The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: k2sixx on July 18, 2002, 19:58:53

Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: k2sixx on July 18, 2002, 19:58:53
Where do I get one?  How expensive?

Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: astralmaster on July 19, 2002, 00:33:05
Please give us more info about this!!!

Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: astralmaster on July 19, 2002, 00:35:18
Got it: Go to //

Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: cainam_nazier on July 19, 2002, 00:36:54
After giving it a test run I went ahead and registered the program.

You can get a demo version there.  There is one thing that you have to remember when  using any program of this nature.  Everyone is different and will respond to stimuli differently.


I went through several different presets to see what afeects they had on me.  I did notice that certain tones made it easier to fall asleep while others were just flat annoying.  Among other happenings there was, deeper relaxation, both with and with out sleep, some caused changes in breathing patterns,  some caused certain energy movment sensations to occure, and other things of this nature.  

However I never had a LD or AP while listening to any of the presets.

I did have a couple on the "off days" or the days I had set aside for "regular" meditation.  I do not know if the use of this program helped at all or not.  

There was only one instance possabily triggered by the program but it was un-repeatable so I can not confirm.  That was with astral vision in the realtime zone or the third eye opening up.  I do not know which.

It only about $40 (american) to register the program and you can download it and register it over the net.  No need to wait for a CD but for a couple of extra bucks they will send you a CD.  The thing I liked about it the most is that you can make or copy presets and burn them onto CD's for use when you are away from the computer.  Which was advantageous and I want to experiment with it a little more in the future.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.
Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: Pearlybear on July 19, 2002, 10:14:25
YES that is the place/generator I was talking about I just wanted to know if it works....see I don't have headphones (which you need or it won't work).
Sorry about the lack of info guys.
Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: Grendel on July 24, 2002, 07:41:29
I tried the geneartor, and found that it helps me to get into a deeper trance state more easily.  I think it's more of a matter of just keeping the mind busy, and giving it something to focus on so you can meditate better, rather than actually changing brainwaves, but who knows.

I have a very active mind that's extremely hard to quiet down, and this helps a lot, so that's good enough for me.  

Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: amcturbo on July 24, 2002, 08:41:15
I've used the BWGEN program for a while, off and on.  I recently burnt the OOBE-3 ( ) onto CD and listen to it occasionally at home.  I did so yesterday for 60-minutes and it does help to better achieve an altered state conducive to OBEing.  Here's my experiences with this preset, so far.

1) I quickly get into a mild vibe state, with the occasional mild water-bed wavey feeling.  My vibe state is very mild full body (except head/neck) slow-to-medium speed vibes.  It then builds in my feet and rises into my legs, with more intensity (now a medium vibe state ... legs only).

2)  I get periodic energy "rush" through out my body, which causes my body to respond by tensing up ... perhaps this energy is getting channelled into my muscles.  I'll relax more  and continue on with the OBE process.

3) I get mild buzzing sensations throughout my body, along with mild buzzing at the base of my skull/back of neck area.  This is a prelude to the full-blown 'freight-train' or 'air plane' OBE Exit Vibrational Stage.  NOTE:  My recent OBE's have all involved TWO different exit sounds.  Once is an intense "bee" buzzing sound/vibe.  The other is a low-pitched humming machine-like sound.  FYI, my first two OBE's (spontaneous) had ZERO Exit symptoms ... but these were 'spontaneously' induced from a WILD.

4) I also lose sensation of my limbs at times, feeling as if my limbs are indistinguishable from the rest of my body (as if they're all just morphed together).

I haven't gotten to the full-fledged pre-exit OBE vibrational stage, YET  ... and there's a reason why ... TRYING TOO HARD ... I end up tensing my muscles, trying to separate, which causes my Theta state to revert back up to Beta.  I'm now working at totally DOING NOTHING so as to RELAX MORE and MORE into the full-blown OBE pre-exit Vibrational Stage.  I'm also surrendering to the experience, focusing my attention away from my body (helped some yesterday), as well as doing some EFT ( ) on any 'negativity' I have towards achieving a fully conscious OBE.

For what it's worth, the above OBE symptoms I experience, I can achieve with or with out the BWGEN.  The BWGEN does help to focus my mind at the right Frequency, making it easier.

