Curious New User

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Hello i am user here, i come spread positive energy in the forum.  I have some questions for u folks there , you programs.

I want to be able to have an Out Of Body Experience, and usually when i want something, i get it. Its just the general thing with me and my life, everything i have seeked, i have gotten. And so therefore , i can conclude that if i do not get this Out Of Body Expererience reasonably soon, it does mean that its highly like the whole thing is a hoax.  I will look at things from all aspects, and go ahead and call me arrogant i don't care, i am actually very aware of my high capacity of thinking and analysing, its ok if you envy me lol.

Well , the purpose of this post is to raise some questions and for people to begin to take this topic serious, now that the most serious person who always achieves what he wants in life is on teh topic, you are guys are lucky.

Ok first off i want to see here, Please someone post if you have had an obe, and then add me to skype at d3nd3-o0 for further investigation.

Secondly, if you are a skeptic like myself, then add me too , and i will involve you with teh other skeptics who are seeking the correct answer.  Yes we have all heard the phrase : " go experience it to be happy " .. but that doesn't quite cut it for us skeptics who spend literally endless hours trying the same thing over and over.  I hate to sound rude, but its the reality of this situation, some order needs to be put in place here.

Ok thats all for now, this is by no means the END of me. I am going to be here for the next 60 + years of this forums' life to see for certain the answer and whether or not you were all fakers, just teasing the younger population.  Hope this raises some positive vibrational frequency amongst the fellow wizards here.


I don't think your post was positive
you do sound very full of yourself and not like a wizard at all.

I know you think you are clever but to be honest you sound very immature and quite rude
If you think people here are going to run round in circles trying to prove anything to you your sadly mistaken. we have seen and heard it all before. maybe you should read more of the forum before you post again  8-)



Agreed with NoY. He sounds like he "knows" everything already therefore why would he need anyone else to prove that astral projection is real. He doesn't sound like the type to take anyone's advice based on this post. Why would you claim to come here and spread positive energy when the rest of your words clearly do quite the opposite?


lol what is this? judgements day?
he does not sound arrogant to me, are you jealouse? i see no other reason for that thought then this feeling
getting so much off topic because of your personal difficulties, i dont think its ok, do that somewhere else please
he is not rude or anything, he just analysis his situation and explains it
this is first i read in this forum.... wtf ^^?
also i think it is funny to point out that d3nd3 allready predicted this reaction in his post

anyway back to topic

i will add you in skype cuz i am skeptic
i am very interested in this topic because i am open minded
i am allready trying to have an obe for over half a year, i had alot of lucid dreams since then but no obe yet :P
skype = d3cammy


Much respect to user : alfalfa , its ok though because i am well equipped at dealing with such people :: since i am strong and always get what i want, if i come to forum showing my identity , i expect to be welcomed. Guess thats not solely the case here ^^

Anyway, i will try to help them by correcting some of their mis understandings and assumptions. I know its easy to have wrong signals from people and also to be influenced by your emotional states at the time of writing, but you really gotta master it and get it under control. Here goes, this is for you chump 2 posts up and chump above that.

You say that you do not think my post was positive, thats fine if thats how you interepret it, but no mate its not the god given truth.  I already stated that i am arrogant and very aware of my intellectual capabiltiies, why are you stating what i had already stated? I never said i am a wizard boy lol, neither do i intend to be one, dunno where u got this from lol, u been watching too much harry potter i suppose.

The clever stuff is arleady dealt with, its no crime to be clever .. Immature? pff do n't know where u got that one from LOL .. perhaps he isn't used to my ways of doing things.  I have in fact called people immature myself on multiple occasions when i see them blindly ignoring logic and blindly ignoring respect for people's feelings.  I have done neither as far as i am aware.  You have opinions about people wanting to run in circles FOR me , to PROOVE to me someothing lol. Well dude, this isn't just about "ME" haha. i am not an ego self centric person as you might assume, i do this for many great causes by which i could explain here, but dont know why i have to do that because you shouldnt be making assumptions about who i am or where i have come from etc etc, becasue the moment you do that to a person you immidiately begin to dis respect them.  Yes i hate being the father here, tellin the young ones how to communicate, but i feel its my necessary role considering the post you presented me with.  You come across being my enemy , why so? this is a forum where we share information and try to resolve things, i don't want to really add you to my already many list.

Other chump :: its ok that you agree with the other dewd, but does it make you any more valid? Not really son.  And yes i do know a lot, but of course not everything, i am not google lol, and no not really i am very open minded etc to many things, so really no need for that comment son.  I wouldnt be here if i knew everything would i son ?

I don't need "someone" to proove, no i am not leecher and no i am not looking for proof, i am here for science and to satify much curiousity in the minds of many many millions of people.  I trust my sound reasoning and ability to view things from many angles and perspectives, im sorry if my powerful new post has scared u , ur probably not used to someone who is so eager to confront a challenge.  I would take everyone's advice, if the advice is solid and it has evidence to support it and if it will promote a greater understanding and increase productivity etc, sure i'll take it, for whcih reason do you think i will not take anyoens' advice? If anyone includes you , then you could be on to something, because i don't want to take advice from people who blindly attack and misunderstand a curious helpful person. 

