Cannabis and trying to AP.

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I'm new and need a little help.

Need to know if being a daily Cannabis user makes it harder or impossible or less likely to project?
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And I need a few new methods that works for beginners.
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First off i'd like to start by saying hello to everyone and i'm sorry if I didn't post this in the right area, i'm new to this forum I just came across it today, i've been interested in sucessfully projecting for quite a few years and have failed everytime...

Now I wanted to say i'm a daily marijuana smoker and have been for about 5 years, so my question is wether or not marijuana will have a affect on someones ability to leave their body? Maybe this is the reason I haven't left mine yet...

Sorry if this has already been asked before, it's just hard to for me to believe I haven't had not one successful projection over the past 3 years i've been trying...

I just can't seem to find a method that works... I always end up laying there for about an hour or 2 until my body hurts and have to stop and get up and move around and it kills the experience.
I've made it to the vibrational state a few times and everytime I have I get too excited and my heart starts racing then I become "aware" of my body it ruins it. :|
"If you don't like my fire, then don't come around. 'Cause i'm gonna burn one down."


If you're not free from the 'effects' of smoking, then you might have a tougher time focusing.
If you're free from the 'effects'... then it shouldn't, but such things are unique to the individual.

What are you generally trying when you're just lying there for one or two hours?

As for the heart racing... that's just normal excitement.  The more you do this stuff, the more the sensations will become "normal" and "meh" to you... and the less you'll get excited and knocked out of the state.

Learn to meditate.  :)


When i'm laying there, i'm trying to focus mainly on my breathing and try to keep my thoughts as still as possible.
Like I said I can usually get to or atleast near vibrational state everytime I just haven't made it "out" yet I always get too excited and just lose the vibrations overall then I get frustrated and basically give up.  :|

Maybe it's the time i'm trying to OBE, I usually can't do it during the day or mornings so I have to try it late at night before I go to sleep is this my problem is there a certain time to try it, like when you first wake up or your body is tired and ready for sleep??
"If you don't like my fire, then don't come around. 'Cause i'm gonna burn one down."


Having been a heavy user in the past and now being free of the drug for over a decade, I can shed light on my own experiences:

When I was still using, I would find that it was easier to reach altered states of consciousness. Obviously drugs effect different people in different ways so it's not really enough to say that: x thing produces y results. Since not using and starting to try OBE again, I have found it much more difficult to focus, relax my inner thoughts and so on. I believe that the drug was able to allow for singular focus as well as remove many inhibitors preventing the reaching of these altered states of awareness.

My problem with all this is that the experiences are, whether or not the effects of the drug are "active", drug induced to some extent. When you're in an "active" state of effect then it is more drug induced than when you're not active (ie. not stoned).. but still there is THC in your body and it is definitely affecting you to some extent.

For me, this is an issue in regards to "verification/validation" of the experiences. I don't need to prove to anyone else whether they were real or not, that's not what this is about. It's about validating it to myself. Can I be 100% sure that the experience I had was not attributed directly/indirectly in total or in part to the drug induced state? Even for 6 months (apparently) after the cessation of the taking of the drug, the THC chemical remains in the body. So for "at least" 6 months after you stop using, you still can't be 100% sure.

So while I think it may be possible to do and I don't believe there is any true danger in doing it from that state, I wonder if you can be sure as to validate it, to yourself, or not.


Thanks for the reply light487, you're right about it helping you get to altered states of awareness i've used it to help me meditate in the past and it worked very well. I think i've used it so long now that being "stoned" is nothing but my normal state of mind...

I think if I work hard enough I can enjoy my "high life" and still acomplish astral projection... it may take more time and more dedication but eventually I gotta "pop" out of my body it can't be impossible to do for me.

I'm still trying to find a technique to leave the body but I can't find one that works for me, that or I completely midunderstood the methods and weren't doing them right... I don't know what i'm doing wrong.
"If you don't like my fire, then don't come around. 'Cause i'm gonna burn one down."


I've had full and partial OBEs while "high".. so definitely in the realm of possibility. I used for a long time so I knew the different between the effects of the drug and "something else". So I do believe that they were genuine OBEs but what occured during them is another thing that I can't validate to myself. It may be that certain drugs can heighten or lower the vibrations of the "other" bodies' energies. I remember in one instance it was quite scary because I was fully physical and my astral was literally falling out of my body despite me being able to walk around. There was a distinct separation between the two bodies but the astral was still stuck partially inside my body but due to the fact it was a drug induced state of awareness, I couldn't just "switch it off".. therein lies another problem with drug induced OBEs and other awareness states. Sure.. you can "get there" but once you're there, how much control do you have and can you "switch it off" if you need to?