Lastly, I occasionally listen to this OOBE-3 Preset at lunchtime, here at work, sitting back in a reclining desk chair.  It usually "knocks me out" rather quickly at work ... AND ... one time of listening to it, I was ZAPPED AWAKE by an intense BUZZING sound and feeling, originating from the base of skull/back of neck, very near the skin surface.  If I don't have success at home, laying down, I'll going to trying setting up to achieve OBE.

BTW, has anyone else experienced the 'muscle tightening' problems ... and come up with some good solutions?  Thanks.

Greg Taylor :)
Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: Tom on July 24, 2002, 09:17:35
The idea of a brainwave generator really amuses me. As a living person with a brain, I automatically have a brainwave generator that is always turned on. Just closing my eyes and taking a deep breath is enough to start alpha waves. Drifting off a bit and letting my thoughts settle allows some theta waves to begin. Deep sleep brings delta waves.

Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: cainam_nazier on July 24, 2002, 11:27:34
As to the question about headphones.

Headphones are the best solution because it helps to block any "outside" noises.  However because like previously stated by amcturbo it does not really induce OBE's but rather gives you a good meditation point not using the headphones but regular speakers does not pose as much of a problem as you might think.  

I did previously try it a few times without head phones to see if it was just as effective.  The only major problem I found with this is that when running it from your computer and not burning the presets on to CD they tend to run for ever.  When using head phones you can easily just yank the head phones off when say laying in bed listening to it rather than with using speakers and having to get up and ruin you relaxation to turn it off.  unless you can put the volume control with in arms reach.

Other than that I found that the sounds created by the program seem to just shoot through the house and some of the other people I live with did not like the constant noise too much.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.
Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: amcturbo on July 24, 2002, 11:44:12
OOBE-3 Bwgen preset lunchtime update:  After eating lunch, I listened to the preset for 30 minutes.  As previously mentioned, I sit in a reclining desk chair, feet on floor, hands resting in lap, and head flopped forward.

After about 5-minutes, I was feeling comfy and starting to get visual imagery flashes or still and moving pictures.  I started to 'doze off' shortly after, keeping my muscles relaxed the entire time (tensing is a problem at times).  This time, unlike yesterday afternoon's attempt at home, I was feeling much more 'wavery' (Bushism) and at times, felt myself moving backwards from my physical.  Also, during and throughout this period, I was getting medium buzzing vibrations from the neck (at torso) down.  I think I was hearing some 'astral noise' buzzing in my ears, which I can't describe because of the Bwgen's binaural beats being louder than the buzzing.

If I had more listening time, I think I could have achieved a conscious OBE.

Greg Taylor :)
Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: Tom on July 24, 2002, 11:50:01
The reason for headphones is because the ears are perfectly located on each side of the head, the same distance from the middle. If you want to use speakers you will have to place them the same way, equally far from the middle of your head and one to each side. It is not the volume of the sounds which create the effect you are looking for, but instead it is the difference in frequency between the two sides. A third frequency, the difference between the two actual frequencies, is supposed to be audible in the middle of the head. It is there, but it isn't really. It is this through which those tapes and CDs are supposed to do the job. They are supposed to balance the brain hemispheres and set the brainwaves to vibrating at certain frequencies. Specific frequencies are supposed to be better than others for specific purposes, such as astral projection.

Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: astralmaster on July 25, 2002, 02:07:15
I find that when calibrating the pgm, when testing left and right, if i take off the right earphone and test for the left side, i will still hear a VERy faint tune. now the program says that this should not be happening.
This also happens on my discman when listening to the hemi-sync cd's.

is this normal?

Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: cainam_nazier on July 25, 2002, 05:35:24
No you are getting some back ground noise in there.  I know it has a setup for the sound where you can change a couple of settings to try and remove this.  Also so note that if you have it turned on to INCLUDE the extras for "visual stimuli" additions it adds an additional bit to the sound to activate the device.  If you are not using any visual stimuli device I suggest you turn this option off.  I had that problem also.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.
Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: amcturbo on July 25, 2002, 07:44:18
FYI ... you might have to shut-off the "Mega Base" , "Ext. Base" , etc. on your Walkman CD player.  On my older Sony CD player, when in the "Mega Base" mode, the unit becomes MONO (NO Stereo).  The L/R Stereo channels got pre-mixed ... resulting a binaural beat being produced INSIDE the CD PLAYER.  I discovered that when I would remove ONE ear phone, I would still hear the mixed binaural beat (which I shouldn't). Soooo, a quick flip to turn off the Mega Base and it started funtioning properly (i.e. in stereo) ... I could hear the individual different frequencies in each ear, when the head phones were removed ... and the binaural beat INSIDE MY HEAD!

