The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: hotshotrobot on November 06, 2005, 19:27:01

Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: hotshotrobot on November 06, 2005, 19:27:01
I listened to Boxed Nirvana I last night before I went to sleep, turned it off, went to sleep, and "woke up" an hour later after a very lucid experience. When I awoke, it felt more like I was merely opening my eyes, and not like I had been sleeping at all.

My problem is this: I remember getting vibrations and floating out of my body and suddenly being in a sort of dream version of my room. This sounds like an AP for sure, but I think I may have merely dreamt the vibrational experience and separation from my body, because I remember it the way one remembers a dream (iow, not particularly vividly.) Is it more likely that I dreamt this experience, as I've read enough about it that my mind could easily create a facsimile? If you get vibrations, do you always clearly remember the experience?

Thanks in advance,
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: lkjewr on November 06, 2005, 19:44:07

My input is to continue on and you'll be able to discern the difference better after you have more experiences of all the different types of experiences. Perhaps only you can know the difference in this situation.

You can remember OBEs after the fact and the memory be hazy. I'm sure we've all been very sleepy (or drunk) and hazily walked to the bedroom or wherever, and thought we dreamed it but actually woke up in the bedroom or wherever we walked to. And that was a physical occurence! And we can false awakening a mock OBE too. I'm sure you'll discover the answer soon. :)
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: jay dawg on November 06, 2005, 23:26:33
im an AP newb, but ive had really hazy experiences where i had vibes and floated around my room, kind of lucid. i rmember thinking i was OBE or LDing at the time but it was so hazy and electric feeling. i had some recall of it. not sure what it was too
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: Cereal-N-Milk on November 07, 2005, 16:59:59
Hey. Im just wondering, is a Lucid Dream basicly when you know you are dreaming, and you stop the dream and you controll the whole thing? Because today- this morning acually, after I woke up I was mad tired, so I closed my eyes, and went to sleep in like a second (very unusual for me ) and I became fully aware of my dream, it was strange and this never happened to me before. I didnt change anything in the dream; i was about to try, and then my mom came and woke me up, i was sortof angry lol, but who cares ill try again tonight. I found that ince Ive been practicing mainly how to get my mind awake while im sleeping fast ( i could do it for as long as I can remember it just took a long time ) Ive been able to get to sleep pretty fast. It used to take me a while 25-30 minutes usually, but now it take like 5-10 to get in a sleepy mode lol im so happy :grin:  :grin:  :approve:
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: lkjewr on November 07, 2005, 17:06:12
Hey. That's basically it. Congrats.

You can look at your hands in the lucid dream, and then roll to the side and roll out of body from a lucid dream.
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: Cereal-N-Milk on November 07, 2005, 20:45:04
^^ thats what I want to do. So all you have to do, is just basiclly wake youre dream body up, and your having a lucid dream? If thats it, im gonan try that tonight, and then try to go astral.
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: lkjewr on November 07, 2005, 21:22:40
Quote from: Cereal-N-Milk^^ thats what I want to do. So all you have to do, is just basiclly wake youre dream body up, and your having a lucid dream? If thats it, im gonan try that tonight, and then try to go astral.

Yep. It's that simple. Unconsciously dreaming, dream... Aware that you're dreaming, lucid dream.. :cool:

Tip: If you spend a lot of time during the day questioning yourself if you are dreaming or not (when dreaming and not lucid you don't know you're dreaming:exclamation:), you may happen to be dreaming and out of habit ask yourself if you are dreaming, and find that you are. Then you're lucid.

If I had a good journal entry of using a lucid dream to project I'd post it. I'll gather another experience and post it for you. See if you can get one too, and we'll share our progress and findings. Ok?
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: Cereal-N-Milk on November 09, 2005, 22:44:48
^ yeah I did that a lot this week, and it acually helped me remember my dreams. Ide say I started doing that sunday, and now its wendsday and i remembered most of every dream exepct last night for some reason. Im gonan try to get a lucid dream and then go to an OBE. Because it seems easier/quicker at the moment.
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: Jazket on November 09, 2005, 23:07:29
Next time you have the same experience, and for most of the times after you are back into your body and you had an experience, of any of its kinds, please DO NOT move, not even a finger. Do not try to move your body so fast because you will lose mostly all of what you saw/experienced, and the result will be just this what you spoke about.