I'm not saying to be cautious because of any major danger.. but think of it like being trapped in a box and you can't get out. Being in the box itself is not a problem, provided there is plenty of airflow, so no real danger there but the fact you can't get out is what makes it effectively a "prison" and can be psychologically damaging and something might take you months or even years to completely get over.


I think I had one OBE once, it was either an OBE or a lucid dream but I remember I was sound asleep, dreaming I was flying through the air above the trees then all of a sudden I became fully "aware" like I was 100% awake but I was still flying and then once I realised "wait i'm flying??? but people can't fly? suddenly and very very quickly whoosed downward towards the trees and hit the ground and went straight through the ground and I obviously was moving at high speeds that are unheard of because I went out the other side of the earth kept going and instantly was in outer space in the matter of like 3 seconds it was amazing beautiful seeing all the colors and stars then all of a sudden I kinda not heard but I felt a "pop" and I was awake in my bed sat up and was like "WTF just happened".
I'm guessing it was a lucid dream but it felt so real if not even more real... this was the closest thing i've ever had to a OBE and that's what got me into wanting to learn this "ability" to project. Sorry didn't mean for
"If you don't like my fire, then don't come around. 'Cause i'm gonna burn one down."


this message to be so long lol couldn't even type anymore... got completely off topic sorry didn't meant to. I'm too "stoned" right now...
Maybe I can do it in the morning before I smoke would it be okay then I wonder???
"If you don't like my fire, then don't come around. 'Cause i'm gonna burn one down."


Quote from: xFailureByDesignx on August 31, 2011, 01:07:07
this message to be so long lol couldn't even type anymore... got completely off topic sorry didn't meant to. I'm too "stoned" right now...
Maybe I can do it in the morning before I smoke would it be okay then I wonder???
What you're saying here is that you can't even focus enough to keep the subject of your post.

Yeah, if you wanna project/meditate... drop the weed.  This thread is proof enough that it's ruining your efforts.


Quote from: xFailureByDesignx on August 31, 2011, 01:07:07
Maybe I can do it in the morning before I smoke would it be okay then I wonder???

That would be something worth trying. If you're determined to smoke daily, I suggest keeping it and AP practice completely separate and don't attempt when you're baked. You may end up finding that the desire to smoke slowly disappears.


Quote from: Ryan_ on August 31, 2011, 09:09:39
What you're saying here is that you can't even focus enough to keep the subject of your post.

Yeah, if you wanna project/meditate... drop the weed.  This thread is proof enough that it's ruining your efforts.
You're right it is ruining my efforts and i've been this dumb to not notice this all along.... now i've gotta quit smoking but it's gonna be so much easier said then done.  Sorry for the waste of your time guys... :|
"If you don't like my fire, then don't come around. 'Cause i'm gonna burn one down."


Quote from: xFailureByDesignx on August 31, 2011, 13:10:02
You're right it is ruining my efforts and i've been this dumb to not notice this all along.... now i've gotta quit smoking but it's gonna be so much easier said then done.  Sorry for the waste of your time guys... :|
What Stookie said.
Just practice when you're NOT high... unless you're also unable to focus during those times as well.

In which case, learning to meditate should probably be your first goal.  :)

And there's no time to be wasted here.  We choose to be here and reply to you.  ;)


quitting altogether will benefit your mind. I was a recreational everyday pothead for like 7 years.. I quit 2 months ago with the hopes that it would sharpen my focus and clean up my awareness in general. a month later I had a obe. I posted about it recently. that experience was very encouraging as far as staying off mind dulling substances. weed is a great tool I believe, when you need to get a different perspective, but chronic use is definitely not helping your chances. no blockages in the conduit! keep it clean.

edit: sorry I noticed you decided to quit while I was typing this. ha! stick with it dude its worth it!! if you got to the vibrations while smoking, then you surely can get farther while clean.
the farture is farther than the future. duh!!


Well lets see i'm not "high" now so I think i'm fully capable of focusing while sober.... if not more so than when i'm on it, when I am "high" i'm foggy minded and it is a bit hard to think.
So, like I said I don't know how i'm that stupid to not notice it on my own.

Glad I found this site. Now i've gotta work on meditating. Well thanks again for "choosing" to take the time to read my post and reply i'm gonna quit smoking pot or atleast slow down because i'm really eager to learn this... Take care guys have fun AP I soon hope I can do it too. :-)
"If you don't like my fire, then don't come around. 'Cause i'm gonna burn one down."