Last food for thought to you both .. Have a long think about what u think is negative , and what u think is positive .. you can't be so sure that negative is really not good ^^ , and if its not good, it could be positive, who knows ???

Peace & Love d3nd3 xxxx



I can tell you this...

If you come here out of genuine curiosity to actually learn to do this stuff for yourself in an effort to prove it to YOURSELF, then you'll probably have an excellent time.
If you're here to half-assedly try to do this stuff, and you're here under the assumption that you're going to try and prove that this doesn't exist to everyone else, you're not going to have a good time here.

Work from a position of respect and love.  Not fear and contempt.

In the end, you can only ever prove or disprove astral projection "to yourself", nobody else.
There are many people here who have already proved it to themselves, myself included.  Our effort is to give people the tools required to prove it to themselves.



Quote from: d3nd3 on April 22, 2011, 11:32:41
I want to be able to have an Out Of Body Experience, and usually when i want something, i get it. Its just the general thing with me and my life, everything i have seeked, i have gotten. And so therefore , i can conclude that if i do not get this Out Of Body Expererience reasonably soon, it does mean that its highly like the whole thing is a hoax.

Hahaha, wow.. I stopped reading there.


Hallo d3nd3 and welcome.
First I have posted several of my most recent OBEs in this forum. Look for the titles --
"OBE Road To Hell",
"OBE Late For Wakeup",
and "OBE Short Evening Walk" (among others) all by greytraveller.

Second, Please try to Not be too impatient regards experiencing your first OBE. Different people progress at different speeds. Some people manage to have their first OBE after only a few days of trying. For many other it takes longer. It took me 6 Months before I managed my first conscious and deliberate OBE. I recently read an account by someone in another webbsite ( btw) who claimed to have had his first OBE after 6 YEARS of trying! So, as you can see, your first OBE might take awhile.

Good Luck  8-)


Quote from: Astral316 on April 22, 2011, 13:59:45
Hahaha, wow.. I stopped reading there.

astral316, if you have had a bad day and now you come to this forum to unload ur anger on other people i ask you to stop this, we are trying to solve the riddle named Out Of Body Experience if you dont mind........
skype = d3cammy



Yeah that's what I was assuming. Lol. They have the same errors in spelling and a lot if the same characteristics in their sentence structures.


Quote from: d3nd3 on April 22, 2011, 11:32:41
Hello i am user here, i come spread positive energy in the forum.  I have some questions for u folks there , you programs.

I want to be able to have an Out Of Body Experience, and usually when i want something, i get it. Its just the general thing with me and my life, everything i have seeked, i have gotten. And so therefore , i can conclude that if i do not get this Out Of Body Expererience reasonably soon, it does mean that its highly like the whole thing is a hoax.  I will look at things from all aspects, and go ahead and call me arrogant i don't care, i am actually very aware of my high capacity of thinking and analysing, its ok if you envy me lol.

Well , the purpose of this post is to raise some questions and for people to begin to take this topic serious, now that the most serious person who always achieves what he wants in life is on teh topic, you are guys are lucky.

Ok first off i want to see here, Please someone post if you have had an obe, and then add me to skype at d3nd3-o0 for further investigation.

Secondly, if you are a skeptic like myself, then add me too , and i will involve you with teh other skeptics who are seeking the correct answer.  Yes we have all heard the phrase : " go experience it to be happy " .. but that doesn't quite cut it for us skeptics who spend literally endless hours trying the same thing over and over.  I hate to sound rude, but its the reality of this situation, some order needs to be put in place here.

Ok thats all for now, this is by no means the END of me. I am going to be here for the next 60 + years of this forums' life to see for certain the answer and whether or not you were all fakers, just teasing the younger population.  Hope this raises some positive vibrational frequency amongst the fellow wizards here.

lol GL into your scientific investigation. Please dont leave us hangn, update your recently found evidence throughout your investigation.

P.s. I love your brain disease post -u might be on to something ;)


Quote from: doncaras on April 22, 2011, 15:54:49

lol you may belive whatever you want but the reason one would do that is to gain strenght from another person? usenig fake method? you can clearly see that d3nd3 does not require such methods lol...

why you post so much nonsense here? cant you talk about the real topics?
dont just post any crap here -.- u can do that in facebook or whatever....

guys open your minds and start thinking, dont just sit back in your chair beeing lazy
laziness is your worst enemy!! hate it!! make it not corrupt your beatifull mind!!!
skype = d3cammy


Guys, let's try to just talk about the subject.  :)

The initiate post was made by someone who, seemingly, wants to learn to project... whatever the motives behind it are, aren't really that important.  As long as they're willing to put in the time and effort, I have no doubt that they'll find the answers they seek.

And just so it's clear... I have investigated all parties in this thread, and nobody "seems" to double-accounting. 
So please, let's just move on to the discussion at hand and try to be civil and not jump to conclusions.

Thanks!  :)


Quote from: alfalfa on April 22, 2011, 15:18:59
astral316, if you have had a bad day and now you come to this forum to unload ur anger on other people i ask you to stop this, we are trying to solve the riddle named Out Of Body Experience if you dont mind........