The cause of this is because all of the facts we are experimenting once we are out of our body, is being "recorded" in our conscience, we are having a drastic "modification" in our conscience, that means, that "modification" cannot be rolled back, that's why the word "experience" exist, it means that once you do something, and once you experience it more than once, you will become used to this, and will gain knowledge about it, or in other words "experience"  :roll: and since that modification cannot be rolled back, it is staying "rec-taped" there in that other fake -powerless- second state wrongly called "sub conscience". (this is one of the reasons why some people could remember their past lives, because nothing is lost, nothing, everything stays saved).

Now, the things you experience with your spirit, are way too difficult for the physic brain to retain, unless a strong method of concentration is used. But to gain this concentration you have to first, stop any interaction with your body once you are back into it, and focus on the glimpses of thoughts you have at the moment. Focus all of your attention into those thoughts, so your brain can start with the "recompilation" as it takes those thoughts and tries keep them.

Always remember to concentrate "FIRST!" before doing any type of interaction with your body, every time you are back into it.

Remember that Practice is the key.
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: lkjewr on November 09, 2005, 23:40:33
Quote from: Cereal-N-Milk^ yeah I did that a lot this week, and it acually helped me remember my dreams. Ide say I started doing that sunday, and now its wendsday and i remembered most of every dream exepct last night for some reason. Im gonan try to get a lucid dream and then go to an OBE. Because it seems easier/quicker at the moment.

Hey CNM..

I'll join you.

Theory: If we're both practice this method and share the results of our progress, we can help each other progress faster. Cool??


And Jazket- thank you for the tips and info. :smile:

Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: hotshotrobot on November 10, 2005, 00:35:51
Thanks for the tips all.

Can someone tell me more about how to "OBE" from a lucid dream? Or how to do anything from a lucid dream for that matter. For instance, how do I stabilize my lucidity? Or how can I get to Focus 3?

One last question, is when you phase to focus 2, are you in the same place as when you are lucid dreaming?

Title: Thank you..
Post by: lkjewr on November 10, 2005, 02:40:35
Quote from: hotshotrobotThanks for the tips all.

Can someone tell me more about how to "OBE" from a lucid dream? Or how to do anything from a lucid dream for that matter. For instance, how do I stabilize my lucidity? Or how can I get to Focus 3?

One last question, is when you phase to focus 2, are you in the same place as when you are lucid dreaming?


Hey hotshotrobot..

You're welcome if my advice helped. :smile:

From in a lucid dream I've stared at my hands for stabilization, and then simply rolled out (usually leading with my dream hands.) Apparently when dreaming the nonphysical body is already 'out', and you just need to become conscious and have at it!

I'm not versed in the focus levels. :smile:
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: Ben K on November 10, 2005, 03:39:06

ive had the same exact experience. I was practicing randomly once during the day and i remember getting strong vibrations and floating up and down a couple times. It was really hazy and i slipped right back into a dream but i can without a doubt say that what you experienced was "real".

Whats the difference between you having a dream of the vibes and actually getting the vibes? nothing!
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: Jazket on November 10, 2005, 06:41:05
Quote from: Ben Khotshot...

I've had the same exact experience. I was practicing randomly once during the day and i remember getting strong vibrations and floating up and down a couple times. It was really hazy and i slipped right back into a dream but i can without a doubt say that what you experienced was "real".

Whats the difference between you having a dream of the vibes and actually getting the vibes? nothing!

To Help you clear out a few concepts, and I hope most of you can read this:

"There are differences that can define the "reality" from the "imagination". Our conscience has a property called "imagination", which is what gives us the power to create any kind of "fake" thought, those thoughts that would not be real in the state of materialization we are living here in this planet. So you have to be aware, and very very sure that what you are seeing is not a "creation" of your own mind!

Our mind has the power to create. Once you are dreaming and you are seeing very weird things, that they DO NOT MATCH the reality, then you should stop and say "this must be creation of my own mind, because it is not true that a pink elephant could fly." There are no pink elephants in the spiritual world, or lets say it in a more understandable way, there are no pink elephants in the reality. So before you say that you had an OBE, or a lucid dream, stop and think if all what you had remembered wasn't just a creation of your own conscience. There are also more ways to define the "control" level of your OBEs,  but about that I should talk later...
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: Ben K on November 10, 2005, 22:27:56
Quote from: Jazket
Quote from: Ben Khotshot...