Also, if I remember correctly, if your computer has a 3D stereo sound card, the 3D mode needs to be disabled to create the binaural beat sound in you head.

To get rid of the background hiss you mentioned, simply go through the BWGEN Set-up Wizard and play with the sound settings ... MAKE SURE 3D SOUND IS TURNED OFF ... FIRST!


Greg Taylor :)
Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: astralmaster on July 25, 2002, 08:33:02
Thanks, Everyone.
I'll be sure to try what you said...

Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: Grenade01 on July 25, 2002, 11:48:40
Yeah you really have to use headphones
It wont work well even with the speakers placed on each side
Also you have to have semi decent headphones
I saw a discussion once about what the specs needed to be to properly have the binaral thing going to the fullest extend..but i forgot what they were and I dont remember how those numbers work anyway.
also if your going to burn it it has to be from a .wav file or like an extremely high bps mp3... if you just try to go on to gnutella or winmx or whatever and burn a 128 bps mp3 you find of bwgen or any binaral beats like robert monroes (he's the guy right?) stuff then its going to loose some of the essential weird technical junk that i dont understand...or at least thats what they concluded in that discussion.
Also I wanted to mention..I remember seeing an ambient group on that mixes binaral beats INTO their music.  Trippy eh?  I think they might have been called astral traveller or astral pedestrian or even astral projection..i cant remember but if you go check out bands with those kinds of names on im sure you can figure out which one it was if your interested

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Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: Grenade01 on July 25, 2002, 11:50:43
Oh yeah and if your really poor and honestly cant afford the program there is cracks out there.... I honestly dont have one anymore..but Ive seen em
you could probably get one off if you were so inclined

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Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: Tom on July 25, 2002, 13:53:01
Having tried several brands with decent headphones and a couple of really cheap substitutes, my opinion remains the same: the best generator of brainwaves is the actual brain. There are other factors involved than just averaging certain frequencies of brainwaves.

Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: rugby149 on July 25, 2002, 16:42:21
For those that use brainwav egen, has anybody managed to downlaod any of the gateway seies? I have focus 10, 21, and 27 but the Monroe Institute seem to have pulled them from the site.

Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: Windameir on July 26, 2002, 11:00:30
Hey Ya'll  I downloaded the brainwave generator. This thing is wild! Thanks for the info


PS um any epileptics out there....     wanna see sumtin cool ? J./K

To make the best better
Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: Tisha on July 26, 2002, 11:30:18
I don't like to call myself an epileptic because it conjures images of myself flopping on the floor like a tuna and I don't like that . . .  but I will say that my brainwaves give me seizures sometimes . . . not that they are any fun.  They leave me in a white-cold panic with a two-day migraine.

but your email interested me, windemeir . . . what do you mean?


Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: Windameir on July 26, 2002, 11:39:09
umm .... I didn't mean to offend its just my odd sence of humor. I had never seen a brainwave generator before and the stobe effect seemed like it could surely cause a for my E-Mail I love Tolkien

To make the best better
Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: amcturbo on July 26, 2002, 11:41:58
Originally posted by Tisha:
I don't like to call myself an epileptic ... SNIP ... but your email interested me, windemeir . . . what do you mean?


Hi Tisha,
Windemeir is referring to the Brainwave Generator's CAPABILITY FOR AUDIOSTROBE technology.  Besides the Binaural Beats for auditory entrainment, it *can* incorporate VISUAL ENTRAINMENT for either Audistrobe goggles (mind machine tech.) or a *cheaper* flashing computer screen to acheive visual entrainment.

It's the FLASHING that can cause those prone to Epilepsy ... to have an epileptic siezure.  The visual flashing portion of the program can be disabled, so that this doesn't happen.

Greg Taylor :)
Title: Brainwave generator...
Post by: Pearlybear on July 18, 2002, 16:08:01
Has anyone ever tried this?  Did it work for you?
Basically you put on headphones and the brainwave generator feeds each side of your brain a different tone and it is supposed to instantly put you in a trance--the depth depends on the presets. (it can also relieve headaches ect.)