery remains for varying periods of time, even in adulthood, and tends to get worse over time. Although it is thought that rapid eye movements are essential for visual dreams, it seems that many congenitally visually impaired people show eye movements during rapid eye movement sleep periods despite having no visual imagery.
With the exception of the absence of vision, the dreams of those who became visually impaired before the age of 5 are no different in most aspects to those of the sighted, containing perceptions of sounds, touch, taste, smell, and temperature sensations (in decreasing order). As depicted in the example of a dream of a congenitally visually impaired person, heard speeches and conversations are prominent in visually impaired people's dreams: "I was going up to heaven and St Peter barred me at the gates, telling me to go down below. I argued with him, feeling I was being treated unjustly, until he said: 'All your friends are down there'; whereupon I said, 'If that's the case it's fine,' and I went down below." It may seem surprising that taste and smell form such a minor part of dreams, given their importance to visually impaired people."

"Mindsight: Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences in the Blind"


That first website is a good one. <--- This one is also good. It argues that they can. Whether visual development is actually developed between the ages of 4 and 7. I can remember visual imagery from when I was 2 or 3. <--- That ones alright as well.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.

David Warner

Cool.. thanks for the links, i will read when i get the chance!

Some real good material here to research and learn from. since i work with
hospice, I know there will be times down the road if any of my patients
who are blind, I'll have to ask in a questionable manner. Its good to 'hear' it
from the source and sometimes not scientists.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Yes definately. Science can sometimes cut off things it may consider 'unscientific'. I'm sure we would be more open minded when listening to their explanation. Not to mention that science only focuses on what is measureable whereas people in our 'field' utilize explanatory power.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


Actualy there was a book written about this very subject.

Book Description
Ring and Cooper explore evidence that even those blind from birth can "see" during near-death experiences. Their evidence reveals a unique type of perception. More than just "seeing", it involves a deep awareness and profound ability to know that the authors have called "Mindsight".

This volume is a ground-breaking work in the field of near-death studies. It investigates the astonishing claim that blind persons, including those blind from birth, can actually "see" during near-death or out-of-body episodes. The authors present their findings in scrupulous detail, investigating case histories of blind persons who have actually reported visual experiences under these conditions.

There is compelling evidence that the blind do "see" in those moments, but it is not sight as we think of it. Ring and Cooper uncover a kind of "transcendental awareness" they refer to as mindsight. It involves the strange experience of being able to perceive from all angles at once, from every focal depth at once, and a sense of "knowing" the subject, not just visually, but with a deep and inexplicable knowledge.

Human beings may be more complex than we thought, gifted with amazing abilities of perception. This book is an opportunity to assess the evidence for yourself.

About the Author
Kenneth Ring, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Connecticut and co-founder and Past President of the International Association for Near-Death Studies. He is also the author of several previous books about near-death experiences, including Life at Death, Heading Toward Omega, The Omega Project, and most recently, Lessons from the Light.

Sharon Cooper, M.A., is a Ph.D. candidate in counseling psychology at New York University. She has studied yoga, Eastern spirituality, and the field of near-death studies since the early 1980s.


That description is interesting.

Was there any links posted on an actual description of a blind persons experience, from them? Or is it all secondary information?

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.

David Warner

I saw and read that NDE I think from neath death web site - very interesting and educational of an experience. Really makes you wonder and gets the juices flowing!

thanks for posting it!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.

David Warner

yeah.. that was it! - I've read tons of NDE's and enjoy listening to their personal experiences, knowledge and wisdom inherieted. my latest reading was don piper and angie fenimore. real interesting backgrounds and how they arrived to God...

it shows that all paths lead to love and God...

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


didnt you have blind projections? for me its like this: i dont see anything, but still i know perfectly where i am and what is around me. i guess its something similar for people who are blind but this knowledge has to be much more detailed and profound than that, that you experience during the blind seconds or maximum minutes during a blind projection. the other physical senses are more developed in blind people, so why shouldnt the same aply for the other astral senses? the description of the book named above seems to underline this.
The truely wise man knows that he knows nothing!
  - Confuzius


Try, " sound vision for blind"  "seeing with sound "

I can't find the link but I saw a documentary about a  technique where blind people train to echo locate with a hand held clicker, that makes a snapping sound, and become skilled enough to bicycle down a street. They also can describe the texture of a tree bush, or recognize the hard surface of a wall.

Eventually they learn to make the clicks with their mouths.

I imagine that this form of visualization can be learned during obe in the way that the first step is to have an idea of what visiualization is, and to beleive that it's possible to develope etheric, astral sight.

Also, isn't  common for people to describe lack of, or dark, hazy, or greyed vision while learning to obe? Then eventually the vision or clarity improves. In my experience, the vision was very impared, then improved to normal after a few times. Although I'm not proficient yet, the improvement is encouraging.


I used to know a guy that's legally blind that had an OBE...he told me that his vision wasn't much better than what it was in his waking life, if I recall correctly...
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