I've had the same exact experience. I was practicing randomly once during the day and i remember getting strong vibrations and floating up and down a couple times. It was really hazy and i slipped right back into a dream but i can without a doubt say that what you experienced was "real".

Whats the difference between you having a dream of the vibes and actually getting the vibes? nothing!

To Help you clear out a few concepts, and I hope most of you can read this:

"There are differences that can define the "reality" from the "imagination". Our conscience has a property called "imagination", which is what gives us the power to create any kind of "fake" thought, those thoughts that would not be real in the state of materialization we are living here in this planet. So you have to be aware, and very very sure that what you are seeing is not a "creation" of your own mind!

Our mind has the power to create. Once you are dreaming and you are seeing very weird things, that they DO NOT MATCH the reality, then you should stop and say "this must be creation of my own mind, because it is not true that a pink elephant could fly." There are no pink elephants in the spiritual world, or lets say it in a more understandable way, there are no pink elephants in the reality. So before you say that you had an OBE, or a lucid dream, stop and think if all what you had remembered wasn't just a creation of your own conscience. There are also more ways to define the "control" level of your OBEs,  but about that I should talk later...

But what is reality? If you take our consensus reality as the "true" reality then im sorry to say your sadly mistaken. The things you see in your mind are just as real as the things outside them.

All lucid dreams ARE creations of your own conscience. Most people who have "astral projection" experiences are experiencing constructs of their own mind, their own consience.

I dont get your point  :confused:
Title: Did I AP or LD?
Post by: Jazket on November 11, 2005, 08:48:19
Quote from: Ben K
But what is reality? If you take our consensus reality as the "true" reality then I'm sorry to say your sadly mistaken. The things you see in your mind are just as real as the things outside them.

All lucid dreams ARE creations of your own conscience. Most people who have "astral projection" experiences are experiencing constructs of their own mind, their own conscience.

I dint get your point  :confused:

A Normal person, normal at all (literally talking) even more normal than us (if we are out of the "normal" concepts of the humanity) has the POSSIBILITY to stay trapped for long and long times in "mental states", which are MOST of the times Creations of their own conscience <- fact that they still don't know because they do not know how powerful our conscience could become with hard work and terrible experiences in a long term...

I'm going to tell you an story so you can understand me better.. This is a real fact:

"One day I was walking in a street that for some reason I seemed to remember as a place I knew from long ago... I was walking this street as the sun was appearing, the night was fading away and the light would shine bright again soon... then I saw a man with a bag full of what seemed to be "rocks"... a lot of them... I stop and I asked him "Poor man, why are you carrying that sack of rocks up in your back? Why is this?" So he kept walking without giving me an answer... He was looking straight ahead... I got in front of him and asked him again, He said: "This is what I do for a living..."

I quickly understood this Man died some years ago, as I knew where I was, unlike him, who thought he was still living like any other person... Later I told him "stop what you are doing because you don't have to do it anymore, you are dead. Look around you. Why are you here at this time? where is your family?"... He understood what I said cause he knew that he never saw his family again.

I understood the situation and came to believe that this poor man was killed in the same street, maybe while he was on duty (during his labor hours) by either a car or any other natural process... Again I left him there trying to find a way to accept his fate and left back to where I was headed since the first moment..."

He didn't get adapted at the fact that he was dead, so he "thought" he was still alive, and working as any other day of his life.

Look how I quoted the word "thought". You have to know that our mind is the creator, our conscience drives our mind, and our mind creates, if you are used to these concepts you will understand what I meant, otherwise it would be hard for you to accept it, as I seems to be already...

But this is not the only fact to prove what I mean, even when there is nothing I want to prove cause it all means "faith"; if you don't have faith in something you know, leave it, if you don't know it, learn it and believe if you must. So back to the subject again, another way to explain a mental state, or a mental trap, would be something like the "Long Wait for Jesus to Come back" of the religious people now in days:

Do you know that even there in the cemeteries, you can find people laying in their tombs "waiting" until God comes to judge us all, or an Angel comes and take them to heaven?

This my brother, Is one of the worst mental states that our mind could ever create, cause this stop us from advancing, as we may lay there for years, decades, centuries, OH YES!, without even noticing how "in-material" we already are, and it stop us from learning more of the Spiritual World so we can be ready for our next life...

My excuses if I am not as clear as you want me to be.