Oh my, well... So SORRY to INTERUPT. [/Billy Madison]



This topic is funny. One side of me wishes the answers could be gained by analytical thinking, and the other side knows that's not possible. And they like to punch each other.


Quote from: d3nd3 on April 22, 2011, 11:32:41
Hello i am user here, i come spread positive energy in the forum.  I have some questions for u folks there , you programs.

I want to be able to have an Out Of Body Experience, and usually when i want something, i get it. Its just the general thing with me and my life, everything i have seeked, i have gotten. And so therefore , i can conclude that if i do not get this Out Of Body Expererience reasonably soon, it does mean that its highly like the whole thing is a hoax.  I will look at things from all aspects, and go ahead and call me arrogant i don't care, i am actually very aware of my high capacity of thinking and analysing, its ok if you envy me lol.

Well , the purpose of this post is to raise some questions and for people to begin to take this topic serious, now that the most serious person who always achieves what he wants in life is on teh topic, you are guys are lucky.

Ok first off i want to see here, Please someone post if you have had an obe, and then add me to skype at d3nd3-o0 for further investigation.

Secondly, if you are a skeptic like myself, then add me too , and i will involve you with teh other skeptics who are seeking the correct answer.  Yes we have all heard the phrase : " go experience it to be happy " .. but that doesn't quite cut it for us skeptics who spend literally endless hours trying the same thing over and over.  I hate to sound rude, but its the reality of this situation, some order needs to be put in place here.

Ok thats all for now, this is by no means the END of me. I am going to be here for the next 60 + years of this forums' life to see for certain the answer and whether or not you were all fakers, just teasing the younger population.  Hope this raises some positive vibrational frequency amongst the fellow wizards here.

good show sir.

have your investigations found any of the answers that you seek?

i would be interested to know.

be awesome.


It took me about 5 years to achieve a full-blown OBE. I'm a sceptic and I still double guess myself constantly, but I have come to realise it's not really that important to get hard proof here. As Xanth said, you are the only one you have to prove anything to. If I ever get to prove anything, that will be good, but in the meantime I'm having fun.

So relax and enjoy yourself if you want. Don't if you don't.
My humble OBE and LD diary:


Quote from: Re on April 25, 2011, 19:22:38
It took me about 5 years to achieve a full-blown OBE. I'm a sceptic and I still double guess myself constantly, but I have come to realise it's not really that important to get hard proof here. As Xanth said, you are the only one you have to prove anything to. If I ever get to prove anything, that will be good, but in the meantime I'm having fun.

So relax and enjoy yourself if you want. Don't if you don't.
I think you just won the thread.  :)


Will I win if I drop your name too?
be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on April 25, 2011, 22:39:10
Will I win if I drop your name too?
ROFL!  I honestly didn't even see my name there.

Goggles Pizano

d3nd- Your approach to the subject of OBE & astral Projection is akin to an astronomer holding a

lighter in front of a telescope, & thus,  attempt to light up the entire universe...

Well , the purpose of this post is to raise some questions and for people to begin to take

this topic serious, now that the most serious person who always achieves what he wants in life

is on teh topic, you are guys are lucky.

Naive, yet concieted. Possibly par for the course for a newcomer to the subject, so don't worry about it.

Yes we have all heard the phrase : " go experience it to be happy " .. but that doesn't quite

cut it for us skeptics who spend literally endless hours trying the same thing over and over.  I

hate to sound rude, but its the reality of this situation, some order needs to be put in place


This, while a seemingly standoffish statement, is a refreshing contrast to the attitude of most

skeptics- The flawed concept of "burdon of proof". It will not be handed to you on a silver

platter- least of all here. You want proof? You will work for it.  

I am going to be here for the next 60 + years of this forums' life to see for certain the

answer and whether or not you were all fakers, just teasing the younger population.

Whether or not you achieve the skill in question has nothing to do with whether everyone who has

ever claimed to have an obe is faking it, success or failure depends entirely on YOU. Start by

reading historical accounts of OBEs- they go back a long, long, long way.Since mankinds

beginnings, infact. You don't actually reason that everyone in history, ever, is lying & "faking

it", or deluded beyond hope? Use you "high capacity thinking" to think of some common sense,


Hope this raises some positive vibrational frequency amongst the fellow wizards here.

Wizards? Don't worry- any naivete will be burned off, & forged into strong, direct experience.

In your search for absolutes, understand that they are usually nothing more than human-made

constructs, reflecting not the ever-present absolute, but the belief systems, cutural framings, & perceptual idiosyncrocies, of the questioner- similar to the way a scientist does not neccesarily discover natural truths, but instead, receives natures response to his line of questioning.

Just to be curious about the subject may not (probably won't) be enough. Just how badly do you want to know?

in cycles of 9
all the way to the grave
this fortune paves


i would have thought someone who is so "very aware of his high capacity of thinking and analysing" would have a better grasp of spelling, grammar and logical debate.

that aside, the community is here to develop themselves and help each other, not to prove a thing.
There are 00110010 types of people in this world.
Those who understand binary mathematics and those who don't.