I'm curious about the poll.  What was it for?


Maybe you are suppose to choose one to answer? Not really a poll  :-P
"Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves."


I think.. personally.. Marijuana can be beneficial to OBE's as the closest I have ever come to actually OBEing, was when I was high. All the other times, My body starts to cringe with pain after only 20 minutes and I HAVE to move ;/

PERSONALLY Marijuana helps, but again.. each person is different :P


I've had the same question about my pot smoking and astral projection.

I'm still working it out myself.. all I know is that before I smoked pot regularly I was able to OBE a lot more.  My OBEs have been rare now since marijuana smoking has become a daily thing. Although I'm still not blaming pot for my non-ability to get out lately.. I think it's more due to the fact that I've stopped practicing regularly.  I have never had an OBE from smoking pot and have always failed while trying under the influence of pot.   I refuse to believe pot makes you unable to go OBE.. but hey , I just hope I'm not in denial here. =)  My problem is falling asleep during my attempts.. I think pot makes it easier for me to fall asleep once I start relaxing.. so maybe thats my answer.  I'm working on sitting up and practicing so that if I fall asleep I may notice it better , or my happy arse will fall out the chair instead.   Good luck tho! Sorry I know I'm not much help O_0
Loving yourself first is the most important step you must take before you can truly love someone else.

Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

Yahoo IM: Spiritual_guy_19
AIM: ScrotomicBomb


Pot will hold you down, you won't be able to do much if you're addicted to earthly stuff..its your choice.
"Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves."


Quote from: HiRes on August 31, 2011, 22:49:38
I think.. personally.. Marijuana can be beneficial to OBE's as the closest I have ever come to actually OBEing, was when I was high. All the other times, My body starts to cringe with pain after only 20 minutes and I HAVE to move ;/

PERSONALLY Marijuana helps, but again.. each person is different :P
It has NO benefit to consciously aware projections.
Will it take you into the non-physical?  Sure...
Will you be able to have a controlled experience?  Probably NOT?

What kind of growth can you have in an uncontrolled non-physical experience?
Well, how spiritually growing are your normal dreams?  Not so much...

That's only one aspect of why using drugs to achieve an altered state is unadvised.


I don't recommend smoking for seeking OBEs.  As a frequent OBEr, and one who smoked his share ... albeit many years ago ... I feel that I understand this somewhat well.  Personally, I found that the best way to achieve OBEs is to be very clean and clear minded.  For me, diet and exerise have been most helpful ... although, not critical, just very helpful.  If you want some "weed," I suggest that you chew on a whole lot of lettuce instead.  Raw veggies, etc., for a few days, etc., should help much more than weed, I think.  Also, if you're trying to do OBEs at night, try doing OBEs in the morning after you awaken.  And, don't try to control the process.  Make a clear request to OBE, and tell yourself that you will try to remember to OBE when the time comes.  Then, just relax and allow your body to fall asleep ... if you get into a mode of falling asleep and waking up without OBEs, that is good since you can go right back to sleep and try again.  After a while, you will get it.... 


If your mind is talking too much and your not able to concentrate,
try Isochronic sounds, also try counting your breaths, vibrations are nothing if you can't get to AP.

PS: Counting your breathes is easy, just do: {inhale} 1 {exhale} 1 {inhale} 2 {exhale} 2 {inhale} 3.. and so on, so every inhale is counted as 1 "point"(or what ever you want to call it)

make sure you breath in slowly and relaxed, and between transitions don't breath in/breath out fast.. take your time with it.


Drugs are bad, don't do them... Seriously You can last longer with many things ;) ................ Pervs i know what you were thinking, but whatever floats your boat n_n honestly though, don't do drugs. and especially don't do them when you are doing any spiritual work

My smile tells lies, but my eyes tell the truth...


Hell yeah it does man. I've smoked alot of pot but had to take a 6 month break because of a random drug test. I started smoking pot again basically daily and didn't astral project for the whole time. but I am now in a 1 week break because I got mono and have a sore throat. I astral projected after not smoking pot for 4 days. When I wasn't high I would all the time. It makes your mind sleep harder I guess. idk science behind it. It sucks because I love pot and projection.
Peace of mind is power over one's reality


Quote from: Lexy on September 01, 2011, 02:24:45
Pot will hold you down, you won't be able to do much if you're addicted to earthly stuff..its your choice.

Pot isn't addictive bro.
Peace of mind is power over one's reality